Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 926 The Iron Ye Family, The 4 Sacred Body Of Flowing Water

In the sky above the Qinglian Spirit Land, the sea of ​​golden clouds surged, and the strands were like the majesty of Immortal.

After many cultivators noticed this breath, they could only lower their heads.

Their eyes looked up slightly, as if they were surrendering, and they didn't dare to look directly at Ye Aotian's respectful face.

Because Ye Aotian's power is too strong, his body is strong, as if the gods are hidden in every inch of muscle.

Blood Qi is surging like thunder, shaking the minds of others.

Between his gestures, he swallowed the mountains and rivers, Shen Yun Universe, and gave full play to the posture of the ancient Sacred Body.

In the distant sky in the void, there is a huge body that is vague and pale gold, with the sun and moon above its head, and its feet on the netherworld. The terrifying pressure is extremely terrifying.

"That is the ancestor of the ancient Sacred Body, you have to be careful."

Xiao Meilong took a sip of the milk tea handed by Gao Dafu, and said with bright eyes.

Tang Chen glanced at the ancestral body, there was actually a ray of pressure, and the blood in the body was slowly boiling.

He raised his eyes to look at Ye Aotian, and said calmly, "Just don't be blown up by me."

The Ye family sneered even more when they heard this.

"Heavenly Saint Immortal Realm? Is it worth fighting against my first Sacred Body? Do you know what visions appeared when Aotian Dage broke through the Ancestral Immortal Realm?" Someone sneered at this time.

This man looked arrogant, and he respected Ye Aotian from the bottom of his heart, and despised Tang Chen.

Jin Zhanhan said coldly, "Ye De, you are a person who has just advanced to the fourth Sacred Body, what qualifications do you have to speak out, get out of here!"

The sound was so loud that it was like a mighty thunder, and it exploded for hundreds of miles in all directions.

"The fourth Sacred Body? It's really the iron-clad Ye family, the fourth Sacred Body of Liushui." Tang Chen glanced at Ye De and teased.


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Jin family, who prostituted Immortal for free, burst into laughter.

As we all know, the fourth Sacred Body is a bad sitting position, and there are not many good results when going up.

Ye Liangchen and Ye Ling is a particularly good example.

The eyes of the Ye family's powerhouses revealed Killing intent, staring at Tang Chen angrily and resentfully.

Ye Ling was killed by his sword.

The cultivators around were almost unable to bear it anymore. There was no one else but Tang Chen who dared to laugh at the Ye family.

Ye Aotian's eyes were slightly cold, and he said indifferently: "I hope you have repaired the inheritance of the three emperors, and don't make excuses for losing to me."

"What about the Huanggu Sacred Body, I still blow you up." Tang Chen said domineeringly.

The onlookers were sweating coldly as they watched it, bursting into pieces one by one, as expected of the Tang religion.

A sturdy life never needs any explanation.


The Ye family snorted, ignored Tang Chen and the Jin family, and walked towards Qingliantai.

Jin Tianba patted Tang Chen on the shoulder and whispered, "Well scolded."

How long has the Jin family waited for this day, it is naturally impossible to let go of any opportunity to run against the Ye family in vain.

Many forces moved, followed behind the Ye family and the Jin family, and slowly arrived at a warm and clean Lotus flower pond.


The Ye Family Patriarch and the Jin Family Patriarch were not very vocal, but they contained the natural charm of Taoism and spread throughout the Qinglian Spiritual Land.


The cyan glow of the Lotus flower pool flows, beautiful and elegant, shining on the heavens, and there is a green lotus swaying slightly.

The green lotus bloomed and turned into a huge battle stage, and there was a slowly blooming bud in the center of the cyan battle stage.

This scene was deeply imprinted in the eyes of everyone.


I don't know who, in such a silent atmosphere, swallowed a mouthful of spit.

This is the feud between the blood of the sky and the ancient Sacred Body, ranging from serious injuries to dying on the spot.

Qingliantai is clean and unsullied, but in the eyes of the Jin family, it seems that countless heroes have been damaged here.

The ancestors of the two sides were suspended in the sky, sprinkled with the mysterious Immortal Xia, and thousands of Rui Cai floated in the heaven and earth, suppressing all the young people.

"Jin Yan, I haven't seen you for a hundred years. I miss you very much. Back then, your son was also fighting at Qingliantai..."

One of the ancestors of the Ye family talked eloquently.

But his words instantly ignited the anger of everyone in the Jin family.

The elders all know that the parent and son of the ancestor of the Jin family, the only child, who died in battle at Qingliantai, fell to the hands of the previous generation Sacred Body of the Ye family.

Cursed at that time, the son of the great ancestor was able to fight to the end with a proud posture, which made the Jin family grief-stricken.

Sometimes, I hope that such a proud person can bow his head once, at least save his life.

Jin Family Patriarch's eyes were red, and his breathing became heavy.

Jin Tianba and the others were even more angry.

Tang Chen's eyes became cold, the Ye family was really a bunch of cheap people.

"Shut up the old thing, the unwillingness and humiliation of the son of the great ancestor, I will return it today!"

Jin Zhanjian brows and eyes, eyebrows are killing intent, as if roaring everything and logging into Qingliantai.

The elders of the Jin family immediately became worried when they saw Jin Zhan's appearance.

It was hard to nurture such outstanding three people, but they had to play.

Ye Family Patriarch Jie Jie smiled and said coldly, "Who dares to fight?"

"Ancestor, I'm coming!"

Ye De walked out, sneered and fell into the Qinglian Terrace, staring directly at Jin Zhan.

Jin Zhan clenched his fist, his majestic body swept out a storm of purple blood, disturbed the sky, changed Yin & Yang, and looked at Ye De coldly.

Although Ye De has the bloodline of the ancient Sacred Body, he has not transformed any extra physique from it. He is also a character from Ascension to the fourth Sacred Body based on his combat power.

He twisted his neck and grinned: "Jin family? It's really interesting. After losing so many years, I always think about the salted fish turning over."

"Chen Gu Dao Sword!"

Jin Zhan's eyes widened, he leaped to the Ninth Stage, and his hands formed one of the nine Immortal shapes.

The evolution of Daojian, the rays of the sun are shining, and the mountains and rivers are broken, fierce and domineering.

He vented all his anger, the sword soared, and fell from high to low.

The ancient sword of dust contains purple clouds, and when it falls, it is like breaking the sky and slashing green lotuses.

Ye De looked slightly cold and shouted in a low voice, "Dragon Tiger Immortal Technique!"

In his left hand, the green glow blooms, soft and elegant, and turns into a palm, while the right hand turns into a golden glow, which is fierce and ferocious, turning into a fist.

The dragon's palm raises the Immortal fog, and the tiger's fist moves the hurricane.

He contains two distinct Immortals that are ready for the golden battle, strong and Wudi.


The dazzling light erupted during the confrontation, the law spread, and the rune cracked.

Ye De wanted to sneer, but because he couldn't feel the pressure of Jin Zhan, just as he was about to ridicule, he noticed a terrifying strong wind coming from his side.

Jin Zhan has Kunpeng wings on his back, and he can transform into Qingpeng in the sky. With one wing, he can cross the world, and the cold Pengtong gives Ye De a sense of crisis.


Peng Yi was like a celestial knife, passing through the sky, the air burst.

Ye De's expression changed in shock, Kunpeng's speed was too fast, and he only had time to turn his hands into tiger fists.


Ye De felt a terrifying force coming from his fists, such as the explosion of a star, the force was infinite, and he was thrown into the air.

"I want your Ye family to repay all the shame you once had today!"

Jin Zhan screamed, Peng Ming shook the sky, extremely shocking.

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