Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 995: Forcibly Carry It With Life, Immortal Is In Danger

In the Azure Realm, prostitute the Immortal religion.

The Immortal religion has already formed its own method of cultivating talents.

Every member of the congregation surrendered to Gao Dafu, and no one would have any dissent.

Just because the tall and rich are alive, the Crown of Faith constantly holds their loyalty.

Therefore, it is logical for him to accept the power of faith from every realm and step into the ancestral Immortal realm.

It can be said that Gao Dafu is the one who needs no cultivation resources the least. He can grow up by relying on the power of faith. He really envy countless people.

Nowadays, the Immortal sect has a huge scale, and there are branches in other realms. It can be said to be the largest sect among the three thousand realms.

As the domain owner of the Azure Domain, Shiba manages this place in an orderly manner.

The Holy See is relaxed and relaxed, and it has become a place where many people are willing to come.

There are even fun prostitutes every time, who doesn't want to join?

A faint path, cobblestone paving, and lush trees on both sides.

Gao Dafu held the jade hand of Lord Ao Lingqing, his face full of happiness.

"Am I that delicate?" Ao Lingqing said with a light smile when she saw his cautious appearance.

Gao Dafu glanced at his wife's belly and said seriously, "In my eyes, you will always be the most beautiful and beautiful."

The tip of Ao Lingqing's nose was slightly red, her beautiful eyes had a maternal radiance, and her red lips were stroking her stomach.

Gao Dafu feels that he is really happy. Not only does he have a great teacher who has co-created with his brothers, but also his family and wife are by his side, so he has no regrets in life!

However, such a quiet atmosphere was ruthlessly broken.

With golden light falling from the sky, Shiba walked over with a dignified expression and said in a low voice, "Da Fu, just now the portal has broken, and the Immortals are here!"

Gao Dafu and Ao Lingqing's pupils shrank, and they hurriedly swept out the Immortal Sect.


In the distant horizon, the Immortal Xia is flying, and the colorful lights of all directions illuminate the eight deserts and six together.

A boundless auspicious cloud set off the group of Immortal, which was majestic and mighty.

Gu Xingzu's eyes were cold, and his killing intent was exuding, and he was able to frighten everything no matter how far away he was.

At this moment, he is like a master, controlling the lives of all beings in the Azure Domain!

"Da Fu, hurry up, Gu Xingzu is here to kill you!"

Master Ao Lingqing's delicate face was pale, and for the first time, she showed a panicked look.

Gao Dafu frowned deeply and said in a low voice, "We're leaving, do you want to stay?"

"They... at least they won't embarrass me!" Master Ao Lingqing bit her teeth and shook her head.

While speaking, Gu Xingzu had already led his clan to come.

The stars are splendid and shining, like stars rising and falling one after another, crushing mountains and crumbling the earth.

Gao Dafu blocked Lord Ao Lingqing behind him, and said solemnly, "What are you doing here in my Tianqing Domain?"

"What? Hahahaha!"

When Gu Xingzu heard the words, he laughed arrogantly and arrogantly.

But when he laughed, the laughing members of the Immortal sect were chilled, like a cold wind blowing in the cold winter.

Suddenly, Gu Xingzu stopped laughing, his sword brows stood up, and he shouted: "Tang Chen destroys the arrogance of my clan, and I destroy his Taoism!"


Peng Ming roared Nine Heavens, and the ancestor Shi Peng appeared with the eight ancestors of the old dragon emperor, the Immortal realm powerhouse.

All of them are powerhouses who have just stepped into the ancestors of Immortal.

Knowing that there was danger, the nine still stepped forward.

"Sect Master, go!" Patriarch Shi Peng shouted.

Gu Xingzu sneered: "No matter who comes today, he can't stop me!"

"Cover me, I will open eternal faith!"

Under the pressure of Gu Xingzu, Gao Dafu gritted his teeth.

Eternal Faith is the all-round guardian martial art he learned from the Faith Crown, but it takes time to display it.

As the master of the Immortal sect, Gao Dafu has thousands of beings behind him and his wife by his side, so he can't back down or be cowardly!


Gu Xingzu pointed a ray of starry light, and in an instant, it burst like a divine light, overlooking Gao Dafu and others, and said indifferently: "The frog at the bottom of the well."

Gao Dafu was bleeding from the corners of his eyes, give him a little more time!

Ao Lingqing's beautiful eyes showed a ray of determination, and she wanted to burn herself to resist this strike.

The next moment, a thin hand rested on her shoulder, and said softly, "Take care of Dafu."

In the countless pupils, an old figure is reflected.


Tall, Rich Lion Ba and others roared with tears rolling in their eyes.

The body of the old man of the sky is full of purple blood flames, his body is rejuvenated as new, and his beauty is extremely beautiful.

He aroused the tyrant blood in his body and smiled lightly: "Children, this old man is useless, I can only block this strike for you!"

Under the starlight, the old man's body was like a star explosion, raging out a thick and intense purple ocean, wrapping the ancient Xingzu this strike.

Forcibly endure with life.


The sky exploded, thousands of miles roared, and the old man of the sky and Tang Chen disappeared together.

Shiba and the others burst into tears and roared furiously.

The once amiable old man died in front of them, just want to protect them.

"The sky is bloody? An old waste, you can be proud of me as a random blow." Gu Xingzu commented expressionlessly.

At this moment, whoring Immortal is completely dangerous!


Longyuan Academy.

Tang Chen, who was teaching others at this time, shuddered suddenly, and there was a stream of blood flowing from his eyebrows.

Everyone was shocked, what happened to Tang Jiao?

A sad and angry mood radiated from Tang Chen's heart.

The corners of his eyes were split open, and he shouted: "Immortal, you damn it!"

When other people hear this sentence, they are even more puzzled. What's going on?

Jin Liezhang, Jin Haoran, Jin Zhan and others all quickly surrounded them.

"What's wrong?" Jin Liezhang asked in a deep voice.

Tang Chen said coldly: "The old ancestor is dead, the Immortal clan is attacking my immortal sect, he wants to destroy my Taoism!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked. Are the Immortals really going crazy?

Don't you know which is more important to do this kind of thing during this period?

The three Jin Liezhang felt dizzy, the ancestor was dead!

The reason why they were able to lift the curse and complete the nine immortal shapes was thanks to Tang Chen and the old man.

Now that the old man dies, the Jin family will definitely participate in the war.

"Immortal, you can never live!" Jin Zhanhu roared with tears in his eyes.

Tang Chen called out Zu Chenzhou, and he had to return to the Tianqing domain in the shortest time, and maybe he could keep Dafu and the others.

Anyone who is very close to Tang Chen boarded the Zu Chen boat, escaped into the portal, and rushed back to the Tianqing domain!

The Longyuan Academy all fell silent and looked at each other, never expecting such a situation to occur at this juncture.

The ancestor of Tianyong sighed softly: "Hey, the Immortal family doesn't have the same heart as us."

"But he did this completely to make our Three Thousand Domains lose a lot of combat power." Another old man sighed and shook his head.

This sudden situation was something Tang Chen really did not expect.

A wise man has a thousand thoughts, and he must make a mistake.

There are many people in the academy who are also rushing to the Tianqing realm to see what the situation is.

Those of the space beasts who have grudges with Tang Chen applaud.

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