Mystic Dominator

Chapter 108: waiting for night

Watching the remaining two investigators take the prisoner out of the church, Ronald stood at the door for a long time before he regained his senses.

The first thing he did at this moment was to look at the pistol in his arms.


——A few drops of uncontrollable cold sweat fell from behind.

Some people in Devil May Cry Generation can't double jump;

Someone in Assassin's Creed can't swim;

A certain mythical beast in Pokemon cannot fly.

Before he crossed, Ronald had the same 'superpower' with the same innate talent - not knowing how to use a gun.

Influenced by his occupation, he naturally came into contact with and learned the use of firearms when he traveled around the world.

The problem appeared naturally.

The way of grasping the firearm is kept in mind, and there is no problem with the eyesight of both eyes. The physique of a normal adult is also sufficient to control ordinary firearms.

But as long as the target of shooting is more than five meters away, Ronald will definitely not be able to hit the target.

—Unless a shotgun is used.

This matter is a fact obtained after confirmation by various organizations such as shooting clubs and shooting ranges.

He just can't control the shooting of guns!

So Ronald actually didn't deceive Arida when he was above Montenegro.

He was born at odds with guns.

Rather than fighting with this thing, Ronald might as well go to the farmer's house and borrow a dung fork, at least that thing is long enough...

Just as Ronald sighed with his pistol in his hand, the priest's voice came from behind him.

"Mr. Ronald?"

"When are you going to leave?"

Probably because Willard's aura was too overwhelming. Even now that he had left, the priest's voice was still cautious when facing Ronald, who was also an investigator.

Hearing the priest's voice, Ronald turned to look in the direction of the sea.

Just slightly in the sky due west, the sun is descending towards the sea level, and the dazzling light during the day has begun to dim.

In another hour or two, it will be dark.

After thinking for a moment, Ronald replied:

"I'll deal with it after the sun goes down. It's more convenient when it's dark."

"But can you tell me in detail about what happened here?"

"Of course, of course, no problem."

The priest immediately nodded, then pointed to the courtyard behind the church and said:

"About what happened to Celefis, I recorded everything in the file according to the regulations, and I did not omit anything from the beginning to the end."

Immediately, the priest stepped forward and closed the door of the church.

After picking up the book he had read from the chair, he led Ronald to the backyard.

Passing through the corridor connected to the chapel, the two came to the room on the left side of the back courtyard.

The door here is not locked, so it is left open.

Walking through the door, the situation inside was unobstructed.

This library.

Although due to the size of the church, it cannot store too many books, but because it is not too far from Berronwich, with the support and influence of the headquarters, the bookshelves here are basically filled with books.

After a few casual glances, Ronald confirmed the collection of books here.

In addition to books about the church itself, as well as miscellaneous books that record geography and flora, even the Burrenwich Yearbook, which was released last year, can be found here.

For a church in a small place, this is already an excellent level of book collection.

Of course, things like the mystery side are completely invisible.

As the oldest religious institution in the world, the church not only attaches importance to the collection and dissemination of knowledge, but also does a good job in protection.

Just as Ronald looked around.

The priest picked up the oil lamp on the table to the right of the entrance to the room and lit it skillfully, then walked further into the room.

Going around two or three bookshelves, he finally stopped in front of a wall with no books on it.

Seeing this scene, Ronald carefully understood.

Sure enough, that one is coming!

The next second, the priest's actions confirmed his conjecture.

At a position on the wall where he couldn't see anything special, he stretched out his right hand and pressed it down.


With a soft sound, a crack popped open in the wall.

Above this wall, there is actually a movable door hidden.

The priest stretched out his hand and pulled, and the passage leading to the underground appeared in front of the two of them.

People on the mysterious side prefer to go underground...

While sighing in his heart, Ronald also followed the priest into the ground.

This downward step is not complicated, so it descended about three meters, and the two came to the bottom of the basement.

With the lights flickering from the priest's lantern illuminating the surroundings, Ronald could see that this was a room similar to an archive. Various files were piled up in various places in the room, and the smell of old paper pages permeated almost the entire basement.

Of course, in addition to the most conspicuous dossier documents, there are also a few collections of books here.

On the right side of the room after coming down, there are scattered books on a bookshelf against the wall.

"Records of the Current Mainstream Schools", "The Devotional Ritual of the Believers", "Worship Codes"...

Books like this, just by looking at the name, you can see that this is the real mystery side book.

Ordinary people will become the kind of [seed] after reading Unlike Ronald, who stood at the entrance and looked around, the priest who has lived here for many years looks like he walked aside as usual and put the lantern on it. On the desk, he immediately picked out a fairly new document from the dossier in front of him.

"Mr. Ronald, this is the record of Celefis' recent problems, can you just read it here?"

"I want to record what happened today."

Ronald took the document, then nodded his head:

"If you please, I'll take a look for myself."

When the voice fell, the priest turned his head and walked to the table where the lantern was playing.

This is the church staff...

Or in the territory of Grid, this is the main job of church personnel.

Because of the witch hunt that happened in ancient times, the people of the church have a systematic ability to monitor mysterious people, and they are naturally the best monitors to avoid the number of [seeds] exceeding the threshold.

So in addition to preaching and using faith to appease the people.

It is also their task to record the activities of mysterious people in a region on a daily basis, and at the same time to hand them over to the government. At least in terms of guarding against the alienation of the world, the people of the church are definitely the mainstay of Grid.

Watching the priest concentrate on his work, the pen tip made a nice 'rustle' sound on the page.

Ronald nodded slightly, then pressed his finger on the document in his hand.

According to the investigator who has left Celefis, his finishing work tonight is quite simple, and any novice investigator can handle it alone.

But even so.

To be on the safe side, Ronald still wanted to take a good look at this record.

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