Mystic Dominator

Chapter 107: Assignments

After a period of explanation, the priest finally understood what Nicole meant.

The Bureau of Investigation did not intend to give up Celefis, nor did it hope that there would continue to be victims here. It's just that the situation in the city is really very serious, and the Bureau of Investigation will call people who are out to do business to return to Burrenwich as a last resort.

After the conversation was over, the priest sat in the chair and thought for nearly a quarter of an hour.

In the end, a somewhat lonely expression appeared on the man's face.

"I see."

"But when the affairs of Burrenwich are finished, I hope you can deal with the affairs here as soon as possible. After all, this is only a small-scale town."

Nicole nodded solemnly, and said meticulously:

"No problem, I promise you in the name of the queen."

"Wait until things in the city..."

Just when the investigator girl was about to make a promise, a calm male voice suddenly sounded from the church door:

"Nicole, what are you talking about there?"

"Things that you can guarantee in the name of the queen are not common."

Hearing the sound, the three people in the church immediately turned to look.

Right at the open door of the church, three guys with the same coat and wide hat were walking in. Although their clothes were a little embarrassed and they were obviously injured, there was no doubt that these three were investigators.

Because the man who spoke at the moment was the Willard that Ronald and Nicole were looking for!

It is worth noting that the investigator at the back of the three was carrying a comatose man on his back. Associating their activities in this town, it is easy to see their condition.

——Their mission is probably completed.

"Mr. Willard!"

Looking at the three investigators who walked in, without waiting for Nicole to reply first, the priest sitting in the chair stood up to greet them, with a very excited tone and expression:

"I...I really..."

"Are you..."

"Okay, Mr. Connie." Looking at the excited priest, Willard patted the other person's shoulder, and then pointed to the guy behind him who was being carried, "This guy has been caught, you can rest assured. ."

"Celefis from the next, no one will be killed again."


The priest immediately lost his voice.

Standing on the spot, his body trembled with excitement, he tried his best to suppress his excitement, so that he could at least speak clearly:

"Really...thank you very much!"

"The children of Celefis don't understand, but...but I..."

Willard has also encountered many such situations.

As a few mysterious insiders, this kind of person who bears the truth alone usually puts a lot of pressure on himself, and the priest's reaction is quite normal.

Putting on a kind smile, he immediately reassured the priest:

"It's okay, that's what our investigators do."

"No need for that."

The priest nodded, and the excited expression on his face began to cool down:

"I...I understand."

Seeing that the priest had calmed down, Willard turned his eyes to Nicole.

Looking at the duo who came from Berlenwich, his tone immediately became serious:

"If I remember correctly, the news I left in the bureau is that I won't be seeing you for a week before I make other preparations. Nicole, you guys came a little early."

"It's not a matter of time now." Nicole shook her head. They were all colleagues of the Bureau of Investigation, and she had no worries, so she explained it simply, "This morning, the building of our Bureau of Investigation was very good. They were all found and bombed, and if you don’t call people back, God knows what kind of trouble it will turn into!”

"Did the building blow up?"

Willard raised his eyes, obviously the answer exceeded his expectations.

"Nicole, don't make fun of me about this kind of thing."

"Who dares to bomb the building of our Investigation Bureau?"

"Why am I joking about this with you, looking for a game?" The investigator girl shrugged helplessly, then pointed to Ronald behind her, "Besides, the first witness at the scene was there Here it is."

"Actually, it was quite a coincidence. Yesterday I was..."

Approaching Willard, Nicole began to tell about what happened in Burrenwich while the other party was away these days.

As the investigators raided the cult warlock at night, and the counterattack launched by the other party this morning, the incidents were narrated one by one.

The expression on Willard's face quickly darkened.

After everything was said, this tall man stood motionless. But the feeling of depression and anger can be felt by everyone present.

Especially the priest named Connie in the church was shocked by Willard's aura. His previous excitement had completely disappeared, and there was only awe for the person in front of him in his eyes.


The silence in the church lasted for more than a minute before Willard controlled the anger in his heart.

Immediately, the investigator began to issue orders to the investigators present:

"Nicole, you and I will go back to Burrenwich first with the carriage."

"For the situation in the city, we need to arrive immediately."

After saying this, Willard looked at the two people behind him:

"George, you and Hudgens can either hire a carriage or walk back. In short, keep an eye on the prisoner and get back to Burrenwich before night falls."

Instructing the two Willard's eyes finally came to Ronald.

Without any hesitation, he simply said:

"Ronald, right?"

"I have already dealt with the main issues of Celefis, but there is still some finishing work, so you can deal with it here."

While speaking, Willard stepped forward and stuffed something cold into Ronald's arms:

"Take this well. If someone from the mysterious side obstructs you, or runs over to get in the way, just deal with it."

After speaking, Willard turned around and walked towards the church door:

"Nicole, let's go immediately!"

"no problem!"

Responding to Willard, Nicole gave Ronald an encouraging thumbs up and followed.

Walking out of the church, the two jumped into the carriage one after the other.

The figure disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.


Standing there for a while, Ronald looked down at his hand.

The cold thing Willard handed over was a revolver.

At first glance, the shape and size are the same as those used by Ni before, and it should be a mass-produced weapon on the same production line.

So myself...

Is this the gunman?

At this moment, the remaining two investigators also had their own actions.

Because it was inconvenient for Hudgens to carry the unconscious prisoner, George was responsible for going out to hire a carriage.

While staying in the church, Hudgens, who was carrying the prisoner, looked up at Ronald:

"Ronald, let me talk about your finishing touches after that."

"After all, you just arrived, so you probably don't know much about the situation."

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