Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1028 He Stood Up To Die, I Just Fulfilled Him

In the Ziyang Border Pass, there is a blade of light that connects the sky and the earth, which is dazzling and incomparable.

Many forces thought that Tang Chen would choose to let Meng Xuyuan go, but they killed him without thinking about the effort to change hands!

The speed and force of this knife were too fast and too strong, and the others did not have time to react.

Even if they reacted, no one of them dared to go over to bear this strike, or they would get in with themselves.

"Tang Jiao, you..."

Many people's expressions changed slightly, and they pointed at Tang Chen, but they stopped talking.

Tang Chen took back the spirit of Martial Saint and said calmly: "He stood up to die, and I just fulfilled him."

The Meng family in the distance was completely stunned. Did the ancestor die like this?

An Immortal King who was guarding the Ziyang Border Pass was defeated so simply by Tang Chen, it was really outrageous!

Meng He and others saw Tang Chen's cold eyes, trembling all over, and no longer dared to show any arrogance.

"What you do, you should do it yourself, not stand back and wince." Tang Chen looked at Meng He coldly and said solemnly.

Meng He hurriedly looked at the others, with hope, anticipation, pleading, and fear in his eyes.

How he wished that someone would stand up for him at this time, but there was no one, and the situation was already on Tang Chen's side.

Sorry for not being in the first place!

Meng He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists with red eyes.

But he didn't choose to come out, instead he took a few steps back and hid.

Tang Chen sighed when he saw this scene, and said, "How did this kind of person become the head of a generation, it's really sad."

He held the Tai'a sword in his hand, and the blue divine light shone in the scabbard, and it trembled slightly as if it had been pulled out thousands of times.

When Dimension Slash appeared, Meng He was shrouded, and he was chopped into countless pieces before he could even scream.

The rest of the Meng family were unscathed, and the control of such extremely ingenious power was simply breathtaking.

The Meng family members fell to the ground and looked at Tang Chen in amazement.

After Tang Chen got rid of the Meng family, he slowly turned around and glanced at the crowd, including Chen Ju and Chen Jingze, who had not been killed before.

Clear now!

Chen Ju and Chen Jingze were already so afraid that their souls were about to emerge from the Tianling Gai, so they hurriedly escaped.

They also don't know why they are doing the fire on that day. Isn't this courting death for themselves?

"Patriarch, what to do!" Chen Jingze asked in panic.

Chen Ju's face was pale, obviously frightened enough.

He said with a trembling voice: "It doesn't matter, if we run like this, he will definitely not be able to find us."

"Really? I think you guys are pretty easy to find." Suddenly, a playful voice sounded.

The two raised their heads in amazement, the color in their pupils gradually became frightened, and there was a choked sound in their throats, but they couldn't come out.

It's not too easy for Tang Chen to find them, overlooking the two of them, as simple as playing a cat with a mouse.

It has been said that fear to the extreme is anger, and the reason for it is... incompetent rage.

The fear in Chen Jingze's heart was instantly suppressed, replaced by a ferocious rage, and he shouted: "Tang Chen, today is either your death or my death!"

"You better stay down there." Tang Chen said indifferently.

He raised his arm, containing a heavy and powerful divine power, the divine light of the dusk color shone brightly, and he patted it without hesitation.

Chen Jingze and Chen Ju burst out with Immortal anger, and they rushed out fiercely, but at the moment of contact, they were photographed into meat mud.

Before Chen Ju died, he really wanted to roar: it was he who wanted to fight with you, not me!

Tang Chen doesn't matter, he has to die anyway, it's just the difference between earlier and later, it's better to do it together.

When all this is resolved, Tang Chen can be regarded as the real stop.

The powerhouses in the entire Ziyang Border Pass silently looked at Tang Chen.

They also understood that the person Tang Chen killed had a grudge against them, not killing innocents.

"Lao Jiu, everyone, I have something to tell you." Tang Chen said softly.

Everyone was a little puzzled, but they still followed behind to go to Tang Chen's mansion.

After everyone was seated, Tang Chen said straight to the point: "This time I went out and got a lot of information, one of which is that our taboo is being cracked."


As soon as these words came out, Old Jiu and the others couldn't sit still and stood up, exclaiming in shock.

You must know that the taboo was once made of flesh and blood by the seniors of the three thousand realms, in order to protect the descendants from the intrusion of the alien tribes.

"No, they can't crack it."

"Yes, taboos can last for tens of thousands of years."

"There's definitely something odd here."

Tang Chen pressed his hand on them, and after sitting down again, the group felt something was wrong.

Tang Chen smiled and said, "Then do you know why they frequently come to the Three Thousand Domains to challenge Tianjiao?"

"This... in order to put pressure on us and increase the fear in our hearts?" Someone asked hesitantly.

Tang Chen replied: "Yes, but not entirely correct, they want to collect special bloodlines to use to kill the taboos."

Old Jiu and the others suddenly changed their expressions, and seemed to understand what was going on.

"Yes, the blood of the Three Thousand Domains can resonate with the taboos of the seniors."

"It turns out that they waited so long for this day, so sinister."

"If it hadn't been told by Tang Jiao, we would have been kept in the dark, and it would have been too late when the taboo was broken."

The powerhouses suddenly realized, and at the same time lamented the importance of Tang Chen's trip out.

Tang Chen said softly, "So they will keep harassing us because they don't have time to manage taboos."

"We must take action, and we can mend the taboo with our blood." An aboriginal stood up with a firm expression and said deeply.

Tang Chen got up and said, "Pack up, let's go now."

"it is good."

Everyone agreed and went to prepare.

When Jiu Lao was about to leave, he asked, "Tang Jiao, how did you get this information?"

"I don't know what it's called, but I'm threatening someone." Tang Chen shrugged.

In fact, he learned it from Mu Yi, so he can't say that he has someone from the strange clan outside the realm.

Old Jiu nodded and immediately went to prepare.

The entire Ziyang border was active, the strong gathered, and the Demonic Beasts neighed.

The iron cavalry is majestic, and the war spear is cold and shining, vowing to kill the alien race.

"Let's go!" the iron cavalry shouted loudly.

The huge gate of the border was opened, and everyone swept to the sky in a mighty manner, heading towards the distant taboo.

Many creatures in the border looked at this scene and showed deep concern.

Because these are the aborigines in the border, watching their own fathers, brothers, husbands, and daughters rush to the battlefield.

They understand that the future is forged, not stuck.

So sometimes sacrifice is normal, but also painful.

"Ancestor, please bless these people to return safely."

The aborigines fell to their knees and prayed to the sky.

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