Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 256: Level 0 routine

"pat, pat..."

Like the sound of a wet rag slapping the ground, it came from all directions, not one or two, nor the feeling of being surrounded, but as if the same sound came from all directions.

Snow secretly contacted Lily and confirmed that the ceremony of praying for the gift could be started at any time, and then he observed the state of the others. The worried expressions on Sera and Wright's faces were not a problem, but Jack, Barbossa, and even seemed to be at any time. Nomila, who would be killed by the negative effects of the sealed objects, looked like she didn't care.

As if he couldn't hear that sound at all, he just maintained his vigilance against other people to prevent them from attacking violently at the moment when he was careless.

"Hey... Did you hear it? The ship is eating! When those corpses are finished, it will be your turn!" Barbossa, the former apostle of desire, obviously felt the emotions of Sera and Wright, and said immediately.

"Ah!" Wright sneezed fortunately, and his brain was shaking, but he didn't hear what Barbossa said, but Sera was a mere Sequence Seven, and it took almost two words. began to be affected.

Noticing that Sera's body began to tremble, Snow snapped his fingers. With the crisp sound, Sera's eyes suddenly became blank, and many problems that had been plaguing her seemed to be solved in an instant. White smoke rose from the top of her head, and at this moment, she seemed to have forgotten all her fears.

It amplifies the ability of rational thinking and weakens the stress response to the outside world. In this state, the nature of the Sierra Reader pathway will be amplified to the limit, unless Barbossa directly uses the devil's mind to detonate , otherwise Sera will no longer be bewitched by his words.

However, the abyss pathway itself is known for being "easy to lose control". It is a question whether he dares to use Beyonder abilities casually when he encounters a battle just after completing his promotion.

If it weren't for this, Nomila would not be able to confront him with the strength of Sequence Six, even if he was originally to hunt down Barbossa and boarded the ship, it would be impossible with a sealed item that restrains the devil on his body.

As for Jack...

Even if he is currently showing an attitude of willingness to fight against Barbossa with Nomila, it seems that the other party is being monitored by the Church of the Storms. If there is a chance, Jack will not mind stabbing Nomila twice.

The wet clack gradually disappeared, and the feeling in the cabin became darker and darker. It was a strange darkness with a sweet and **** smell, but a faint blood-red brilliance was revealed from the depths, even if Snow held the night in his hand. The holy emblem is still unable to obtain shelter in such a dim environment.

"Don't waste your energy, this is not the realm of the night." Barbossa did not miss any opportunity for language confrontation, but before he could continue speaking, Sera said in a somewhat mechanical voice:

"This is the Crimson Scholar's Crimson Moon Domain, and this ship is the ghost ship corresponding to the Viscount of the Blood Race."

With Serra's words, the crimson radiance soaked in the darkness became more and more intense, Snow could feel his spirituality is soaring, Barbossa let out a soothing roar, and sulphur wafted faintly from the cracked skin breath.

At this time, Nomila looked as if it was made of gold. He raised the dagger in his hand, and a bright sunlight suddenly radiated towards the surroundings. At the same time as the sound of chi chi corrosion like strong acid corrodes minerals, the crimson radiance sounded. also disappeared again.

The black smoke coming out of Barbossa's body became more and more, and the skin of many parts was already charred black, but he smiled very happily. On the other hand, on the other hand, Nuo, who was still holding a golden short sword, was facing him. Mila's body also lost its golden color and turned back to a pale complexion, but the green part of his hair became thinner and thinner, and the whole showed a deep gray.

"Again! It's the fourth time you've used this **** sealed artifact! How many more times can you use it? Twice? Once? Or not even once?"

Barbossa stimulated Nomira with words, trying to make him lose control of his emotions, but Nomira's spirit was very strong, holding the dagger with both hands, even if every use would make him one step closer to death, But he still had no intention of giving up. He just adjusted his posture, looked at Barbossa indifferently, and said in a dry voice as if he was dying of thirst:

"Enough to hold on until you get out of control!"

"Then you can try it out!" Barbossa was disdainful of it, but his reddish-brown eyes flashed a bit, and at this moment, Wright's body suddenly stiffened, and then, standing behind him Snow and Sera, who were still there, saw his constant gestures.

Sera carefully took out a brass plate the size of a palm, and after a few silent recitations, she shook her head, but Snow's eyes were still focused on Jack.

After a while, he said:

"Mr. Jack, I want to know, where is this ship going?"

"I don't know." Jack said calmly, not pretending:

"The ship has acquired the character of being alive, and no one knows where it will go next."

"It's just that I don't know where to drive, not that I don't know where to drive?" Snow's tone brought some ridicule, and Jack frowned slightly and said:

"Does that make any difference?"

"No, you guys take it slow, I'm going back to sleep."

Snow waved his hand, turned around and was about to walk on the way, when Nomila saw this, her pale face became more and more difficult to look at. Although Sera and Wright didn't understand why Snow was leaving suddenly, they still chose to follow. behind him.

"There are a lot fewer corpses... Could it really be eaten by this ship?" Wright's eyes swept across the corridor. He remembered many places where there should be corpses, but it was blank at this time, and even the sticky blood had disappeared. trace.

Sera shook her head slightly and turned her gaze to Snow Road:

"We really don't help that Nomila?"

"He can't die." Wright, who had seen the world, saw that Snow did not intend to answer, and simply explained:

"The sealed object in Nomira's hand belongs to the sun pathway, and the sealed object of the sun pathway... In short, whether Barbossa is out of control, or Nomila is exhausted because of the negative effects of the sealed object, Jack will inevitably die, you see Jack There is no action right now, it's really just trying to make Barbosa and Nomila consume each other."

Sera's thinking ability is not bad. After Wright explained, Sera immediately realized the crux of the problem. The negative effects of the Sun Path Sealed Artifacts are different from other Sealed Artifacts. They will not cause the death of the holder. Instead, it will brainwash and transform the holder. In addition to being no longer himself mentally, his strength may be improved.

more importantly…

"More importantly, no one will cooperate with the devil, and we have shown the nature of a small group. As long as Jack is not stupid, he will ensure the safety of Nomira. What we have to do is to take advantage of them to consume each other. Kungfu, nourishing the spirit, understand?"

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