Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 162: Extraordinary Party

At eight o'clock on Friday night, Klein, who had already agreed to Miss Sharon's help, put on an iron mask and came to the living room of Mr. Eye of Wisdom.

It was probably because Backlund's Beyonders had been holding back for too long, and after the serial killer was subdued, all kinds of Beyonder gatherings, large and small, popped up.

Klein always felt that if the three major churches deployed at this time, they might be able to wipe out more than 70% of Backlund's Beyonders.

Although he also understands that the church needs balance, it is impossible to do such a thing that arouses public outrage, but he still did some divination from his heart, and finally chose the old Mr. Eye of Wisdom, who is suspected to have the platform of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

The living room was still dark, and the only candle flickered, casting shadows on the wall, as if countless monsters were dancing in the shadows.

Klein found the most convenient place to escape, looked around, looked at the old gentleman "Eye of Wisdom" with deep nasolabial lines on both cheeks, and saw the chubby "Pharmacist", oh, Mr. Devil seems to have fallen from the back. The medulla crystals from the Fountain of Spirits bought by Mr. Hanged Man were sold to him, so he should have advanced, and he doesn't know what the Sequence Eight of the pharmacist is...

His eyes continued to scan, but he didn't find other familiar people, not because they didn't come, but compared with the little fat pharmacist who owed his mouth, the rest of the people were very closely concealed, and it was difficult to distinguish who was who.

However, judging from the attendance rate today, it has surpassed the previous times Klein attended.

After a few more minutes, the old man with eyes of wisdom looked up at the mechanical wall clock on the wall, and said with a smile:

"There are a lot of people here today, so let's get started."

Before he finished speaking, the Fat Apothecary immediately asked for an extraordinary creature, which reminded Klein of the audience dog and the assassin cat. As soon as the words came out, they were met with a lot of ridicule.

Klein casually reminded the method of feeding the pet potion, and continued to wait for the appearance of the lady with the craftsman behind him. However, after a few transactions, a deliberately hoarse voice suddenly said:

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Mimi Read, install the latest version. 】

"I accidentally got a thing recently. It should be the magical item you mentioned. I am not a Beyonder. I don't know the specific value of this thing. I would like to ask Mr. Eye of Wisdom to identify it."

"Oh?" The Eye of Wisdom is a "knower", which is called "detective" in modern terms. The code of conduct for this path is "reproducing knowledge, disseminating knowledge, and protecting knowledge".

Therefore, in order to hold this extraordinary gathering, in addition to gathering intelligence and establishing contacts, there is also the need for acting.

This is the main reason why he is happy to share information about his collection.

Seeing Mr. Eye of Wisdom's expression of interest, the man with the black iron mask and gray hood took out an earring only the size of a little finger from the cloak. It looked like it was made of brass, with a simple and elegant shape. It belongs to the kind that can be worn by both men and women.

The man turned the earrings upside down, pointed to the dimly lit places under the dim candlelight, and said:

"There are two Rosellwen here, I'm not sure if it's really Roselle's handwriting, but it can summon a very strong ghost, and it can even smash a wall with its bare hands! If not every time you use it It would make me dizzy, and I wouldn't be willing to sell it."

The old gentleman with eyes of wisdom heard his description, and the curiosity in his eyes was even stronger. He reached out to take the earring, stroked its surface lightly, looked at the two Rosellevins, and took out his beloved earrings. "2-081", this is an emerald ring inlaid with countless broken diamonds. The emerald green gemstone is like an eye. A glance at it from a distance will give people a feeling of dizziness - um , as if seeing a high number of papers.

The old man with eyes of wisdom solemnly put the ring on the **** of his right hand, and then closed his eyes, as if something was brewing. Suddenly, the emerald on his ring radiated a faint blue luster, which seemed to contain endless knowledge. The light covered the earrings, and then converged again.

The old man with the eye of wisdom immediately took off the ring and said with a somewhat surprised expression:

"First of all, this extraordinary item is not the work of Emperor Roselle, so I am afraid that the Roselle text above it only exists as an ornament. Of course, this does not affect the value of this item."

Having said that, he touched the Rosellevin on the earrings with some joy, and introduced:

"It can summon an evil spirit with the strength of Sequence Seven. This evil spirit has no autonomous consciousness and is completely controlled by the wearer. Only the bearer and the existence with spiritual vision can observe it.

And this evil spirit seems to have a unique special However, it needs to be summoned to know. The most important thing is that this item has almost no negative effects. It only needs to pay a certain amount of spirituality. Can be summoned repeatedly.

The reason you get dizzy is just because your spirituality is not enough to bear the summons of evil spirits. If no one is interested, I'm willing to pay two thousand pounds for it! "

"Two thousand pounds?!"

The temperature in the small living room rose a lot in an instant, and even the only candle lightly swayed along with it.

It's just that Klein, who should be most concerned about the price, is paying attention to another thing—

Just when the ring was glowing before, he could clearly see the "Rosselvin" on the earrings. It was not a meaningless decoration, but a meaningful word——


"Judgment, Evil Spirit, is this a [substitute] prop made by the ancestors of Penredax?" Klein immediately remembered the Diary of Penredax that he had read before, and then he was a little puzzled, because he remembered that Mr. Penredax made Yes, it should be ten rings corresponding to the ten major sources of Kabbalah's tree of life, and she has also seen the one that is about the "crown" in Mr. Snow's hand.

But this description, no matter how you look at it, is a [substitute]!

Although Klein was very curious, he didn't have the idea of ​​spending two thousand pounds to buy it and try it out-after all, he has only a little over a thousand pounds for his entire wealth.

But Judgment should correspond to the [Judgement] card in the tarot card. Although I haven't seen jojo, Klein has heard about it, the invincible platinum star, the weakest purple hermit and other stalks. It also made him more and more suspicious that the earrings named after the tarot card are likely to come from the hands of the ancestors of Penredax.

"Damn, why haven't I watched Jojo!"

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