Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 185: Sir, do you need to take the blame?

Klein let out an invisible shriek and shot gold stars in the eyes of Belis, who was guarding in the basement, but he still didn't lose consciousness. Run towards the door.

Klein didn't want to waste time with this guy, he turned off the main valve after a little consideration, came to the entrance of the underground area, and began to break down the "confinement", but at this moment, a grand and majestic sound suddenly sounded in Klein's voice. There was an explosion in his ear, and he turned back suddenly, only to see an angel with six wings on his back and a holy golden flame burning all over his body. , Seeing that there is no sound.

The vigilance in Klein's heart was instantly full, but the man waved his hand and motioned his subordinates to take Belis' body away. He stepped forward and saluted respectfully:

"Sir, we have no intention of being your enemy. Saving those girls is our goal. We should all have more important things to do than wasting time here."

Speaking, the man put away the seraph in front of him with a sincere and serious expression. Klein's eyes swept over the ring on his index finger and saw the "basic" and "9" written in ancient Hermes runes on it. , I knew it slightly in my heart, but still asked in a deep and majestic tone:

"your name?"

"Gabriel, you can call me Gabriel." Garner reported his code name, Klein nodded, and flew across the roof of the basement towards the top. At the same time, his voice also echoed. Into Garner's ears—

"Move faster."

"Of course." Garner responded softly, then turned to the remaining gang members and said:

"Hurry up, save people first, bring those from the Eastern District back, and send the others to the Church of the Night, those black skins will come over soon, you can't leave this to them!"


More than a dozen men in black immediately rushed into the basement, and instead of softly comforting, they said loudly:

"Come out quickly, you are saved, follow us if you know us, and if you don't believe it, go to the Evernight Church immediately! Quick!"

While shouting, they ran towards the depths. The girls who had just been caught and had not been tortured did not need their assistance. Their focus was on the poor people who had become numb and lost hope. .

They had already prepared a rescue plan at a very fast speed. In just a few dozen seconds, they had "driven" all the girls out of the dungeon, and disappeared into the crowd with the girls who were kidnapped from the East District.

Although he handed over the rescue to Jiana, Klein kept paying attention to the other party and confirmed that he was indeed very purposeful. After saving people, Klein picked up the two groups of Beyonder characteristics and quietly Waiting for the arrival of the powerful church.

The final curtain call must be perfect enough to disappear under the eyes of the high-sequence powerhouse.


He was incompetent and furious, leaving behind the pigeon of God who came late again. Klein disappeared on the roof of Cappin Villa with an elegant breaststroke and returned to the gray fog. Klein immediately took out the parchment and confirmed that Daisy and those Follow-up safety for teenage girls.

"With the breath, I can go home smoothly." He held the spiritual pendulum in his left hand, closed his eyes and recited the divination sentence silently. After seven times, the spiritual pendulum slowly rotated, clockwise, at a medium speed, but very stable.

"It seems that Mr. Gabriel is indeed here to save people."

Klein pondered in his heart and conducted divination with the group of girls as the direction, but this time, there were a few twists and turns.

"Should it be those who went to the church?" Klein came to a conclusion and began to turn his attention to the Beyonder characteristics of this harvest.


Just when Klein returned to the gray fog, Garner did not return to the East District with his subordinates, but put the ring in a storage box in the Chorwood District, and then used all the spells he remembered today, and followed him at will. Those girls who went to the Church of the Evernight in a group came to St. Samuel Church together.

When the girls poured into St. Samuel's Church, Garner smiled and rubbed his right index finger without a ring, and turned to leave, but at this moment, a young man in a clergy's robe appeared in the in front of him—

"Sir, I think you should have something to tell us?"

Jiana looked at the other party's dress, and after staying on the red glove for a while, nodded lightly:

"Of course."


"Leonard, follow a case!" Leonard, who was missing his old friend in the rest area of ​​Samuel, suddenly heard a call, and immediately got up and said:

"What's the matter? Ince Zangwill?"

"No!" The priest who called him shook his head, and then said:

"The mansion of a trafficker in Chorwood was attacked just now, and some girls were rescued. They need to be appeased."

"Chorwood District? Why did you send it here? That's the place of the Punisher, right?" Leonard stood up, and even the Nightmare with Red Gloves was about to pull over. There seemed to be a lot of people!

"It wasn't sent here, but someone sent it here." The priest shook his head and led Leonard towards the destination, handing him a confession as he walked:

"This person's name is Jiana. He is a gang leader in the East District. He secretly escorted these girls all the way. We conducted preliminary inquiries to her, and it seems that there is no problem, but to be on the safe side..."

"Just to be on the safe side, let me interrogate, right?" Leonard sighed and said helplessly, "I thought you were asking me to comfort those injured girls, but I didn't expect to interrogate such a rough man... ...well, although he's good looking."

"If you I'll go to Al to exchange with you." The pastor seemed to be used to Leonard's frivolous tone and responded casually, but Leonard shook his head when he heard the words. Looking at the confession, he said:

"Let's go and interrogate first, it won't take too much time... eh? Isn't this person a Beyonder?"

"That's right, although his mental power is excellent, he is definitely not an Extraordinary."


Jiana, who was sitting in the quiet room, was elegantly sipping the not-so-good black tea. His eyes were quiet, and nothing seemed to affect his state. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and he only felt a little dazed. Immediately, a A young man with red gloves walked in.

His appearance is quite handsome, and even among the people Garner has met, he can even be ranked in the top three, but the frivolity between his eyebrows makes him look unreliable.

The young man took a few steps to the opposite of Jiana, sat down carelessly, and then said in a curious tone:

"Mr. Garner, I'm very curious, why you, a gang leader, appeared as the protector of these poor girls?"

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