Seeing the words of Yu Ding Zhenren and Wudang Virgin arguing against each other, no one else interrupted. After all, they all knew the grievances and grievances of explaining the teaching and intercepting the teaching, and no one wanted to ask for trouble.

After Lu Dongbin shut up, he said with some emotion: "I was fortunate enough to see that Sword Sovereign once. It's a strong pervert."

"It's an anomaly!" Madonna Wudang couldn't help but complain.

Yu Ding Zhenren even scolded: "It is clear that Culture Base is an Immortal, and his strength is even stronger than Sage. He also likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. He has killed a lot of our prehistoric cultivators, and now our prehistoric cultivators see it. Another world's Jianxiu immediately turned around and ran away, for fear of encountering Jianzun."

Lu Dongbin said with a wry smile, "He killed both the good and the evil corpses in an instant. That loss was so heavy that I didn't dare to go to the battlefield between the two worlds anymore."

"Fortunately, after the negotiation between Daozu and the Heavenly Emperor, it was agreed that Jianzun would not allow him to shoot at cultivators below Sage, otherwise we would not dare to go to the battlefield between the two realms again." said Our Lady of Wudang.

After fighting for so many years, they also have a detailed understanding of the powerhouses of another world.

Heavenly Emperor, Dragon Emperor and Another World are the three human emperors of the old generation, Chaos Emperor is a rising star, and this Sword Master is a pervert.

The last time I discovered that big world, in order to compete for the origin of the big world, Honghuang restrained the powerhouses such as Heavenly Emperor, Dragon Emperor, another world and other powerhouses as well as the Chaos Emperor and other powerhouses, and sent Yuanshi Tianzun to snatch it. I thought There is no strong person on the other world who can stop it.

Who knew that the Sword Sovereign that suddenly appeared, obviously looks like a Luo Tianshang Immortal, even if he can leapfrog against Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal, it is impossible to fight against Yuanshi Tianzun.

But who would have thought that Yuanshi Tianzun was really defeated by this Jianzun, and that battle really made Honghuang see the horror of Jianzun.

The terrifying kendo river almost strangled the corpse of Yuanshi Tianzun, and finally escaped under the protection of Pangu Fan.

"It now looks like that Sword Sovereign is one of the other world peak powerhouses. It is estimated that his strength is second only to Heavenly Emperor and Dragon Emperor. Apart from the Taoist ancestor, I am afraid that only the demon ancestor and the fighting saint can fight him." Lu Dongbin opened his mouth and said that he admired that swordsman very much, he was simply his idol, after all, he also practiced swordsmanship.

The Mother of Wudang heard the words and said: "Dou Sheng hasn't shot for a long time. I don't know how much strength has grown."

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but turn their heads to look at the flirtatious jade-faced scholar.

The jade-faced scholar sensed the eyes of everyone and said with a speechless expression: "What are you looking at me for? Brother Monkey has been staying in the Closed Door Training practice in Huaguo Mountain. He hasn't left the customs yet, and I haven't seen him for a long time."

Everyone sneered when they heard the words.

Closed Door Training? Dou Sheng Closed Door Training once for hundreds of millions of years, how can Tema keep Closed Door Training closed for so long.

Moreover, who in the entire prehistoric world doesn't know the heart of Dou Sheng? Even if he is holy now, he is still a monkey in the final analysis. You let a monkey stay in Immortal Cave Closed Door Training all day? How could he be idle.

However, everyone knows the reason. Dou Sheng doesn't agree with conquering another world, so he doesn't want to take action. In order to prevent Daozu from forcing it, Dou Sheng closes Door Training all day long.

"Look, there are only a dozen little guys left in the illusion." The jade-faced scholar pointed to the illusion below and quickly changed the subject.

Playing crazy with a few cuties just now made him almost forget his business.

Brother Monkey asked him to observe a young man.

Yes, that young man who was as handsome as the handsome Ye Dadao, who seemed to be called 'Li Yun', came from a small snowy mountain kingdom in Beiju Luzhou.

The jade-faced scholar looked at Li Yun in the phantom array, with some doubts in his heart. He didn't know why Brother Monkey asked him to observe this young man. Apart from being handsome, what else is there to look at? Besides, although he is more handsome than Ye Dadao, is he more handsome than Lao Zhu?

The jade-faced scholar groaned in his heart.

But thinking of Brother Monkey's fist, the jade-faced scholar temporarily put down the two beautiful eyebrows beside him, and secretly looked at Xiao Yun in the illusion.

This kid has a good will, and he is still As Steady as Mount Tai. The dozen people next to him are already sweating on their foreheads, and some of them are even crumbling, obviously they can't hold it anymore.

"This son has a good heart, His Majesty Tang Huang, what is his name?" Lu Dongbin pointed to Xiao Yun in the illusion and asked curiously.

Others also saw Xiao Yun's extraordinaryness.

After all, Xiao Yun is still As Steady as Mount Tai, and there is not even a drop of sweat on his forehead. Obviously, he is not afraid of those illusions. Compared with other Li's children, his heart and will is obviously much firmer.

Tang Huang was also very happy when he saw Xiao Yun's performance so well. This kid was arguing with them for Li's face, so he immediately looked at the prince.

The prince closed his eyes and asked through the sound transmission, then opened his eyes and smiled slightly: "His name is Li Yun, he is the prince of the Snow Mountain Kingdom, and he just turned 20 this year."

"Only twenty?"

When the big bosses heard the words, their eyes lit up.

Twenty years old, they took a nap and passed.

In their eyes, this is a little baby.

At such an age, with such a will, even if you don't look at cultivation Talent, you know it's extraordinary.

"Haha, yes, with such a mind and will, you can come under my door and practice my Gold Core swordsmanship." Lu Dongbin's eyes lit up, staring at Xiao Yun in the illusion, and said with a smile.

He likes this kind of strong-willed person the most. He doesn't care about talent. Anyway, they have the most Nine Cycles Gold Core. At that time, you can slowly cultivate and become a quasi-holy.

"Such an outstanding person, you should worship under my sect." The Virgin of Wudang looked at Xiao Yun in the phantom array, and nodded slightly. He also likes people with strong heart and will, at least this kind of person will not become a traitor.

No matter how strong Talent is? In the great catastrophe of the conferred gods that year, they intercepted the teaching and produced some traitors.

Therefore, after intercepting the teaching and accepting the disciples, they paid more attention to the will of the heart.

"Although the will of the mind is good, let's take a look at the understanding behind." Master Yuding looked at Xiao Yun and thought to himself.

King Ashura glanced at Xiao Yun and didn't say anything. Devil Dao paid more attention to understanding.

Because their Devil Dao cultivation Cultivation Technique is famous for being fast, once the comprehension is high, it can quickly become a strong person, so comprehension is very important.

Of course, for people of Taoism and Buddhism, understanding is also very important.

"Since the two fellow daoists are interested in accepting apprentices, then let Li Yun choose for himself." Tang Huang looked at Lu Dongbin and Mother Wudang and said with a smile.

One person to teach, another to intercept, he doesn't want to provoke either, so let Li Yun choose by himself.

"Okay, the Virgin of Wudang, you and I compete fairly." Lu Dongbin looked at the Virgin of Wudang and smiled.

Holy Mother Wudang said lightly: "Then you must lose."

"Haha!" Lu Dongbin smiled, not arguing with Our Lady of Wudang, he was still very confident in himself.

At this moment, the two female Immortals standing next to the Immortal Mother looked at Xiao Yun in the illusion with some curiosity.

If nothing else, this young man is their future junior brother.

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