Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 161: Arrow of Mercy

"What is this?" Looking at the arrow that Snow took out, Kaspers showed a puzzled look. The arrow looked a few years old, with two "Rosevelwen" engraved on it, although it was covered with copper Green rust marks, but the edges are very sharp, as if a light touch will penetrate deeply into the flesh.

"I call it 'arrow', which is simply a prop that can give people 'power', it will drill into the body of the person scratched by it, and develop an ability called [substitute], according to the individual With different qualities, there will be different special abilities, those with insufficient potential will lose their strength after taking out the arrow, and those with sufficient potential will be able to maintain this ability even if they lose the arrow."

Snow played with the arrows engraved with "kindness" and "sorrow" in Roselle, and briefly introduced its usage. Although it was said to be an arrow, in terms of function, it was more inclined to the "saint body". , after all, it is basically impossible to wake up the stand-in by poking like an arrow. Snow can only settle for the next best thing. By burning enough "programs" in the "spirit" inside the arrow, make it in During the loading process, it subtly affects the spiritual body of the loader.

"This thing is precious, right? I don't think I have enough potential." Caspers looked at the arrow in Snow's hand, and finally shook his head wisely.

Although he is not a Beyonder, in the days when he was a broker for "Eye of Wisdom", he also knew some market conditions, such as an ordinary Beyonder item, even if it was only the lowest level of consumables, it would cost a few dozen gold pounds to start. , and he has never heard of something like this that directly gives people power.

"I have a matching meditation method. As long as you cooperate with meditation after loading, you can gradually develop your potential and preserve this ability, and I don't give you this thing for nothing. There is someone who needs to ask you for help. ."

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"You said." Caspers said, and saw Snow took out a box of ear studs--

"Each of these things has a [substitute] sealed in it, which can be summoned by injecting spirituality. Whether it is through the channel of the Beyonder behind you, or accidentally 'lost', I want these things to be distributed in a short time."

"Don't you use this kind of good stuff yourself?" Caspars looked at Snow with some incomprehension. With his professional ethics, he should bury his head in doing things at this time. If something went wrong, he would sell his employer. Snow was his friend, and he had to figure out how much trouble this was going to involve.

"There are secret hands in these things, as long as you know that the more people who use them, the greater my benefits will be. After you master the substitute, you can also find a way to throw this arrow out. I believe those gang bosses will like it. Yes, by the way, according to the market price, an earring is about 2,000 pounds."

Caspars, who originally planned to reach out to take it, trembled when he heard the words, my dear, there are five earrings here, which is 10,000 pounds! That's enough to buy a manor!

"Don't get excited, I'm not telling you to sell it at this price, I'm just telling you how much this thing is worth, so you have a sense of it. In fact, even if I give it to others for nothing, I will make some money."

Snow waved his hand, still maintaining the posture of a jewelry box in one hand and an arrow in the other, looking at Caspars and said:

"It's up to you to decide. Of course, apart from this, I have other ways to get you abilities. Of course, it's definitely not as safe as this."

"..." Caspars looked at the arrow in Snow's hand, and then looked at the box, his throat rolled twice, and finally gritted his teeth and said:

"I don't want to be hanged in my room for no reason."

As he said that, he picked up the arrow and stabbed it into his palm. With a sharp pain, the metal arrow melted like a candle, and before he had time to react, he got into his palm. in the body.

It seemed that the pain of countless insects wandering in the body hit wave after wave, but before Kaspars could scream, a string of information suddenly appeared in his mind, and Kaspers instinctively had to follow it. That message started the first round of meditation, and the pain that seemed to pierce through the body gradually calmed down. When Caspers woke up from the first meditation, everything had returned to its original state, as if the previous Everything is just an illusion.

"I..." Caspars moved his body subconsciously, but suddenly found that his legs had returned to normal, and the health he had not felt for decades made him a little crazy for a while, but as a black market businessman Professionalism quickly made him restrain his emotions.

"Aren't you going to call it out and have a look?" Snow had put on a monocle at some point to record the process of Caspars loading the "Arrow", and he smiled as he looked at the recovered healthy Caspars, the corners of his mouth turned up involuntarily.

"Call it out?" Caspars didn't understand what Snow meant, but when he thought of this, a figure appeared beside him. It was a young man dressed as a pirate. It wears a classic nautical cap, a sailor knife on the waist, a revolver in the left hand, and the blue eyes in the eyes give a sense of heart palpitations.

"Oh roar, what ability does he have?" Snow looked at this very good-looking as if Jack Sparrow was still alive, and asked curiously, Caspers didn't hide it, Directly:

"It's shot has the power of a steam rifle, the sword in its hand can split steel, and it seems to be able to replace me with injuries, and even... replace me in getting old?"

At the end, Kaspers' tone seemed a little less confident, but then, Snow could clearly see that the hideous scar on Kaspers' face was slowly disappearing. No, not only the scar, but even the scar. Even the wrinkles on his face were transferred to the body of the substitute.

"It's amazing, I feel like I'm at least 20 years younger! And this guy can recover slowly! God, this is a miracle!" Kaspers exaggeratedly stroked his younger face , making a somewhat mad sound, but Snow gently shook his head and said:

"Don't be too happy, you haven't really mastered it, what's more, if you are killed directly, I'm afraid it's too late to transfer the injury, and no one knows what will happen to you if your stand-in dies ."

Snow's words seemed to pour cold water on Caspars. He jerked violently and woke up from the ecstasy. After that, Snow saw that the scars and wrinkles on the stand-in's face returned to Casper again. on the body.

"Phew—" It seemed that he wasn't quite used to his old body again. Caspers looked at Snow tiredly, and said in a grateful tone:

"I'll take action as soon as possible."

"Don't be in a hurry, pay attention to safety, and don't fall for meditation." Snow nodded and handed the jewelry box containing five ear studs to Kaspars. Kaspars put it away solemnly, and then cracked it. He opened his mouth with a smile and said:

"It's natural, I want to experience a young body!"

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