Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1029 Why Don't You Dare, Just 4 Fights 1

There is a taboo that is isolated between the three thousand realms and the ten thousand realms outside the realm.

Once the seniors knew that they could not resist the attack of the strange clan outside the realm, they used their own flesh and blood, soul, ancestral body, etc. as the price to become a natural moat that blocked both sides, protecting the three thousand realm creatures from generation to generation.

But the extraterritorial monsters are not fools, they naturally understand that if they want to invade the Three Thousand Territories, the taboo must be eliminated.

So they came up with the method of blood resonance, and they are secretly and slowly dying.

As long as time permits, another month or two will be able to completely unlock the taboo.

Taboo presents a golden translucent substance, blocking the Immortal King from the alien tribe.

"Can it be faster?"

"Impossible. If it continues, it will be easily discovered."

"It's all this stuff, otherwise we will unify all the realms of the world long ago."

The space was slightly distorted, and there was a very subtle sound.

Those who come to kill the taboo wear the skin of some kind of holy beast, which can cover themselves and not be noticed by others.

If you don't watch it carefully, you won't notice the Impurities on the surface of the taboo.


Suddenly, a mighty voice sounded from the Three Thousand Domains.

Tang Chen was headed by the girls, followed by Hou Zhen Hou Zhu Yi Qing and the others.

Dou Lao and other forces followed closely behind.

Huang Ping'er, Xiao Qilin and other juniors didn't come out, and they couldn't get involved in the next battle.

"Crush Jade Slip, the Three Thousand Domains know the situation!" The man in the dark said hurriedly.

The aborigines at Ziyang Border Pass came forward to check, their expressions changed slightly, and said solemnly: "Tang Sect is right, they really want to crack it, and they have spent most of it."

"Fortunately, Tang Jiao's reminder was timely, otherwise it would be too late to regret it." Old Jiu and the others heaved a sigh of relief, which was really great.

Tang Chen just smiled and used his heavenly eyes to scan the surroundings, just when he saw those people hiding in the space, the corners of his lips raised.


There was a loud roaring noise from the extraterritorial strange clan, like a thousand troops, like a waterfall falling down, with a huge momentum, traversing the stars.

The leader is the Cold Demon Emperor, the Prodigy King and others.

"Hurry up and stop them!" The Emperor Cold Demon shouted furiously when he saw the aborigines repairing the taboos.

Immediately, the powerhouses of the strange clan from outside the territory came out and slaughtered them fiercely.

Jiu Lao's eyes revealed killing intent, and said: "Don't be affected by them, stop!"

The powerhouses of the Three Thousand Domains are also brave and not afraid of death, and they understand that they must take action at this moment.


The two sides collided like a torrent of steel, and a dazzling and bright divine light erupted, rippling in all directions.

Hou Zhen, Hou Zhun, and Yi Qing stayed by the side of the aborigines, and they would take action whenever an enemy came over.

"One gasification and three cleanliness."

Tang Chen's pupils were bright and bright like Immortal Xia, he stepped on the ground and said softly.

Three figures came from the distant horizon. Although they were dressed differently, their faces were exactly the same.

The extraterritorial strange clan and the powerhouses of the three thousand realms were even more shocked when they saw this scene. What kind of secret method is this?

They have never seen this kind of incarnation, and the combat power can be comparable to the deity.

Seeing Tang Chen, Emperor Cold Demon was even more angry and shouted: "Junior, dare to fight with me!"

"Why don't you dare." Tang Chen sneered, crossing the taboo and coming with three Taoist bodies.

Four-on-one justice, definitely suitable for Tang Chen.

Jinpao Tang Chen held the Tai A sword tightly in his hand, arrogantly rushing into the sky, if he wanted to cut off the sky and the earth.

The blood-robed Tang Chen wore infinite gloves in his hands, and he was arrogant and arrogant, and the fierce and domineering coercion swept the audience.

The black robe Tang Chen held the Immortal Dao Yuling stick in his hand, and behind it was the Haotian ancestor body, standing on the ground, Immortal mighty.

Tang Chen's deity mastered the spirit of Martial Saint and instantly soared to the Immortal King realm.

This is not to mention the Cold Demon Emperor, even if the prodigy King and others see it, their eyelids are jumping, it is too shameless!

"Era of Ice Demons!"

The Cold Demon Emperor instantly felt that a crisis was spreading from the depths of his heart, and he shouted without hesitation.

The sky is cold and frost, and it instantly turns into an ice age within a radius of ten thousand miles. The cold penetrates the bone marrow, and the ice reaches the soul.

Even the divine fire created by others was completely frozen.

He moved towards Tang Chen and the three Taoist bodies, and the power of frost exploded, freezing them all.

"Longevity Emperor Spirit Art."

Heipao Tang Chen didn't panic at all, his energy skyrocketed, and he squeezed the seal.

Buddha Demon Immortal Yan + Buddha Palm!


Immortal is tyrannical, and three thousand gods and Buddhas sit in the sky, not the holy and unparalleled Buddha's light, but the flaming flames.

The gods and Buddhas raised their hands, and the golden light and the firelight blended together, which contained the deadly high temperature that burned all things, and shot it down.

All the frost dissipated away, unable to resist the high temperature.

The change of heat and cold makes people a little uncomfortable.

But Emperor Cold Demon's expression changed slightly, this Immortal fire actually restrained himself!

"Dimensional Slash."

Jinpao Tang Chen separated his feet, held Tai Ajian tightly, and said softly with a smile on his beautiful and unparalleled face.

Sword out, heaven and earth move!

At this moment, the space presented a distorted and confused scene, as if it was divided.

The Cold Demon Emperor, who was deeply trapped in it, was full of sense of crisis. With a violent roar, the Ice Extreme Ancestor Body appeared behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief and froze the signs of the broken space.

He walked out of it in embarrassment, his body was covered with bloodstains, but he was restrained by the power of frost and did not bleed.

"Daolian Golden Armored God." The next moment, the blood-robed Tang Chen said deeply.

The surging golden lotus, the natural Dao lotus, is golden and dazzling, dazzling in all directions, containing mysterious and unpredictable Dao rhyme.

The golden lotus exudes a thick mist, giving birth to a god.

The mighty and gigantic body of 10,000 zhang zhang stunned countless people deeply.

The blood-robed Tang Chen was possessed by the golden armored deity, and he threw a punch without any fancy.

"An dare to look down on me like that!"

The Cold Demon Emperor shouted loudly, and moved the Ice Extreme Ancestor Body. At the same time, with a body of ten thousand feet, the divine fist contained the power of frost and tyrannical fists.


The fists slammed, like a thunderous explosion, the mighty, deafening sound caused countless people to cry.

With a click, the arm of the Ice Extreme Ancestor was cracked at this moment, shattering inch by inch.

The Cold Demon Emperor retreated sharply, blood oozing from his nose and mouth, and flew upside down for several thousand meters with a painful expression on his face.

"Quick fix!" Tang Chen deity shouted softly.

The aboriginal people swayed the power of blood between their palms and fingers, and quickly repaired.

Tang Chen's eyes were deep, and he swung the Azure Dragon sword.

With a puff, all those who were hiding in the dark were beheaded, and they were no longer able to affect the aborigines.

The Cold Demon Emperor was defeated, and the powerhouses of other strange tribes outside the territory were even more shocked.

It's incredible how this ancestor Immortal can leapfrog!


Old Jiu and others were excited and excited, shouting to kill Zhentian, and fiercely rushed out.

They have been suppressed for countless years and it is time to fight back.

The principle of bottoming out and rebounding is really suitable here.

How did the alien clan invaded the Three Thousand Domain Realm back then, then how will it be repaid in the future.

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