Chaos Sacred Land.

After Xiao Yun returned from the Three Sovereign Realm, the Tao body also returned to the original body, and he sent another Tao body to the Chaos Sacred Land.

"Xiao! Yun!"

"You! This! A! Asshole! Egg!"

When Zhao Wuji saw Xiao Yun coming, he immediately roared in anger, and immediately turned into a golden long rainbow and shot towards him, punching and kicking Xiao Yun.

"Bang!" Xiao Yun's body couldn't bear Zao Wou-Ki's power and was directly blown up.

"You're crazy—" There was no way, Xiao Yun sent a Taoist body over again.

"Bang bang bang!" Zao Wou-Ki was still furious, and once again flattened Xiao Yun's body and blew him up.

"It's enough for you!" Xiao Yun sent the Taoist body over for the third time and said angrily at Zhao Wuji.

"Boom!" Zao Wou-Ki beat Xiao Yun once again, smashing his Taoist body.

"Boom!" Xiao Yun couldn't help it.

Although the others were still in Heavenly Emperor City, a huge fist shattered the void, and charged towards Zao Wuji with a terrifying force.

"Give me—break!" Zhao Wuji roared, and took out his black dragon spear, punched with all his strength, and pierced through Xiao Yun's fist.

At this moment, Zao Wou-Ki's whole body was full of golden light, showing the terrifying power of alternative enlightenment.

Ji Dao Diwei pervaded the entire Chaos Sacred Land, crushing all the practitioners in the Chaos Sacred Land to the ground.

However, they were not worried, because they had already heard the roars of Zhao Wuji and Xiao Yun, and knew that it was the two brothers who were discussing again. Anyway, it was not the first time, they were already used to it.

It is estimated that it will not be long before Zhao Wuji will be beaten to the ground.

Just as everyone thought about it, the entire Chaos Sacred Land trembled.

The black dragon spear in Zao Wuji's hand was smashed into the air by Xiao Yun, and he himself was crushed to the ground by Xiao Yun's fist.

Xiao Yun's body almost has the strength of a peak emperor, and naturally it is not something that Zhao Wuji can compete with now.

"What are you crazy about!" Xiao Yun came from the air, and this time it was his body who came over in person.

Zhao Wuji lay on the ground, glared at Xiao Yun, and said indignantly: "Your mother-in-law killed me, I was killed by the demon emperor as soon as I arrived in the heaven, and those human emperors also forced me to change my name. , dammit, you must have done something bad by impersonating me in the ancient times, and now let me wipe your ass."

The grievance in his heart, let alone how sad it is.

Although he challenged the emperor, he was ready to be killed, but the problem was that he was directly killed and eaten, which was too insulting.

"..." Xiao Yun was a little embarrassed, but he still quibble: "It's not my fault, it's you who insisted on going up there. There are strong people above the emperor, aren't you courting death when you go up?"

"The key is that I can't come down now, unless I never go to the Three Sovereign Realm... Forget it, Daddy won't go if he doesn't go, wait for Daddy to prove the Dao, and then go and beat them to death." Zhao Wuji thumped the ground angrily.

He Zhao Wuji had never suffered this kind of humiliation before, to actually watch the demon clan emperor eat his thigh, and even eat it twice in a row, this is a serious insult to him.

Zhao Heavenly Emperor is determined to find his way back.

"Are you sure you can't go up? I have already heard the news. I heard that when you and the emperor are discussing, as long as you can persist for a period of time, you can get the rewards of the Three Emperors Realm, which can improve the power of the primordial spirit. This is also useful for you Insight Samsara Avenue. Help. Moreover, as long as you create your own Cultivation Technique, as long as you can get the approval of the Three Sovereign Realm, you will also have the chance to be rewarded." Xiao Yun let go of Zao Wou-Ki and laughed.

Zao Wou-Ki: "..."

This temptation is quite big. After all, he is not Xiao Yun, and he does not have an epiphany system. If he wants to quickly Insight Samsara Avenue to the Perfect Realm, then improving the power of Yuanshen will be of great use.

The key is that he was slaughtered by the demon emperor as soon as he went up.

Although the alternative enlightenment can challenge the Great Emperor, then he has to find a lower Great Emperor to challenge, and he may be able to persevere.

But the problem is that the demon emperor who killed him was obviously not a lower emperor, so he killed him directly, preventing him from being recognized by the Three Sovereign Realm.

"Tell me, how many great emperors and Heavenly Emperors are there, don't tell me you didn't take the opportunity to snoop on the news?" Xiao Yun asked immediately.

Zao Wou-Ki patted the dirt on his body, sat down and said with a pouted mouth: "At least thirty-four, which I can detect, some of them are Closed Door Training, or they haven't entered the Three Sovereign Realm at all, I estimate hundreds of them. It's all possible."

Xiao Yun was speechless when he heard the words: "The era when there are as many emperors as dogs has come."

"That's the Great Emperor, not a dog. You haven't proven the Dao yet, so don't describe it nonsense." Zhao Wuji glared at Xiao Yun, can he say this nonsense? Then he was not as good as a dog, Zao Wou-Ki.

"My clone has already slaughtered nine great emperors in the dark void, and I'm about to slaughter another Item Spirit Great Emperor." Xiao Yun said lightly.

Zao Wou-Ki was a little self-absorbed.

Dammit, the gap between him and Xiao Yun is getting bigger and bigger.

Originally, he thought that he was promoted to an alternative enlightenment, and he was in the same Realm as Xiao Yun, but he finally caught up with Xiao Yun. Even if there was a gap, it couldn't be that big.

But until now, he didn't know how big the gap between him and Xiao Yun was.

He was instantly killed by the Great Emperor, but Xiao Yun could kill the Great Emperor.

And just now, he shot with all his strength, but was suppressed by Xiao Yun with a random punch. The power of Wudi was the same as when he was instantly killed by the monster emperor in the heaven.

"How strong are you now? Why don't you go up and slaughter that monster emperor for me!" Zhao Wuji looked at Xiao Yun and urged him.

How could Xiao Yun not be aware of his little thought, he shook his head and said, "I'm not as stupid as you. It's easy to deal with a monster emperor, but they still have Heavenly Emperor. I can't do Heavenly Emperor now."

"However, I brought back an item from my clone, which can test the strength of the Great Emperor Realm. You can test it when the time comes."

At the moment, Xiao Yun told Zao Wou-ki the division of the ranks between the Great Emperor and Heavenly Emperor.

After Zhao Wuji heard it, he said to himself, "Then I should be considered the middle emperor now, and the monster emperor who killed me is probably at least the peak emperor."

"Can you not put gold on your face? You are not even a lower emperor now." Xiao Yun directly struck.

"Fuck, I'll Closed Door Training now, I will preach at an early date!" Zao Wou-Ki ran to Closed Door Training, however, Xiao Yun still found it, and this guy forked out another spiritual sense to go online.

Obviously, he didn't want to miss the reward of improving the power of the primordial spirit.

"Anyway, it's just a divine sense. Daddy doesn't believe that you can kill me all the time." Zao Wou-Ki was ready to fight a protracted battle. He didn't believe that the demon emperor would keep killing his divine sense incarnation if he was idle. .


one year later.

In the dark void, Xiao Yun's clone had already dealt with Lei Ding, and was cleaning the battlefield and counting the spoils.

In order to grind Lei Ding to death, he spent a lot of time, because he had to hide some of his strength in the early stage to avoid stimulating Lei Ding to explode his body.

Xiao Yun stayed at the last moment and broke out, killing Lei Ding's primordial spirit in one fell swoop, leaving him too late to self-destruct.

After killing Lei Ding, Xiao Yun not only gained the body of a great emperor, but also got Lei Ding, an imperial soldier, which is a powerful imperial soldier. Although he doesn't need it, it is good to leave it to Chaos Sacred Land.

Finally, there is this space-time altar in front of you.

"Destroy my imperial soldiers, he will kill you in the future!" An angry voice came from the space-time altar.

Xiao Yun knew that it was Thunder Heavenly Emperor roaring.

But there is a bird for it, do you dare to go down?

Xiao Yun directly mocked: "Lei Heavenly Emperor, right? I heard that you can pass through the lower realm of the altar of time and space, why don't you come down and kill me directly, I promise not to destroy the altar of time and space."

"Humph!" Lei Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly, no more words, and withdrew all his power.

Abandoned this space-time altar directly.


That is absolutely impossible, he is only the next Heavenly Emperor, once he is in the lower realm, he will fall to the most powerful emperor, it is not worth it for a Xiao Yun.

After all, it is not easy for the Great Emperor to be promoted to Heavenly Emperor.

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