Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 927 Killing 1 By 1 Is Too Troublesome

Qingliantai reproduces the nine immortal shapes of the sky and the blood, which amazes all beings and shows the terrifying combat power of Jinzhan.

Ye De was blown away by a single blow, and rolled countless times in mid-air before he stopped, bleeding from his nose and mouth, and he looked embarrassed.

His expression was instantly gloomy, could it be that he couldn't even win a third tyrant in the sky?

"What about the Nine Immortals, Ye Family's martial arts secret technique crushes you!"

Ye De let out a clear whistle, the sound moved in all directions, and the billowing wind and clouds were trembling.

He squeezed the seal in his hand, and Immortal qi like the collapse of mountains and rivers gushed out, melting with the golden qi and blood in his body into a dao map, revolving between heaven and earth.

The ancient characters of the Ye family were engraved on the road map, and strange creatures appeared one after another.

These creatures are all transformed by the Tao, but they are lifelike, as if they are real, and they are extremely wonderful.

Demonic Beasts or human beings can see it, and burst out with myriads of divine powers.

"The Twelve Spirits!" Ye De shouted softly.

Twelve creatures, with bright pupils, shone so brightly that others did not dare to look directly.

Or magical fire, or thunder, or ten thousand swords, etc., are displayed like a bombardment, killing Jin Zhan.

The battle of feuds is completely driven by the situation of life or death.

Jin Zhan in the Kunpeng Immortal form did not have any panic, but was unusually calm.

After years of waiting and fighting hard, how could he have died here.

"The Elephant of the Sun and Moon!"

He changed his body and turned into the deity, with the left hand holding the sun seal, and the right hand holding the moon seal, he said deeply.

On the day of the birthday month, the mighty Immortal is like a huge battle of rivers, lakes and seas collapsing.

The splendid sun spirit reaches the sun, burns all things, and illuminates the sky like a double sun.

The warm and cold Cang Yue Spirit is feminine and serene, hanging down on the earth, and the scattered colors are like a thin layer of gauze wrapping everything in the world.

Jin Zhan pointed one finger to the sky and the other to the ground, with an aura like a tiger swallowing Yin & Yang, and his voice was like shouting: "I am the only one who respects magic, I am the great emperor!"

Demonic Beasts and humanoids were covered by the light of the sun and the moon, roaring and fighting, but in the end they were completely blown up by Jin Zhan.

When everyone saw this scene, their eyes widened, wasn't this the secret method of the imperial palace back then?

During the trip to the imperial palace, except for Tang Chen, Jin Liezhang, and Chi Lin who got the inheritance, the rest all gained something in the place of comprehension.

And Jin Zhan also harvested a secret technique, which was completely revealed at this moment.

"In heaven and earth, I am the only one!"

Jin Zhan was all-powerful, opened up the world between his fingers, and shouted loudly.

The sun and the moon are like a broken bamboo, crushing and crushing forward.

Ye De's brows are cracked, and the Twelve Spirits tactics are closely related to him, and now the destruction is naturally damaged.

He was puzzled, how long did it take to lift the curse, was the Jin family already so terrifying?

"No, the Jin family must die, otherwise, it will be me who will die!" Ye De's eyes revealed fierce light, killing intent burst out, and roared in his heart.

There was a golden blood on his fingertips.

With a bang, the golden light and lightning flashed, turning into a majestic golden sea of ​​clouds, blocking the front of the image of the sun and the moon, and stunned.


The golden cloud sponge is as soft as the deep sea, containing all things, constantly bearing this terrifying power.

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this. Ye De didn't want to become the fourth Sacred Body at will, but a real talent.

Overcoming rigidity with softness is Ye De's current strategy.

"Golden battle, won." However, Tang Chen said lightly.

Everyone frowned when they heard this, Tang Chen had already decided Ye De's fate.


The sun and the moon exploded, and the golden sea of ​​clouds rolled turbulently, enduring this power.

Ye De took a deep breath, it was his turn to fight back.

But when he was about to move, he saw Jin Zhan fluttering out of the corner of his eyes, raising his right arm high, his muscles like dragons and tigers, full of life energy.

"Ba Fist!"

Jin Zhan roared, the fist contained divine power, and the splendid light like a purple ocean impacted the golden sea of ​​clouds, completely shattering.

Ye De endured this punch, his mouth spit scarlet, his internal organs seemed to be displaced, and he growled horribly.

He forcibly circulated his qi and blood, incited Immortal qi, and shouted while spurting blood: "Twelve Spirit Fists!"

"The Great Bell Road."

Jin Zhan was calm and strong, his spirit and energy soared, Zixia soared, and turned into a big purple bell in front of everyone's eyes.

The purple bell is engraved with mountain birds, fish and insects, mountains and rivers, and has the power of grandeur, such as the homeland of the dynasty.


Ye Dequan has ten different Second Stage strengths, the splendid divine light is dazzling and dazzling, and the violent bombardment of the purple bell, but it made a deafening loud noise.

With a click, Ye De's fist burst on the spot, golden and red blood sputtered, and he couldn't break Zi Zhong and even injured himself!

This strike, let alone the crowd, even the strong men of the Ye family were dumbfounded and unbelievable.

Ye De's face changed in shock, and when he wanted to step back, Zi Zhong shone, which stimulated his eyes to close uncontrollably.

The golden battle swept out, and the dragon and the tiger seemed to come out of the cage, domineering and fierce.

The fists are mixed with the Immortal inscription, shaking the sky and the earth, breaking out the unparalleled combat power.


Ba Fist attacked left and right, crushed Ye De's head, and annihilated his soul together.

A headless corpse fell to the ground weakly, and blood spurted out from the neck, staining the Qingliantai red.

The whole scene was silent, and even the ancestors of the Ye family didn't have time to save them.

The atmosphere where the needle could be heard was broken, and the Jin family and the Immortal sect roared loudly.

Jin Zhan crushed Ye De with Wudi posture, showing the might of the sky and swept away the shame he once left behind.

"Hahaha, good, good fight!"

"Just kill this group of dogs, don't let one go!"

"Gan, let people disguise their masters and tarnish their reputation, damn it!"

The Jin family and the white prostitute Immortal applauded loudly, not caring about the gloomy Ye family at all.

Jin Zhan retreated, looked at the four ancestors of the family, and said solemnly: "I will not let the family be humiliated!"

"Okay, good boy."

Jin Tianba was very excited and patted Jin Zhan on the shoulder.

The ancestors of the Jin family looked at each other, their pupils were a little wet and red, these children were all good.

Ye Aotian, Ye Tianming, and Ye Yan from the Ye family's side saw Ye De's remnant body, and the emotions in their pupils were as cold as a cold winter's day.

"Kill the weakest, yet dare to say it so nicely." Ye Yi sneered.

Tang Chen walked out, and countless eyes instantly focused on him, all of them were stunned. Are you really going to appear?

He looked directly at Ye Aotian and grinned: "Don't waste your time, it's too troublesome to kill one by one."

"Then what do you want?" Ye Aotian asked indifferently.

Tang Chen said deeply: "I also asked senior to open up three Qinglian Terraces. I, Liezhang, and Haoran will fight the three of you!"


As soon as these words came out, the audience was boiling.

This sentence is already not ready to wait any longer, to decide the winner together.

The ancestor of the Jin family looked at Tang Chen's back, as if it was quietly overlapping with the deceased parent and child.

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