Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 186: Familiarity

Hearing Leonard's question, Garner showed a gentle smile, lightly tidied up his collar, and then said with a smile:

"Sir, you may have misunderstood me. Although most of the gangsters are a bunch of garbage, our passions are different."

"Oh?" Leonard sat opposite Garner, not denying, but guiding him along with his words. Although the two seemed to be communicating normally at this time, in fact, it was the moment the door opened. , Garner has been dragged into a dream by him.

"Sir, what do you think a gangster is?" Garner didn't give a direct answer, but asked a question with a smile. Leonard didn't follow the other party's words, but waited for the other party's answer.

Even though it has been less than a month since he became a nightmare, he also understands that when guiding a target in a dream, he cannot follow the opponent's thoughts.

Because people's thinking in dreams is often chaotic and disorderly, maybe one second he is still thinking about eating, the next second he will find that he forgot to put on his pants.

Use sight and expressions to give the other party a certain guidance, so that the other party thinks in the direction they want, this is the real use of the nightmare ability.

Seeing that Leonard did not speak up, Garner continued:

"In my opinion, gangs are a complement to order."

After saying this, Garner did not give Leonard time to think, but explained—

"Because the law can't achieve equality, because the upper class can't see the bottom, because the big people don't care about the life and death of the little ones, so the gangs will appear, just like the Kapin thing, even if there has been a rumor that Kapin sells people and mutilates girls, Even the civilian girls he forcibly sold in can be found in many legal teahouses, but no one pays attention. Those poor people can't get asylum from the police and judges, so they will naturally come to us, and we usually take theirs Protection fees, naturally we have to stand up to protect them.”

"..." Leonard was speechless for a while about Garner's words, but he still grasped the point and asked:

"You mean that the person who attacked Cappin House is also yours?"

"Unfortunately, we don't know each other." Jiana shook his head with a bitter expression:

"Kapin's villa is more difficult to invade than imagined. We have tried many methods, but failed. We even prepared some bombs... Well, luckily, it seems that Kapin offended people who shouldn't be offended, and we It was only through the riots that the girl trapped inside was rescued."

"Planning to attack the place protected by Beyonders with explosives? If Klein is alive, he should have something in common with you." When Leonard heard Garner's words, he couldn't help thinking of the way he once said to use artillery to wash the ground. Colleagues of extraordinary events can't help but feel a little sad.

He shook his head gently, began to play down Garner's understanding of the environment, and then began to guide.

With the effect of his extraordinary ability, the surrounding environment began to blur, and then, a villa appeared in front of them, Leonard saw Garner with a group of younger brothers, holding various weapons, carrying It looked like a dangerous item, but just as they were about to move, Cappin's villa exploded.

He saw that Garner made a decisive decision and rushed into the burning villa with his younger brother. He saw them meet the "wraith" wrapped in black mist armor, and watched them keep driving the girls out of the cage. Tell them to go to the Church of the Evernight and "carry" the numb girls out.

"Why does that Wraith look so familiar?" Leonard frowned and looked at the black figure standing on the roof of the villa. Although he could not see his facial features, his height, his standing posture, his The movement of turning around gave Leonard a strong sense of familiarity.

"Maybe, I have seen this person accidentally?" Leonard took this thought to heart, and then "walked" to Garner, who followed the girls to St. Samuel's Church, and asked faintly:

"Why let them rush to the Church of the Night? Isn't the Holy Wind Cathedral closer?"

Garner, who was in a dream state, didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with this sudden voice. He didn't hesitate, and said as a matter of course:

"During the investigation, we found out that Capin has deep ties with the police department and the official department, and many high-ranking officials and nobles are his customers. Considering that Capin's villa is in the Chorwood area with the Holy Wind Cathedral, we Fear that the Church of the Storm is also involved.

Even if the church is fair, with the temper of the Church of Storms, I think these girls will probably face rude questioning, and then be arbitrarily placed in a cold room, and spend the cold night in fear, after just experiencing pain, I'm worried they won't be able to resist. In contrast, the teachings of the Evernight Goddess also respect women more, and the church should treat these poor girls more kindly. "

Hearing Garner's logical and clear answer, Leonard couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. If Garner hadn't mentioned it, he would never have thought that there were so many details in a mere place of refuge.

The Extraordinary ability was activated again, the scene changed again, the surrounding environment became dilapidated and depressed, Jiana was walking on the street, in front of several crying women, they bitterly reported the news of their daughter's disappearance, and prayed to this East District The savior of the savior gave help, and Garner carefully inquired about the information, and immediately dispatched his subordinates to start investigating the theft.

Leonard followed Garner's perspective, and suddenly, he noticed a figure passing by Garner. Like many passers-by, that person's face was blurred and he couldn't see his face clearly, but Leonard once again felt a strong sense of familiarity.

Although there was no reason, Leonard instinctively felt that he had never seen this person before, even if he couldn't see his appearance, he couldn't see his clothes.

"Who is that person?" Although Leonard knew that the blurred face in the dream represented no impression, he still asked with the attitude of a dead horse being a living horse doctor.

Jiana frowned when he heard his, and then shook his head blankly:

"do not know."

"Sigh..." Leonard sighed in his heart, but he still had some thoughts in his heart, and cut the scene back to the reception room again. Leonard asked some questions at random, and then unlocked the ability without warning.

Jiana only felt a little dazed, and then saw the young man still sitting in front of him with a faint smile, and said softly:

"Mr. Garner, you are a true gentleman, and I think the girls will thank you."

"No, they should be thankful for the strong man who blew up the Capin Villa." Garner stroked his chest slightly, then sighed, "Without him, we would have lost at least half of our manpower in this operation."

"Even with this kind of awareness, you still appeared, which is enough to reflect your nobility." Leonard chuckled and clicked four times on his chest, drawing a crimson moon, then got up and said:

"I still have some things to do, so I'll leave first. You can rest here for a night, or leave directly. Of course, we may also ask you some questions in the near future, please don't take offense."

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