Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1012 How Can You See A Rainbow Without Experiencing Wind And Rain

Tang Chen and others arrived at the Ziyang Border Pass, and they attracted the attention of many people after they arrived.

Except for the extremely remote place like Immortal Ling Xiaobianguan, who did not know him, everyone else knew him.

I haven't seen him, but I have heard of Tang Chen's reputation.

"This is Tang Jiao, the dean of Longyuan Academy, right?"

"It's really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves, this charm, this momentum, it's really powerful."

"I have never seen such a handsome child, but with a marriage, my children are not bad."

Many forces gradually came to meet Tang Chen in person.

Seeing so many people, Tang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and knew that these people had no ill intentions.

It is a good thing that someone has come to the border for support.

The strong residents in the customs are all happy from the heart, and it is normal to be enthusiastic.

Suddenly, Tang Chen noticed that he was looking at him with bad eyes, and he felt strange.

He came back to Ziyang Border Pass for the first time, why would anyone be so hostile to him?

Tang Chen followed this gaze, and saw that the Meng family were staring at him, expressionless, but his eyes contained murderous intent.

[Menghe: The patriarch of the Meng family at the Ziyang border gate, the upper ancestor of the Immortal realm, the family and the Immortal family once had a marriage, claiming to have the blood of the Immortal god, but it is actually a combination of the human race and the Immortal family. 】

After seeing this person's message, Tang Chen smiled, no wonder he was hostile.

"Everyone, if you have time, go to my place for tea and talk." He cupped fist to the people around him.

The forces in Guan Nei agreed kindly and watched Tang Chen and his party leave the place.

Meng He narrowed his eyes and looked at Tang Chen's back, clenching his fists slightly, sooner or later this group of people will pay the price.

"Patriarch, it doesn't seem to do us any good to start a fight with them now." The Meng family's clansmen whispered.

Meng He sneered: "That's natural, I won't be so stupid, but there are not a few people who want to kill Tang Chen, just wait."

The Meng family has been able to live in Ziyang Border Pass for so long, and they must be strong, and at the same time as cunning as a snake, waiting for the best time to use their fangs to take the enemy's life.

Tang Chen didn't pay too much attention to the Meng family, but arrived at a mansion with the people around him.

This mansion was specially reserved for Tang Chen at the Ziyang Border Pass, and it was also a symbol of status. It was impossible for ordinary people to live in it.

Everyone checked in, but before they had stabilized, there was an extremely noisy sound outside.

"Master, what's wrong?" Huang Ping'er and Xiao Qilin asked.

Tang Chen stood up before his butt was warm, nodded and said, "Go out and have a look."

The three master and apprentice went out, and what they saw was a noisy and lively scene, and at the same time there was a strong and bloody smell.

I saw the iron cavalry returning from outside the pass, blood was painted, bones were visible, and the injury was serious.

There were dozens of corpses lying on the ground, blood all over the place, men, women and children lying on the corpses and crying bitterly.

This is the aboriginal people living in the customs, and their lives were taken away when they were fighting against the alien tribes.

It is not easy to keep the corpse in the end.

The atmosphere that originally surrounded Tang Chen and others dimmed, replaced by silence and coldness.

Because in Ziyang Border Pass, death and killing are experienced every day.

The better corpses were brought back, and the more tragic ones were just a handful of blood-stained loess.

"Woohoo, he died for the border, I'm proud of him, but he's still too young!"

"Father, you said you wanted to take me to see the bigger world, why did you leave first."

"Dage, go ahead, your unfulfilled wish, my son, my grandson, will persist for generations!"

The sound of crying was intermittent, affecting the emotions of many people.

Tang Chen stared at the dead body with deep eyes, and patted the two children on the shoulders.

Huang Ping'er couldn't help clenching his fists and said deeply: "Master, I want to get out."

"What my brother said is exactly what I thought." Xiao Qilin said firmly.

Although they are mysterious Immortal, they already have the ability to go forward to fight.

Tang Chen nodded and said, "Okay, I will arrange it."

If you don't experience wind and rain, you can't see a rainbow.

Not being tested by blood and pain, when will you step on the path of the strong.

Tang Chen brought them not to see, but to act.

the next day.

Tang Chen took two disciples to handle some things.

For example, the killing order used in the border gates can be used for military merit and rewards when killing the alien clan.

Furthermore, in the event of any danger, you can activate the Killing Domain Order to let nearby powerhouses go to support.

This is extremely important for anyone who fights outside to build military exploits.

"For the first time here, I still recommend that they go with the next batch of cultivators to increase the survival rate." The red-haired old man said coldly.

Tang Chen thinks it's okay, at least let the two children get familiar with it first.

When it was almost time, hundreds of cultivators gathered together and were led by the iron cavalry.

Huang Ping'er and Xiao Qilin were among them. The two sat on the back of the Lightning Lightning Bird and waved to Tang Chen and others.

"Sir, the two young masters will be fine." Hou Zhen chuckled.

Ye Qingrou said sweetly: "Maybe they are stronger now than Brother Chen at that time."

"They are still 10,000 years away from me." Tang Chen pouted.

Everyone is happy, even children want to compare.

Tang Chen's pupils reflected the gradually closing giant door, and he stopped speaking.

He has already taught what he should teach, and it depends on the good fortune of the two of them.

Haotian Ancestral Art belongs to Tang Chen's Ancestral Art, and he was also taught to them.


Outside the border, there is a barren land, and the loess fills the sky, obscuring everyone's sight, and it contains some kind of peculiar power that cannot be seen through.

The iron cavalry commanded the team to move forward continuously, and got information that there were traces of extraterritorial strange tribes nearby.


Suddenly, the yellow sand flew up and down, and the sky hung a giant spear, which was thousands of feet huge, running through the crowd.

The Lightning Thunderbird opened its mouth and spit out a thunder of Gengjin God. The golden light was brilliant and mighty, and the giant spear was thrown into the air.


The cavalry let out a deafening roar.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect to have such a group of delicious guys here."

"Haha, you Ziyang Border Pass are about to cry again."

"Don't talk nonsense, kill them all, and don't even leave their bodies behind."

The wind and sand danced and shook, revealing a dense array of alien races.

The iron cavalry's eyes were red, and they shouted with murderous intent: "Kill!"


The two sides collided like a terrifying torrent, and a strong and terrifying power erupted.

The earth is cracked and cratered.

There is a man in the alien tribe, with a dragon head and Wudi, who is at the peak of Xuan Immortal.

He is like a human-shaped meat grinder. Wherever he goes, he tears his body and devours his soul, which is terrifying.

"That's the third prince of the Steel Dragon Clan!"

"Don't melee him!"

The cultivators of the Three Thousand Realms were killed and lost their armor and armor.

The third prince of the steel dragon grinned: "The waste of the three thousand domains, come here and die!"

call out!

At this moment, the void burst, purple light shone, and Qilin Immortal fell like a comet, smashing hard at the third prince of the steel dragon.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the third prince of the steel dragon was violently retreated, his skin cracked and his complexion was ashen.

"I haven't eaten dragon meat for a long time."

The purple light dissipated, revealing Xiao Qilin's incomparable posture, calmly said.

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