Xiao Yun stared at Zhou Qifeng opposite.

Sensing the powerful Ji Dao Emperor's prestige coming from a distance, Zhao Wuji did not have the slightest fear in his eyes, and said indifferently: "I am here, I conquer!"

Liu Tian next to him shook his head and smiled, knowing that Di Tian was making fun of Zao Wou-Ki.

Because the strongest people around are the weakest emperors. Looking at the past, present and future, who would dare to challenge many emperors Di Tian when he did not prove the Tao like him?

Can that coward Xiao Yun do it?

Then, several angry voices came.

To say that the previous Jiuxiao Continent may not be as good as the Minor World developed by Heavenly Emperor, but the Jiuxiao Continent after Spiritual Qi's recovery is different, otherwise why would Tianwaitian return?

Everyone toasted.

Who can do it?

"I heard that among the human races in the Primordial Era, there was one of the strongest geniuses. He overpowered the first generation of the emperor and swept the first generation of the demon race. Did you know?" Xiao Yun asked casually on the way.

"Come here, let's all have a drink, this is the first time we met in a million years, drink!"

It is useless even if there are thirty other forms of enlightenment.

On the contrary, it is possible to meet the powerhouses of Tianwaitian in advance, and also allow them to have a plan.

Losers do not lose.

Just a joke.

Although the people in Jiuxiao Continent were a little surprised, they didn't think much about it. After all, it's normal to have a name. It's just that one is the strongest genius in the Primordial Era, and the other is the current Supreme Body. They are both powerful people, which makes them feel a little coincidence. 'That's all.

"A mere alternative enlightenment, yet so bold."

what the hell?

"I heard that there are powerhouses above the emperor. Zhao is the number one powerhouse in Jiuxiao Continent. Although he is in an alternative Realm, he still dares to challenge the emperor. Who dares to fight me?"

The group immediately left Heavenly Emperor Mountain and headed to Heavenly Emperor City.


Zhao Wuji was not afraid, his eyes looked straight ahead, his fighting spirit was overwhelming, he said loudly: "I am Justice League Zao Wuji!"

"Oh, did you say Zao Wou-Ki? You actually know the existence of his old man? How is that possible? That's a legendary figure, and I didn't know this person until I read the ancient family history." Zhou Qifeng looked at Xiao with a shocked expression upon hearing this. Yun.

The void was silent for a while.

"Xiao Yun is too timid, and loses at most one divine sense. What is he afraid of? Instead, challenging these great Di Tian emperors will be able to sharpen my Dao heart and even verify my Samsara avenue." Zhao Wuji thought to himself. .

When the people in Jiuxiao Continent heard the words, they were all stunned.

He is indeed not afraid, even if there are many people here who are stronger than him, at most it will only destroy his spiritual sense, what are you afraid of?

Even if the great emperors and Heavenly Emperors in the heavenly realm can't come down, Xiao Yun doesn't believe that there will be no other powerhouses in the heavens?

Unconsciously, the indestructible ancestor raised his head and looked at the heaven.

He also came here with a purpose, and it is also good for him to find these great Di Tian emperors to learn from.

Xiao Yun and others did not refuse, even those weak quasi emperors were not afraid.

Of course wonderful!

When Zao Wou-Ki opened his mouth, several spiritual thoughts swept over, bringing with them a few words.

At this moment, he was very happy.

The descendants of those emperors and kings are all very talented, and it is absolutely not a problem to give birth to a few other types of enlightenment.

"As expected of Zhao Heavenly Emperor, the prestige has been passed down to the ancient times." Di Tian laughed in a low voice.

Everyone in Jiuxiao Continent looked strange.

He doesn't believe Zhou Qifeng's nonsense, even if Heavenly Emperor can create Minor World, but can it be compared with the Heavenly Paradise in Jiuxiao Continent? how is this possible?

At any rate, they are also different and enlightened. It is impossible for Tianwaitian to let Zhou Qifeng, a quasi-emperor of the Seventh Stage, talk to them, which is not in line with Tianwaitian's strong habits.

"Zhao Wuji? Ancestor Zhao? How dare you blaspheme the name of your ancestor, I advise you to change your name!"

Zao Wou-Ki was in high spirits, and his fighting spirit rushed to the heavens and the earth and landed in the heavens.

The point is, you won't really die from learning here. Where can you find such a good opportunity?

"Everyone, how many seniors know that you are here and want to invite you to the Temple of the Three Emperors. I wonder how many of you are free?" Zhou Qifeng suddenly said after drinking three tours.

Even the ancient books of the human race have memorized the name Zhao Wuji, so don't think about it, the demon clan must remember it even more.


Xiao Yun snorted, he was a little strange, after apprenticing to Heavenly Emperor, he used his real name, so it doesn't matter if the monsters don't know, how could the humans not know?

Zhou Qifeng said with a smile: "Of course in Heavenly Emperor City, oh, I'm afraid you don't know the status of Heavenly Emperor City in our ancient times, it is the human race Sacred Land, so our Temple of Three Emperors is also located in Heavenly Emperor City. Come, I will take you with me. go."

The strongest genius of the human race in the Primordial Era is Zao Wou-Ki?

Xiao Yun and the others looked at each other, they were actually waiting for Tianwaitian's movement.

With his hands on his back, Zao Wou-Ki stepped into the air, his eyes blazing with divine light, looking at all directions, extremely domineering.

That may be someone deliberately erased his existence information.

It's a pity that Zao Wou-Ki couldn't see this scene, otherwise his expression must be very wonderful.

Can only rely on three other forms of enlightenment to compete against the heavens and the heavens?

Zhou Qifeng smiled slightly, raised his cup, and said with a smile: "Although it has spanned millions of years, we are all humans, and respect humans forever Immortal!"

Ancestor Immortal turned his head and glanced at Xiao Yun. He intuitively told him that Xiao Yun was beginning to pretend, who didn't know that it was you?

Although they knew that the two were not the same person, listening to the powerhouse boasting of 'Zao Wou-Ki' so much made them feel a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Yun also raised his glass. While drinking, he pretended not to care and said, "When friends come, we have good wine, and when enemies come, we have fists. Come, I will do it first as a tribute." After finishing speaking, he drank.

Zhou Qifeng remained calm, he didn't take Xiao Yun's threat seriously at all, because the people in Jiuxiao Continent didn't even know how powerful Tianwaitian was.

Did you hit the name? What a coincidence!

"We also want to meet the powerhouses in the sky, but we don't know where the Three Emperors Temple is?" Qin Shisan asked.

The corner of Ancestor's mouth twitched, he thought Xiao Yun was going to pretend, but unexpectedly he heard the famous Zao Wou-Ki.

Zhao Heavenly Emperor has never lost his momentum to others.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the field was a little nervous, Qin Shisan couldn't help raising his glass and laughing.

Still my Zhao Heavenly Emperor is the strongest.

"Aha... I also saw it in the books of our Chaos Sacred Land. I heard that he has an intersection with the ancestors of our Chaos Sacred Land, so I'm a little curious."

"The number one powerhouse in Jiuxiao Continent is nothing more than that."

Zao Wou-Ki's goods went up, hoping that he wouldn't encounter the demon clan, and he wouldn't report his name.

"Sacred Body?"

"Zao Wuji? Ah, I'm going to kill you—"


"Zhao Wuji, Old Ancestor Zhao, he is of the same generation as our ancestors. I heard that he is the strongest genius in the history of the human race, but unfortunately there are very few stories about him. The only record is that he swept the battlefield of the five clans. The amazing record makes us yearn for it." Zhou Qifeng said with a look of reverence.

Di Tian looked up at the heavenly realm. As one of the few people present who knew the 'truth', he was very worried for Zao Wou-Ki, and hoped that guy would not encounter the powerful monsters.

"Boy, what's your name?"

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