Outside the realm, God of War preparation camp.

Many powerhouses are waiting for the return of the Demon Fear Ancestor with their descendants and children.

In the hearts of the extraterritorial strange clan, the Three Thousand Territory Realm is not an existence that can compete with them, so they don't care who will appear at all.

"Hey, that kid in my family, everything is fine, but he is too strong."

"His Wudi attitude reminds me of a certain overlord back then, and I really look forward to him growing up."

"Hehe, Yuan Cai is a new generation of characters in my clan."

Many people gathered around and talked freely, all believing in their own children.

But they don't know at all, the fact has already produced a huge change.


The world shook, and a black hole appeared in the void, causing many people to stand up slowly.

However, the only person who came out of it next was the Demon Fear Ancestor.

As for the younger generation, all the children have disappeared without a trace.

The faces of those elders gradually changed from smiling to stiff on the spot, where are they?

The Demon Fear Ancestor felt the eyes of countless questioning eyes, and a touch of grievance and pain emerged in his heart.

"Ancestor Demon Fear, where have my children gone!"

"What the hell happened!"

"Don't tell me that child is dead!"

The next moment, the God of War prep camp is completely fryer.

Countless people rushed up and roared around the Demon Fear Ancestor.

Because this is definitely the only time the loss has been so heavy for so many years outside the realm, and it has never happened before.

Ancestor Demon Fear gritted his teeth and said, "I suspect that there is an inner ghost on our side. When I arrived, I was blocked by Tang Chen!"

"What! Tang Chen is actually here!"

More people are stunned and have extreme hatred for the word Tang Chen.

Mu Yi happened to be following Huang Kui Immortal's daughter-in-law, when he suddenly heard Tang Chen's words and frowned deeply.

If he really wanted to say it, he happened to be the one who hated Tang Chen the most.

The God of War preparation camp was shaken, and the geniuses of the Jin Immortal and Xuan Immortal realms were beheaded or suppressed in the Three Thousand Realms.

The initiator of all this was Tang Chen, whom they hated the most, which caused public anger.

"There is definitely an inner ghost, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"They arrived early, but how can you spread the message here to the Three Thousand Domains?"

"Impossible, there is no such communication tool at all, but it is absolutely necessary to investigate the God of War reserve camp!"

The strong were furious and began to inspect everyone in the God of War preparation camp.

Mu Yi whispered: "It's him again, really haunted."

"Officer, are you talking about that Tang Chen?" Huang Kui Immortal blinked.

Mu Yi nodded and said: "Yes, this person has a despicable character and bad conduct. He is simply a model of scum in the Three Thousand Domains."

Huang Kui Immortal girl has never seen Tang Chen, but she has heard his name.

The fact that Mu Yi came from the Three Thousand Domains is not a secret. Some people are aware of it, including the Giant God and Demon King.

Therefore, he is likely to be selected as the object of careful examination.

But Mu Yi is not afraid at all, anyway, since he is from the world outside the realm, he will not worry about these things at all.

In fact, it was him who really transmitted the secret!

It's just that Mu Yi didn't know about this matter, and Tang Chen's thoughts had already been tampered with.

Even if others insisted on checking his soul memory, it would be useless.

Tang Chen, who is getting more and more cunning day by day, how could he not know how to guard against this?


Three thousand domains.

There are many people waiting in Longyuan Academy, their faces are worried, their hands are shaking slightly, and sweat seeps.

Because Tang Jiao took the children to intercept the people from the foreign tribes, and they went very quickly, and there were quite a lot of people who didn't know about it at the time.

"Tang Jiao, don't be impulsive, those children are still young."

"I believe in the Tang Sect. He said that the children's combat power is stronger than that of the alien clan."

"If this is the case, it is the blessing of my Three Thousand Domains. I am afraid that the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment."

They were pacing back and forth, all very worried.

Then Zu Chenzhou returned through the void, Tang Chen stood on the deck with his hands behind his back, with a confident and Immortal smile.

The children, on the other hand, waved their arms towards their elders, showing long-lost smiles.

The elders were overjoyed when they saw that they were all there.

"No, why do you still bring such a group of alien clans?" Some people asked depressedly.

Zu Chenzhou descended the low rank ladder, and everyone walked down.

Ancestor Tianyong and others greeted him, and quickly asked, "How's the record?"

"Win the battle!"

Before Tang Chen could answer, the children laughed.

Those extraterritorial strange races who became soul slaves after being suppressed are the best proof.

The teachers and elders in the academy suddenly burst into tears. This kind of record has never happened before.

The ancestor of Tianyong sighed: "Tang Jiao is really a miracle maker. It can make such a huge change in children in such a short period of time."

"It's overrated, beautiful jade still needs to be crafted by a skilled craftsman." Tang Chen smiled lightly.

The children are all gifted and talented. As long as they are well taught and guided, the future is full of light.

Tang Chen and others were welcomed in.

One person shook his head and said, "It was really correct to have Tang Jiao replace Wu Qingyizu at the beginning."

"Yes, if you really want that old helper to come, it will definitely be laughable and generous." Another person echoed.

Tang Chen's status in the minds of these people is constantly rising, and in the end, it must be an unshakable existence.

On the way, Tang Chen got Mu Yi's thoughts from the thought pair and knew that the God of War preparatory camp was to be probed.

"Hey, I just took this opportunity to get rid of some of your characters." He laughed wickedly in his heart.

As Tang Chen's inner ghost, Mu Yi would definitely not be found to be wrong, but he also used these things to frame others.

Anyway, it's an alien race, it doesn't matter how you kill it, Tang Chen won't feel bad.

Kill a few more and count him.

He secretly said: "Look at the situation first, and then decide what to do later."

The students of Longyuan Academy cheered on their return from victory. It was a hard-won victory.

"Brother, if there is no problem here, we will go first." Tang Chen was patted on the shoulder, and Gao Dafu grinned.

The Blood Sword Domain Lord said softly: "My domain is quite busy, wait for me to go back and make a decision."

"Nonsense, you are either cultivating every day or you should be a fool, why do you need to make decisions?" Tang Chen ruthlessly pointed out.

The Blood Sword Domain Lord smiled, but he didn't feel embarrassed.

Tang Chen sent them outside, during which he asked, "Da Fu, how have you been with Qingzhu recently?"

Gao Dafu didn't speak, his face was full of sneering and ecstatic expressions, needless to say, he knew how happy he was.

"Hey, hey, if you have something to ask, I'm not here to eat dog food." The owner of the Blood Sword Domain expressed his dismay.

Tang Chen shook his head with a smile, and said, "Have you mentioned the specific location of the Immortal clan?"

"We talked, it seems to be in the Immortal realm at the beginning, but that place is not easy to enter." Gao Dafu raised his head to think about it, and replied.


"The check-in location is refreshed, the early Immortal domain, the ancestral land."

The system beeped.

Tang Chen smiled when he heard the words, and it seemed that even if it was a difficult place to enter, he would have to go in and make his way.

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