The old man who once guarded the Immortal sect for whoring for nothing, in order to protect Gao Dafu and others, he used his own blood to block this strike.

But this time, the attack was just a random shot by the Ancient Star Ancestor of the Half Step Immortal King.

When the creatures in the Azure Realm saw this battle, they fled wildly, to stay away from the Immortal sect, and do not want to be harmed by Chiyu.

However, only the followers of the Immortal sect did not escape.

"We were born as Immortals, and died as Immortals!"

The believers roared the sky in a pious and tidy voice.

The light of faith is like a mighty cloud billowing straight into the sky, covering the tall and rich body.

With tears in his eyes, he shouted, "Eternal Faith!"


Gao Dafu's arms burst into a splendid and splendid light, extremely pure, without a ray of Impurities mixed in.

The rainbow of faith poured into the Ninth Stage, like a big bowl upside down, completely covering the Immortal religion.

Believers are the power of the tall and the rich, so they are one and cannot be separated from each other.

"The power of faith... for many years, no one has ever wanted to use this to step into the right path."

When Gu Xingzu saw Gao Dafu's actions, he frowned deeply and said in a low voice.

Because the power of belief is too mysterious, not many people have really understood it since ancient times.

The nine ancestors of Shi Peng gathered around Gao Dafu and understood the current situation. If they didn't work hard, they had to wait for death.

Or wait for Tang Chen's return!

And this is not the fragility of the Immortal religion for free. It is a miracle that in just a few decades, it has been able to develop to where it is today.

So it wouldn't be surprising if you couldn't stop the Half step Immortal King.

The powerhouses of the Supreme Star Immortal all sneered, wanting to use this to block their footsteps, really thinking too much.

Gu Xingzu's eyes gradually became cold, and he said: "Ao Ling, if you leave now, I can still let you live, otherwise, even you will be destroyed!"

Gao Dafu turned his head and glanced at his wife, his eyes wet with tears.

He wished that his daughter-in-law would nod her head and leave here without dying.

"I'm going to die with Dafu, Immortal is not my home!"

Master Ao Lingqing held Gao Dafu's palm, smiled at him, and said firmly.

Gu Xingzu's eyes revealed killing intent, and he said coldly, "If that's the case, the ancestors of your lineage won't blame me."


The sky and the earth were dark, like a momentary night.

The starry scene appeared one after another, and thousands of Stars stood in the distant sky.

The galaxy collapsed, the stars fell, and the wrath of Immortal poured out.

bang bang bang...

Star fell, hitting the mask of eternal faith, and the sound caused by it shook the world.

The void exploded, spreading to all directions.

This moment, like a natural disaster, like destruction, was deeply imprinted in the eyes of countless people.

Shiba is not here, precisely because he is evacuating the creatures still in the mask, innocent people do not need to suffer these disasters.


Suddenly, a cracking sound resounded through the sky, causing countless people to turn their heads.

There are cracks on the surface of the eternal faith, and it is really difficult to withstand the angry blow of the Half step Immortal King.

Gao Dafu's face was pale, his throat was full of sweetness, and blood began to ooze from his nose and mouth.

His wife's crying face was reflected in his pupils, and his eyes shifted to her abdomen.

"You are a waste who relies on Tang Chen to be the leader, how can you stop my attack."

Gu Xingzu's face was arrogant, overlooking Gao Dafu, as if looking at an ant, and sneered.

Gao Dafu's eyes were firm and he grinned: "You are right, without my brothers, there would be no me now." "But daddy, I also have things to protect, my wife, friends, brothers, and all the believers!"

"Gu Lin'er, Shi Lingmei, you help me take Qingqing away!"

He was enveloped in holy brilliance, as if a faint holy flame had ignited, roaring the sky.

At this time, Gu Lin'er and the others appeared, their beautiful eyes were red, and they resolutely grabbed Master Ao Ling Qing.

Lord Ao Lingqing cried bitterly, trying to grab Gao Dafu's arm, but found that he couldn't.

As the leader, he cannot leave!

"Take care of our children."

The appearance of Gao Dafu at this moment, Shengyan Wushuang, showed a gentle smile and said softly.

The next moment, his face is hideous, he frantically uses the power of faith to consolidate the eternal faith, and he wants to buy them time to escape.

Gu Xingzu seemed to see a group of ants who were resisting and laughed.

He sneered: "Does the protection you are proud of make sense?"

With a click, the ten thousand zhang god star fell, crushing the mask, constantly denting, and quickly disappearing.

Gao Dafu Qikong was bleeding, and Patriarch Shi Peng and others were also roaring and resisting.

The mayfly shakes the tree, helpless!

The sense of despair invaded the hearts of everyone like a small boat in the storm.


The mask burst, and the tall, wealthy, and wealthy people fell like kites with broken strings, and blood spurted wildly.

"You are Tang Chen's brother, right? You should pay him some interest first."

The ancient Xingzu turned his palms and fingers, and the stars were dazzling, piercing the sky, and wanting to destroy the entire Immortal religion.

Gao Dafu and others vomited blood and roared sadly. This is what they have been trying to do.

The daughters of Gu Lin'er and Lord Ao Ling Qing rushed over like crazy, trying to save Gao Dafu.

"Brother, I'll go first." Gao Dafu felt the breath of Death and whispered.

He said with trembling lips: I really want to continue to accompany Qingzhu.

Shiba was in tears, and he couldn't help himself.


Suddenly, the void burst, Zu Chenzhou flew out, blocked in front of the stars at the fastest speed, and endured this strike.

"You Immortals want to exterminate your clan! I will fulfill you!" Immortal's god-like roar was about to shatter the sky.

Those Stars exploded under the gaze of countless eyes.

The sky trembled, the terrifying divine power swayed, and even spread to the entire Supreme Star Immortal.

Zu Chenzhou was smashed into countless potholes, but they were really blocked, and an eternal and immortal figure stood on the deck.

Tang Chen, arrived in time!

"Tang Chen!"


"Tang Sect!"

The women, the believers, Hou Zhen, Hou Zhu and others burst into tears.

It seems that all the suffering will not cause any obstacles in front of this man.

Tang Chen's face is like frost, he has been so angry twice in his life, this is the third time!

Seeing Tang Chen coming in person, Gu Xingzu said with a cruel smile in his eyes, "Tang Chen, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

But Tang Chen didn't pay attention to this person, but turned around and swept towards the tall rich man below with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm late." He muttered.

Gao Dafu was seriously injured, and grinned: "It's just right, I protected everyone, but I didn't save my ancestors!"

He said that at the end he burst into tears, watching the old man die alive.

When the three people next to Jin Liezhang heard it, their eyes revealed fierce light, and their bodies trembled with anger.

"Take care of Dafu. Next, I will let all these people be buried with the ancestors."

Tang Chen looked at Shiba and Gu Lin'er and said softly.

Only at this moment, the sense of despair disappeared, but an inexplicable sense of fear emerged in the hearts of everyone.

Tang Chen, angry!

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