In the phantom formation, Xiao Yun didn't know that he had entered the attention of the big bosses at this time, but he could probably guess something.

After all, with the reduction of the surrounding Li family's children, Xiao Yun, who performed outstandingly, naturally attracted much attention.

However, the first test is the will of the mind, which is not very important to other Immortal practitioners.

All that matters is understanding.

"This test is too easy. With my heart and will, to compete with these Li's children who have not reached the level of Immortal people is like bullying people."

Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Sure enough, after another period of time, the Li's children in the magic formation were expelled from the formation one after another, and only Xiao Yun remained seated as steady as Mount Tai.

"Okay, the first test is over!"

"This time, in the assessment, Li Yun ranked first, and the second is..."

When Xiao Yun walked out of the illusion, officials were signing up.

A list was immediately suspended in midair, starting from Xiao Yun at number one, and reaching the number 10,000.

"First place!"

"He's number one."

"Li Yun? Why have you never heard of it?"

"Isn't it just firm-willed, my cultivator, understanding is the most important thing."


With the results of the first test coming out, Xiao Yun immediately attracted much attention.

When many of Li's children looked at Xiao Yun, some were envious and some were jealous.

But anyway, Xiao Yun is already famous.

The maid who led Xiao Yun back to her seat was a lot more polite to Xiao Yun, and hurriedly brought Immortal brew and Immortal fruit.

"I am the first, and the reward I got is an acquired treasure. I don't know what level of Magic Treasures it is." Xiao Yun looked at the list suspended in mid-air, and couldn't help thinking of the reward of the assessment.

The acquired spiritual treasure of the prehistoric world, compared to the Jiuxiao Continent, what level of Divine Armament is it? Is it an imperial soldier? Or the Heavenly Emperor?

If it's a Heavenly Emperor soldier, it's a big win this time.

"Your Highness Li Yun, your assessment reward is an acquired treasure. You can choose an offensive or defensive acquired treasure. As for what kind of Magic Treasures, you can also choose."

Suddenly, an Immortal flew over, he looked at Xiao Yun with admiration in his eyes, and then said with a smile.

Xiao Yun looked up at the Immortal platform in the distance. The Crown Prince of Tang, who was standing on it, was also looking at him at the moment, and smiled and nodded at him.

Even Lu Dongbin, Our Lady of Wudang and other bigwigs were all looking at him.

Xiao Yun wasn't surprised either. After all, he was the first in the first test, so he would naturally receive more attention.

"What kind of Magic Treasures should I choose?"

Xiao Yun pondered in his heart at this moment.

There are Heavenly Emperor soldiers, Immortal swords and Chaos Bells on his deity side. Naturally, there is no shortage of emperor soldiers.

However, his avatar has no treasures, and now he doesn't even have a decent weapon.

Should you choose the offensive type first, or the defensive type?

"My avatar is destined to follow the line of physical body refining, so the defense is naturally not weak, so I choose the attack-type Magic Treasures."

Xiao Yun pondered for a moment, raised his head, and said respectfully to the Immortal person in front of him: "senior, I choose the sword-type attack type Houtian Lingbao."

Taking the body-refinement line, the physical defense is already very strong, and there is no need to strengthen it.

And Xiao Yun wants Ascension attack power, so what is stronger than the attack power of the sword Immortal?

What's more, Xiao Yun was ready to take kendo, which can also reduce the pressure on the deity's side, and even quickly improve the universe's kendo.

"Sword class Houtian Lingbao, um, I understand, you wait a moment." The Immortal smiled, turned around and flew away.

After a while, the Immortal came flying again, holding an Immortal sword that glowed purple.

Xiao Yun stared at the purple Immortal sword, his eyes lit up.

With his vision, he could see at a glance that this was a Heavenly Emperor soldier.

f*ck, it's really worthy of the prehistoric times, Heavenly Emperor gave it as soon as he said it, and it was given to a Junior who didn't have Immortal Ascension yet.

I have to say, Datang is really rich and powerful.

"His Royal Highness Li Yun, this Houtian Lingbao is called the Zixiao Sword. It contains ten Second Stage Restrictions, and it is also the top among the lower-grade Houtian Lingbao. His Majesty the Tang Emperor appreciates you very much, so I chose this Zixiao sword. Give it to you." The Immortal said with a smile, and handed the Zixiao Sword to Xiao Yun.

There was a faint glimmer of envy in the Immortal's eyes.

Even an Immortal like him doesn't have a treasure like Zixiaojian.

You must know that Magic Treasures such as Houtian Lingbao must at least be qualified to master by Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal.

However, the Immortal people didn't dare to be jealous. He knew that with Xiao Yun's performance, he could definitely join Sage's sect, and who would dare to offend Xiao Yun in the future.

"Thank you, His Majesty Tang Huang!"

Xiao Yun put away the Zixiao sword and quickly bowed to Emperor Tang on the Immortal stage gratefully.

The inferior Houtian Lingbao, the power of this sword is no less than his Immortal sword.

Moreover, Xiao Yun probed a little and found that the Zixiao Sword also contained the Zixiao Divine Thunder, which could mobilize the power of thunder, greatly enhancing its attack power.

These are definitely the Magic Treasures that Sword Immortal has dreamed of.

Obviously, Emperor Tang had a good impression of him, otherwise he would at most give him an ordinary low-grade Houtian Lingbao, rather than a low-grade peak-level Houtian Lingbao.

"This Emperor Tang is not bad." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

And this time-

On the Immortal stage, Lv Dongbin's laughter was already heard.

"Hahaha, Mother of Wudang, it seems that this little friend will definitely choose me. He chooses the sword-type Houtian Lingbao, and he must be in the Immortal line of swords." Lu Dongbin looked confidently at Mother of Wudang.

Since Xiao Yun is also in the Immortal line of swordsmanship, he must be highly respected for his pure Yang sword Immortal, so it is not easy to accept disciples.


Seeing Lu Dongbin's happy expression, Madam Wudang felt unhappy in her heart and snorted coldly, saying, "Is the Immortal sword I intercepted and taught is weaker than you? My teacher Zhu Immortal sword formation is the number one killing formation in the Great Desolation. Kendo, you are still a long way off."

Lu Dongbin shook his head and said: "Lingbao Tianzun is a sword formation, not pure swordsmanship. Those who really practice swordsmanship disdain to walk a sword formation."

"My master's swordsmanship is not worse than yours." Madonna Wudang retorted, even if his master, Lingbao Tianzun, didn't need to execute the Immortal sword formation and held the Qingping sword, he could still Wudi the world.

Lu Dongbin said with a smile: "No matter how powerful Lingbao Tianzun is, can you, Madam, say that Lingbao Tianzun personally accepts disciples? You teach that other than Lingbao Tianzun, who can beat me in swordsmanship?"

Immediately the Virgin was speechless.

Sage has been confiscating disciples for a long time. They have to cultivate themselves. How can they have the time to teach them?

Especially now, in the battle with another world, the Sages on Honghuang's side are often at a disadvantage, so the Sages are also holding their breaths and working hard on Ascension Cultivation Base, there is no time to teach disciples.

Besides, they already have apprentices, and all the apprentices have become quasi-sages. If they accept another apprentice, that is, a quasi-sage, it will not be of much use to Sage.

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