Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 9 And 3 Chapter, The Discussion With Tianwaitian

The city of Heavenly Emperor in the Three Sovereign Realm is even more majestic and shocking.

Xiao Yun is okay, after all, he has been to the ancient times and seen the mighty Heavenly Emperor city.

"I didn't expect Heavenly Emperor city to be so majestic back then!" The people in Jiuxiao Continent next to it were full of emotion.

Although Heavenly Emperor Mountain in Jiuxiao Continent is also very large, it was once one of the famous cities in the world, but after all, it is old and shabby and no longer has the power it once had.

The Heavenly Emperor City in front of me really shows the majesty and majesty of the Heavenly Emperor City in the ancient times.

Xiao Yun subconsciously looked up at the sky above Heavenly Emperor City, but unfortunately there was no such familiar palace.

This is an illusory world after all. It can simulate Heavenly Emperor city, but it cannot simulate the palace of his cheap master.

"Everyone, please enter the city!" Zhou Qifeng led the way with a smile on his face, a bit like grandma wolf.

People in Jiuxiao Continent are not afraid, anyway, it is a virtual world, and it will not really die, afraid of a bird?

"Let's go, let's go see the powerhouses in the sky!" As Xiao Yun walked, Shen Nian had already probed over.

"Boom boom boom!"

Eleven tyrannical spiritual thoughts came out of Heavenly Emperor city, blocking Xiao Yun's visit.

At the same time, eleven tall figures appeared in the sky above Heavenly Emperor City. They were men and women, and they were all looking at Xiao Yun and the others.

Seeing this, Zhou Qifeng proudly said to Xiao Yun and the others, "That's the eleven seniors who have cultivated in the Temple of Three Emperors. The Great Demon Lord."

Everyone in Jiuxiao Continent was silent for a while.

The appearance of Eleven Alternative Enlightenment is really shocking. The key is, how many great emperors must be behind this? How many Heavenly Emperors?

People feel a lot of pressure just thinking about it.

The Indestructible Ancestor and Qin Shisan were also like great enemies, their expressions were very serious and solemn, and their eyes were dignified as they looked at the eleven other types of enlightenment on the opposite side.

Only Xiao Yun looked indifferent, still carrying his hands on his back, and his heart was very calm.

His strength has already surpassed the Realm of the alternative enlightenment, and he is extremely strong among the great emperors, so naturally he will not be afraid of these eleven alternative enlightenments.

"The recovery of Spiritual Qi has come, and there are only three alternative enlightenments in this generation of Jiuxiao Continent?" In front, a female alternative enlightenment opened her mouth, her eyes were indifferent, and there was a hint of disdain in her tone.

"It's really a generation that is not as good as a generation, and the descendants are not filial!" The offbeat Chengdao who looked like an old man shook his head and sighed.

"Without the leadership of the human emperor, the king's lineage, the human race is a piece of sand, and it is no wonder that it is no longer as strong as the ancient times!" An alternative enlightenment with a long spear and sharp eyes glanced at Xiao Yun, the indestructible ancestor, and Qin Shisan. , his voice was icy cold.

Zhou Qifeng had already stepped back, and it was no longer his turn to speak when he spoke at an alternative level of enlightenment.

On the side of Jiuxiao Continent, Xiao Yun, Qin Shisan, and the indestructible ancestor stood up and confronted the eleven other alternative enlightened Taoists.

"I knew that guy just pretended, how can someone from the sky be so benevolent." Ancestor Indestructible snorted coldly, looking at Zhou Qifeng who was still smiling in the distance, feeling more and more disgusting.

Xiao Yun didn't care, he was just a quasi-emperor, Seventh Stage, and he didn't care from the beginning to the end.

Looking straight ahead, Xiao Yun said lightly: "It seems that you are coming back this time to rule the entire Jiuxiao Continent."

"Yeah!" An offbeat Chengdao on the opposite side spoke indifferently, very direct, without concealing it at all.

The alternative Chengdao with a spear glanced at Zhou Qifeng, and said coldly, "The people of the Zhou family are too cautious. When it comes to our Realm, everything will be based on strength."

"Our emperor, Wang Yimai, is the leader of the human race. When we come to Jiuxiao Continent this time, we naturally have to lead the human race again. It is the right way to choose surrender." The woman's alternative enlightenment looked at Xiao Yun and said coldly. .

Indestructible Ancestor, Qin Shisan, and the others all frowned. The high-level attitude of these people made them very unhappy.

Obviously, Tianwaitian didn't take them seriously at all.

After all, the strength gap between Tianwaitian and Jiuxiao Continent is too great.

"You are wrong!"

Xiao Yun opened his mouth, he took a step forward, his icy eyes glanced at the eleven other types of enlightenment in front of him, and said coldly, "The leader of the human race is the emperor and the king, not their unworthy descendants, you still Not worthy to represent the emperor and the king."

"This is a world where the strong are respected. It's useless for you to talk nonsense." The alternative Chengdao holding a spear was very strong, and his sharp eyes stared at Xiao Yun, his eyes full of oppression.

Xiao Yun Double Pupils opened and closed, revealing a terrifying light of chaos, he said coldly: "It's a pity that you are not strong!"


The alternative Chengdao holding a long spear heard the words, and a terrifying beam of light shot out from his eyes, and a terrifying power of the extreme way surged.

Xiao Yun was fearless, still carrying his hands on his back, opened the way with Double Pupils, and swept everything.

There was a rumbling sound in the sky, like the thunder of doomsday.

"It's a different kind of enlightenment, and there are strong and weak points, boy—"

The alternative enlightenment with a long spear pressed forward, his eyes were bright, and his eyes were particularly sharp: "I will let you understand the gap between us!"

When the words fell, a long spear pierced the sky and swooped down from the top of Xiao Yun's head.


Xiao Yun didn't even glance at the top, he just punched him. The powerful Chaos Fist with unparalleled power smashed the spear and the powerful alternative enlightenment.

In the void, only the turbulent chaotic air flow and the terrifying chaotic fist that has not escaped were left.


The field suddenly fell silent.

Even the vast and majestic Heavenly Emperor city was completely silent at this moment.

The remaining ten offbeat Chengdao's eyes widened with disbelief, looking at Xiao Yun like a monster.

The battle is over so soon?

Is this really two different types of enlightenment fighting?

They thought that even if their alternative enlightenment could win, it would take a lot of effort to defeat Xiao Yun.

But who would have thought that he would be instantly killed by Xiao Yun.

This is really shocking.

The battle was over too soon.

Everyone didn't have time to react, and could only stare wide-eyed in disbelief.

On the other hand, even though they were shocked, they had already seen Xiao Yun swept the seven alternative enlightenment from The Netherworld, and already had 'immunity'.

"This is your otherworldly enlightenment? It's too weak, isn't it?" Xiao Yun put away his fists and looked at the ten other types of enlightenment opposite, his tone full of ridicule.

The ten offbeat enlightened people were instantly embarrassed, shocked, but more embarrassed.

f*ck, it's too embarrassing to be killed by someone just pretending to be forced.

"By the way, I'm not the strongest person in Jiuxiao Continent. Our strongest person in Jiuxiao Continent is called 'Zao Wuji', the second strongest person is called 'Gu Tianyi', and I am ranked third at most."

Xiao Yun looked at the ten offbeat enlightened Taoists on the opposite side, and said with a mocking expression: "To be honest, I really doubt that you are descendants of human emperors and kings? Isn't their bloodline very strong? The first generation of their descendants is not the same as Realm. Wudi? That's it?"

It was quiet all around.

Everyone was stunned by Xiao Yun.


A monster clan emperor gnawed at Zhao Wuji's thigh, looked at Zhao Wuji who had only one head left in front of him, and said with disdain, "You dare to come to the heaven with this little strength? Are you also worthy of being called Zhao Wuji?"

Zao Wou-Ki became angry, what is a daddy also worthy of being called Zao Wou-Ki? This name was given by my parents, why is daddy not worthy of it?

"Boy, I'll teach you a lesson this time. You'd better change your name quickly, or you will die when we come to Jiuxiao Continent." Not far away, a human emperor said indifferently.

"Fuck you uncles, wait for Uncle Zhao, wait for daddy to testify, you have to kill you." Zhao Wuji was so angry that he directly exploded his head.

But can't daddy disconnect from the Internet?

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