Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 255: camp

"Be careful! Everyone on this boat was killed by this devil!" The middle-aged man with gray-green hair and long white face, but with blue eyes, said vigilantly, holding a short sword that exuded warmth in his hand. , the previous sun domain magic was also released by this short sword.

Under the warm sunlight, Barbossa, who should have been completely dead, rose up with black smoke, but he still maintained a strong sense of oppression.

"Devil? Is it a description, or... a demigod?" Wright, who was walking at the front, shrank suddenly, and even closed his eyes. The Beyonders of the monster pathway were extremely inspired, and saw something that shouldn't be seen. Gotta get blood from both eyes.

"Hey, kid, I've only killed six hundred and sixty-six, don't think of relying on me for one more!" Barbossa stuck out his scarlet tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, revealing a bloodthirsty smile, his eyes Like molten metal, it exudes a fiery red color, and just hearing his voice will feel a strong pollution.

"I want to know what's going on?" Snow did not arbitrarily treat the remaining two people as good people because Barbossa was suspected of being a demon. The passengers on this floor died by killing each other. But the cause of death of the crew members above was not the work of the Devil Path.

"As you can see, I'm the captain of the Punisher Squad of the Church of the Storm, you can call me Nomila, this guy is called Barbossa North, a middle-level member of the Blood Worship Cult, and now he has been promoted to the devil, we It was in pursuit of him to board the ship whose passengers were victims of his promotion ceremony."

Nomila explained the situation succinctly, but he did not relax his vigilance against Snow and the three. In his opinion, there was such a major accident on the ship before, and it must not be easy to walk down with all the tails. goods.

Barbossa glanced casually with his eyes like molten metal balls, with a relaxed smile on his cracked face. He quietly waited for Nomila to complete the introduction, and then said with a smile:

"Don't take him as a good person, the devil's promotion ceremony requires the devouring of 666 depraved spiritual bodies, neither more nor less, but there are only a few of us left in this ship of thousands, what do you think? How did the others die? And that kid over there, it's not easy for you to hide from the Church of the Storm to get to where you are today, right? Are you willing to expose it like this? Cooperate with me to kill this guy, we'll go our separate ways, how about ?"

"..." Jack didn't have any plans to respond. He just maintained his position, kept the distance between himself and Nomila at about five meters, and exposed half of his back in exchange for Nomila's temporary trust.

"Who shall we help?" Wright asked without looking back. In the face of demigods, his winner really has no chance of winning, but as a veteran disaster priest, he naturally understands what to do in times of bad luck— Since meeting these two made me full of luck, it means that these two have the ability to live with them.

Sierra glanced at Nomila, and then at Jack again, and here it is:

"Although I don't like the people of the Church of the Storms, I know very well that I must never make a deal with the devil."

"That's right!" Nomila responded loudly, completely ignoring Sera's first half sentence, but Snow just shook his head. He found a temporary clean place to sit down, expressionless. road:

"No one will help, just wait."

Hearing Snow's words, Wright immediately chose to sit down with him, while Sera also chose to trust Snow's judgment after hesitating slightly.

Seeing the three of them make such a choice, the smile on Barbossa's face became more and more hideous, but Snow's eyes always focused on the Jack with a good skin, squinting and said:

"Mr. Jack, aren't you going to say something? Like your sequence, your identity, and the people you killed?"

"Nothing to say." Jack looked at Snow indifferently, but after glancing at Nomira's pale skin that began to glow with gold, he defended himself for the moment—

"I am indeed a Beyonder of the Judgment Path, but from beginning to end, I have only killed one person."

"Heh, you only killed one person, but Salazar won't die, and neither will the people on this ship!" Barbossa showed a mocking expression and addressed the three of Snow in a tone of obvious inductiveness. explained:

"He killed Salazar, killed the owner of the **** ghost ship, so the ship is taking revenge! I'm just a waste!"

"[Storm foul language]! You and Salazar have discussed it at all. This time the Black Pearl set sail for the sake of blood sacrifice!" Nomila roared angrily, but Barbossa just smiled—

"That's right, we have negotiated, the life belongs to him, and the spiritual body belongs to me, but the promotion of the devil is strictly limited. According to the original plan, the people on this ship can at least survive. Halfway down, if you two didn't make trouble."

Speaking of which, Barbossa's tone became flat and friendly—

"And if we really want to slaughter, we can set sail at a normal time. The reason why we chose this unreasonable time in winter is to send a signal to board this ship, except for a small number of unlucky ghosts, Which of the rest is not for ulterior motives? Those unlucky ones were picked out when I was notified of my 'death' the next day, and by the time Bayam, they will naturally be put off the boat, but because of you, they are all dead It's gone!"

"The devil's language art is well-deserved." Snow Zheng bounced a coin, and with the sudden spread of spirituality, Sera, who was originally looking a little weird, immediately woke up, and Nomila also suddenly shuddered, The hand holding the golden dagger became even stronger.

"Tsk..." Feeling that the mental control that was about to be completed was broken away, Barbossa made a dissatisfied slur, and for a while, the huge stern fell into a dead silence again.

"What should I do?" Sera frowned and glanced back and forth between the three, but Wright quietly gave her a wink, and then gestured with her hand behind her back:

"The three of them know more than we do. Let's see what they do."

"As expected of an old fritter." Snow nodded to Wright's choice, and just watched the three confront each other.

With the passage of time, Nomila's pale face became brighter and brighter, and Jack's forehead slowly dripped with cold sweat. Normal maroon, and in the cabin, an abnormal squirming sound began to sound—

"pat, pat, pat..."

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