Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 1011 9 Star Reward: "Fatty Nuclear Bomb"

The ancient city wall is extremely high, as if it is connected to the sky.

The sprawling wall stretches far and wide, forming a barrier blocking the two worlds.

This city wall is covered with many marks of swords and axes, and no amount of time can eliminate the breath on it.

Iron-blooded and icy fields lingered in all directions, setting off the entire border gate extremely cold and heavy.

Ziyang Border Pass, the largest and oldest border pass in the Three Thousand Territories Realm, is also an existence that has fought countless times with the alien tribes and can still survive.

At this time, there was a strong Immortal energy rippling in the distance, turning into auspicious clouds, floating across the sky, and finally stopped in front of Ziyang Border Pass.

The visitor is none other than the remaining Immortal tribe.

Emperor Lord Hongzun, Emperor Qi Immortal Lord, Gu Xingzu and other powerhouses have all fallen, and now only the leader of the Immortal clan is left named Huanyuan God.

The biggest reason why he came to Ziyang Border Pass was that there was the Meng family of the Immortal tribe who had been married.

The Meng family is not an ordinary human race. It claims to have the blood of the Immortal god, so God Hengyuan chose to rely on the Meng family, hoping to be blessed.

"Who is coming, say your name, or you will be shot to death!"

The towering city walls were completely invisible, but the cold and majestic words of Killing intent echoed.

Lord Huan Yuan and others are now afraid of being killed by Tang Chen, and they don't have the arrogance they once had.

He hurriedly said: "At the beginning of the Immortal domain, the Immortal Lord Huanyuan came to reinforce Ziyang Border Pass, you can ask the Meng family."

After saying this, no one answered.

I don't know how long it took, the giant door thousands of feet tall rumbled and slowly opened.

The savage breath wafts, the beast roars, and walking on the ground contains supreme divine might.

The leader is the current head of the Meng family, Meng He.

When Meng He saw the Lord Huanyuan, he was surprised and said, "Why did you all come here so well?"

"It's a long story, but I can breathe a sigh of relief when I see you." Lord Huan Yuan felt aggrieved and shook his head with a wry smile.

Many Immortal people wept and felt very humiliated.

Meng He frowned, there must be some big problem.

But he did not continue to ask, but invited the Lord Huanyuan into the Ziyang Border Pass.


Meng family.

Lord Huanyuan sat down with Meng He and sipped the fragrant tea.

"Emperor, how are they doing recently?" Meng He asked casually, taking a sip of his tea.

When Lord Huan Yuan heard this word, his eyes were red, and he said in a trembling voice: "The Immortal clan... is gone."


Meng He was stunned for a moment, then stood up in shock and lost his voice.

How powerful and profound is the Immortal family, how could it be completely destroyed in a short period of time?

He hurriedly asked: "Could it be that the alien race has crossed the border and stepped into the Three Thousand Territory?"

"No, someone else did it."

When Lord Huan Yuan thought of Tang Chen, his heart kept shaking and he whispered.

Meng He's face was ashen. Who is so courageous to have an infighting at this juncture?

He said coldly, "I will definitely make this person pay with his life."

"That person is called Tang Chen, and he is also the one who has a great reputation over the years, and who prostitutes the Immortal sect." God Huan Yuan gritted his teeth.

Meng He suddenly realized that it was Tang Chen, he had heard of it before!

Tang Chen's current reputation has really spread throughout the three thousand realms and beyond.

As for whether this reputation is good or bad, it depends on who looks at it.

In the eyes of the alien clan, he is unforgivable, and it is not enough to vent his anger.

In the Three Thousand Domains, it is mixed, but there are many people who want to kill him.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Tang Chen is an extremely complicated person.

Meng He narrowed his eyes and said, "So, he should also come to the border. If he comes here, I have to make him pay a price."

"It's best to be careful, the Emperor Lord Hongzun died in his hands, and the ancestor Immortal realm has the ability to fight the Immortal King realm." Huanyuan said.

Meng He sneered: "Don't worry, as long as he is in Ziyang Border Pass, it's not his turn to be a little sect leader."

The Immortals also came to the border to guard as promised, and had a new beginning under the blessing of the Meng family.

As for their fate, it depends on how they die.


Starlight bloomed, Zu Chenzhou appeared at Ziyang Border Pass, and Tang Chen and his party stood on the deck.

Huang Ping'er, Xiao Qilin, Hou Zhen and Hou Zhun two brothers, Yi Qing, and the daughters, all of them followed Tang Chen to Ziyang Border Pass.

The rest went to other borders to help.

"Is this the Ziyang Border Pass?" Tang Chen looked directly at the incomparably tall city wall and couldn't help but muttered to himself.

At this time, coldly's voice came from above: "Who is coming, tell me the name, or I will kill without mercy!"

"Three thousand domains, Tang Chen, the deputy leader of the Immortal sect, came to reinforce the border." Tang Chen said loudly.

Vaguely, a surprised conversation could be heard above, as if he had an incredible feeling for the visitor.

The giant gate rumbled, and an iron cavalry walked out, with rusted guns and blood-stained and withered armor.

But these could not cover up their eyes, and emotions such as firmness, fearlessness, and ruthlessness lingered in their pupils.

"Teacher Tang, please."

A middle-aged man in the iron cavalry had a strong voice and waved his hands.

Tang Chen and others were in awe of them, and it was this group of people who gave silently guarding the border.

Zu Chen's boat fell, and Tang Chen and his group walked down from it. They didn't show off or be arrogant, but walked down-to-earth into this Sacred level.

The cultivator of the iron cavalry saw this scene, and there was a touch of softness in his eyes.

It was a respect and they accepted it.

When Tang Chen and the others walked into the Ziyang Border Pass under the leadership of the Iron Cavalry, they saw the scene inside.

This place is completely different from what Tang Chen imagined. It is prosperous and lively, and there is an endless stream of cultivators walking back and forth.

In midair, in the corner, in the market, etc., there are strong men with penance, among them the existence of Immortal King.

This made Tang Chen feel particularly surprised. He originally thought that there were only a handful of Immortal King powerhouses in the Three Thousand Domain Realm.

But in a place like the border where there will be a long fight, it may be a breakthrough between Life and death.

Some of the old men had a childish face, and thunder bursts all over their body, disillusioned and disillusioned, without a trace of dust.

Some people sit cross-legged, seemingly real, but they are actually distorted, and they don't know if their real body is there.

"There's no such thing as a quiet time, it's just that some people are walking forward with a heavy load." Tang Chen sighed in his heart.


"The host has arrived at the Ziyang border, is there a lottery?"

System reminder.

Tang Chen secretly said, "Let's draw a lottery."


"Congratulations to the host for drawing the nine-star reward: [Fatty Nuclear Bomb]"

When he got this thing, Tang Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes, and he really let himself get it.

This is a large-scale killing weapon in the fallout game. If you use it improperly, you will even blow yourself up.

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