Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 906: All Are Great Perfection

During this period of time, the Jiuxiao Continent had very frequent exchanges with Tianwaitian, and the Three Sovereign Realm became extremely lively. Almost every practitioner had an incarnation of spiritual sense in the Three Sovereign Realm.

"It's too terrifying, this breath feels more tyrannical than the average emperor."

Xiao Yun made a conclusion with reference to Qin Yuxi.

Xiao Yun's avatar has finally reached the Zhundi Ninth Stage Realm. Like his main body, he has reached the limit in this Realm of Zhundi.

There is no way, Xiao Yun's strength is too strong, and he can instantly kill the alternative enlightenment with Realm. Who can compete with him?

No ordinary imperial soldier can compare to Xiao Yun's physical body, only Heavenly Emperor soldiers can compare with his physical body.

This is the same as modern people surfing the Internet, they can't get rid of their mobile phones.

Almost instantly, Xiao Yun and his clone burst out with a powerful aura, and the terrifying Ji Dao Diwei charged straight up, piercing the clouds in the sky, filling the entire Jiuxiao Continent.

He couldn't go down to the realm, so he could only bully Zao Wou-Ki.

Qin Yuxi is also a Heavenly Emperor soldier. After he leaves the altar of time and space, he has the strength of the upper emperor.

"The quality of this body is very high, and I can feel it. Once I settle in, at least I will be considered a strong person among the emperors." Chaos Bell began to explore this body, and became more and more excited.

"Okay, I'm going to Closed Door Training!" Chaos Clock couldn't hold back, and enveloped the body and started Closed Door Training.

Fortunately, Xiao Yun did not leave Heavenly Emperor City.

Lei Ding, the imperial soldier, was given to the indestructible ancestor by him. Of course, if Lei Zu could prove the Dao, it would definitely be the most suitable for Lei Zu.

After a friendly exchange between Di Tian and a certain force in Tianwaitian, the other party gave them the Chaos Mountains.

It can sense that this body is very suitable for it, it is tailor-made for it.

"This is?" Chaos Zhong flew over and was immediately excited when he saw Xiao Yun's avatar's body.

Nowadays, many cultivators immediately shouted in the Three Emperors Realm as soon as they went out to practice: "Go out and do dungeons. If you come in a team, you can bring beautiful women. Welcome to the strong from Sacred Land and the Great Emperor Family."

The Three Sovereign Realm was completely packed with people.

As soon as the practitioners from Jiuxiao Continent came in, the Three Sovereign Realm was crowded.

In the end, the supreme demon body at the Demon Venerable Base was left.

Although there are a lot of people from outside the sky, compared with the huge Jiuxiao Continent, they are naturally much fewer.

Countless powerhouses have set their sights on Heavenly Emperor City.

"The clone is finally back!"

At this moment, the entire Jiuxiao Continent was shocked.

"This is a Heavenly Emperor-level body, it's so powerful that I can't imagine it!" Xiao Yun probed and found that this body is too strong, even if it's just an empty shell, it's not something that Zhao Wuji's alternative enlightenment can destroy. .

"This kid has become stronger again..." Behind the gate of The Netherworld, although the King of the Underworld was separated by the world barrier and did not investigate so carefully, he could still feel two powerful breaths.

However, Zao Wou-Ki was tricked by Xiao Yun again.

Poor Zao Wou-Ki was bullied for a year, and every time he went online, he was instantly killed.

But there was a human emperor who started to kill Zao Wou-Ki in seconds after learning that Zao Wou-Ki was from Chaos Sacred Land.

Xiao Yun counted other spoils.

"I didn't expect Xiao Yun's clone to be so terrifying!"

Originally, after Zhao Wuji died N times, the monster emperor no longer continued to kill Zhao Wuji in seconds, and was ready to let him go. After all, killing too much would be boring.

"Boom! Boom!"

Because this human emperor was the ancestor of the original Chaos Mountains, he knew that Chaos Sacred Land had robbed them of the Chaos Mountains, and he naturally wanted revenge.

Chaos Sacred Land also has a stronghold in the Three Emperors Realm, that is, in the Chaos Mountains.

Xiao Yun nodded and said, "This is the flesh body made by Lei Heavenly Emperor. After all, he is a strong Heavenly Emperor, and he is definitely stronger than the flesh bodies made by ordinary emperors."

After all, Xiao Yun swallowed the five avenues of the Holy Road this time, and obtained the Heavenly Emperor clone of Demon Venerable, and his strength skyrocketed a lot.

The fifth floor of "Eight Nine Mysteries", this is already the Great Emperor Realm.

However, Xiao Yun activated the Chaos Bell and was able to destroy this fleshly body.

Heavenly Emperor City, Xiao Yun opened his eyes and looked out into the sky.

Then Chaos Clock may also have this kind of strength.

They thought Xiao Yun was going to attack them.

"Chaos Bell, I have something good for you!" As soon as Xiao Yun came back, he immediately took out Lei Ding's body. The soul of the body had been killed by him, leaving only an empty shell.

He felt that this sermon should be easy.

Emperor Di Tian of the heavens could only stare at them, but they couldn't come down.

"Uncle, help me, I was chased and killed by the dogs of Xuri Gate in Beihai."

He and the clone shot together to destroy this body, and finally through the source of magic, harvested the magic seed, and got a huge feedback energy.


This shows that Xiao Yun has already become an emperor just by virtue of his physical strength.

The physical defense alone is very strong, not weaker than Xiao Yun's physical body.

Their "Eight Nine Mysteries" went straight from the fourth level to the seventh level to the fifth level and the first level.

"What a powerful breath, and it's still two!"

"Such a powerful body, wait for the sermon, can those Heavenly Tribulation destroy it?" Xiao Yun looked forward to it.

The powerhouses of The Netherworld are all worried. Xiao Yun is too evil. He has not yet become an emperor, but he is already so powerful.

"Great, I finally have a physical body." Chaos Bell was very excited, shaking for a while, the bell rang non-stop, so loud that Li Chengdi and others in the distance opened their eyes.



The most important thing is that this is a body specially created by Thunder Heavenly Emperor, which is very suitable for artifact spirits to settle in. After all, artifact spirits are different from human beings, and the flesh they need has many requirements, not just a random body.

"This is the body of a tool spirit, I killed it, it should be very suitable for you." Xiao Yun smiled.

If this word is spread out, it is estimated that the popularity will die. Is it easy to prove the Dao? Just kidding.

However, now Lei Zu Insight Lei Ding is also very helpful to his Lei Dao, and maybe he really has a chance to prove Dao.

It is Xiao Yun's clone.

Xiao Yun probably won’t be able to stop him from his preaching. Now, depending on how strong Xiao Yun is after his preaching, it is estimated that he is at least a high-ranking emperor, and maybe he will reach the peak of the realm.

There are towering cities everywhere, all built by the practitioners of Jiuxiao Continent.

He frowned, his face very serious.

Not far away, Li Chengdi and the others also stood up one by one, looking at Heavenly Emperor City solemnly.

"Selling the "Profound Truth Quick Method", the most powerful Cultivation Technique in the history of Jiuxiao Continent, can help the efficiency of Ascension Insight Profound Truth."

"It's Xiao Yun's body and avatar!"

At this moment, he felt that there was only a layer of paper away from the sermon, and he could pierce it at any time.

A familiar figure teleported and appeared in Heavenly Emperor City in an instant.

King Kongming still doesn't know Xiao Yun's specific strength, otherwise he will be shocked.

"Of course, you are now promoted to Heavenly Emperor, and your strength is stronger. I guess you have at least the strength of the upper emperor."

"Master Tianyi gave a public sermon in Feiyun City, and the ticket is 10,000 Spirit Stones."


Not only that, Xiao Yun's body and avatars have also made great progress.

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