Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 985 I Like It, Does He Have That Qualification?

At the beginning of the Immortal realm, it was said that the Immortal clan as a whole controlled it, and outsiders were not allowed to enter.

Once discovered, if it is not a member of the Immortal clan, or a servant under his command, he will be killed immediately.

Regardless of the identity of the person who comes, they will be killed without mercy!

So the Immortal realm was a place no one dared to go.

The Immortal clan's clan is just at the beginning of the Immortal domain, and it is the real overlord.

"The Immortal clan will have patrolling powerhouses, so no one will go there. It's just courting death." Gao Dafu shrugged.

The Blood Sword Domain master looked at his junior brother suspiciously and asked, "You don't want to single out the entire Immortal clan."

"How can I be so stupid, and the Immortal family will definitely have Immortal King powerhouses." Tang Chen smiled and waved his hands.

Gao Dafu and Lord Blood Sword Domain can rest assured.

Although they have an inseparable feud with the Immortals, now is not a good time to take action.

After sending the two away, Tang Chen stood at the mountain gate with a thoughtful look.

Immortal check-in, that's an absolute must.

Moreover, the war fortress needs to devour a large amount of ores before the existence of spirit mines and the like can take shape.

As for the Immortal clan, they have been around for a long time and have abundant resources. If Tang Chen didn't make good use of it, it would be a waste.

After he said a few words to the people in the academy, he didn't take anyone else, and took the Zu Chen boat to the early Immortal realm.

As for the little Meilong in the master ball, she didn't know if she ate too much dragon flower tea and dragon scale biscuits recently, and she actually made a breakthrough.

For Tang Chen, there are only advantages and no disadvantages, and it is a cute little girl worth cultivating.


The atmosphere of silence and darkness, complete nothingness, is like the end of life, more like the destination of Death.


The void trembled, Zu Chenzhou appeared, Tang Chen stood on the deck to perceive the surroundings, and was determining the node coordinates of the early Immortal domain.

"This Immortal clan even cut off the portal, but it's okay." Tang Chen muttered.

This is to prevent others from reaching the Immortal territory through the portal.

Moreover, there are portals inside the Immortal tribe, which belong to them personally and cannot be used by others.

Suddenly, Tang Chen noticed the breath of life and activated Zu Chenzhou's stealth mode.

Zu Chenzhou trembled slightly, and quickly merged with nothingness, and no one could detect the breath in it.


Hundreds of people flew from afar, armed with swords and roaring strange beasts under their crotch, patrolling the area to see if there was any change.

They all have the obvious feature, that is, there is an Immortal ring in the back of the head.

It's just that some people's Immortal rings are extremely small or dim, and they represent their identity within the Immortal family.

"He said that there are fluctuations here?"

"Well, let's take a look at it and try not to miss it."

"Hey, there is nothing in such a big place, you can tell at a glance."

The people from the Immortal patrol were talking.

One of the men who looked like a captain shouted lightly: "Check it out if you want to check it out, what's the fuss!"

These people quickly dispersed, carefully observed.

Tang Chen on Zu Chen's boat glanced at them indifferently, not taking it seriously at all.

If he really wants to make a move, it will be destroyed in an instant.

But this will also attract the Immortal's attention, which is not necessary.

Moreover, their appearance gave Tang Chen a benefit, that is to follow.


Patrol members report.

The captain nodded, suspicious of some kind of spatial fluctuation, and walked back with the person.

Tang Chen drove Zu Chenzhou slowly and followed behind, it was impossible to be noticed.

After flying for nearly an hour or so, the nothingness in front of it cracked, showing a colorful gate.

There are dense Dao patterns around the colored gates, and array patterns are checking the blood of the comers.

Don't call it a person like this, even a mosquito can't get over it.

However, Tang Chen didn't care at all, the sky opened his eyes and saw through the arrangement of the Dao pattern pattern.

He put away Zu Chenzhou, hid in the void, and walked through the colored gate ahead of the patrol team, without any warning sound.

When Tang Chen jumped over the colorful door, the world in front of him suddenly became clear, and the immortal scene came into view.

"You are not in compliance with the rules, the price of these goods has been agreed before!"

"Excellent quality appliance, come and take a look."

"This was stolen from my clan, do you want it?"

The bustling and lively scene boiled up, and Tang Chen saw that there were so many people here.

Some of these people had Immortal rings, but more often the Immortal rings were mutilated, broken, or the size of a thumb.

In the Immortal family, the larger the Immortal ring, the higher the status.

Tang Chen noticed someone behind him and immediately took off, hiding his figure from being noticed by others.

But he was at a loss now, and didn't know which way to go.

Because the Immortal realm at the beginning is different from the realm it usually enters, it is under the overall jurisdiction of the Immortal tribe, and others cannot interfere.

"I have to see the situation." Tang Chen said to himself.

He overlooks this place, it is a big city, there are many strong people in the Xuan Immortal realm, and there are many Saint Immortal realm guards here.

Suddenly, Tang Chen noticed the sound of slapstick in the city, glanced over, and saw a group of people beating a teenager.

"The Immortal ring is amazing, isn't it, who made your father offend the clan."

"Call me, this guy's father just died from his ancestral land and was banished here."

"Who made his father obsessed and dared to disobey the lineage of Lord Di Qi Immortal."

The group of people beat and scolded, with hideous smiles.

Tang Chen frowned and looked at the boy who was beaten with his heavenly eyes.

[Xiaoyanghua: The Immortal clan is a member of the Immortal clan, but because his father was killed, the entire Immortal clan has no one to plead for mercy, and he has the urge to destroy the Immortal clan...]

"The young man has a future, but he still wants to destroy the Immortal clan, I like it." Tang Chen immediately smiled and praised.

No matter who they are, as long as they fight against the Immortal clan, they are Tang Chen's good friends.

Xiao Yanghua curled up on the ground and was beaten silently, even with blood oozing from her nose and mouth, her eyes showed a look of hatred and ferocity.

However, the people who beat him in The next moment all showed a dull look, and then they beat each other.

Xiao Yanghua raised her head when she heard the sound, she was a little dazed when she saw this scene, what happened?

"Want to take revenge? Find me outside the city." A voice entered Xiao Yanghua's mind.

Xiaoyanghua looked around and there was no one around, but she got up without the slightest hesitation and flew out of the city.

After he landed on the ground, cupped fist said, "Thank you senior for saving your life."

Tang Chen's figure was revealed, looking at Xiaoyanghua with a smile.

The moment Xiao Yanghua saw Tang Chen, her pupils shrank, she covered her mouth in shock, and said in a muffled voice, "Is it Tang Jiao?"

"You know me?" Tang Chen asked in surprise.

Xiao Yanghua couldn't hide her excitement, she nodded quickly and said, "I've always heard about the Tang Sect."

"Okay, I can get you out of your current predicament, but you have to help me, how about that?" Tang Chen said straight to the point.

Xiaoyanghua nodded heavily.

It's not that he doesn't have any defenses, but what if he has defenses?

Does he have that qualification?

If there is a chance for revenge in front of her, Xiaoyanghua will bite it with her teeth even if her hand is broken!

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