The difference between Heavenly Emperor and the Great Emperor can only be roughly distinguished by the opponent's imperial soldiers and imperial formations, but it is not accurate.

Now that he can learn this information from Qin Yuxi, Xiao Yun naturally has to write it down.

Qin Yuxi took a deep look at Xiao Yun in front of him, and then he said helplessly: "Of course, these are the divisions of ordinary emperors. In Immortal Road, there is no shortage of super geniuses like you. Your strength will be judged by your mastery of the law alone."

"For example, you don't have a Dao Dao Emperor yet. Your control over the Law of Chaos can only be regarded as a first glimpse of the door, and it's not even 10%, but you already have the strength of the Great Emperor. It is difficult for a super genius like you. Distinguishing ranks can only be judged by battle."

Xiao Yun is right when he thinks about it. He has not only cultivated the Dao of Chaos, but also cultivated the Dao of Universe, as well as involving both time and space. Maybe he can cultivate the Dao of Time and Space in the future.

Coupled with his powerful physical body, the combat power is naturally very powerful.

"However, there is a kind of stone on Immortal Road that can distinguish the Cultivation Base of the Great Emperor, but it cannot distinguish the Heavenly Emperor, so he can only fight." Qin Yuxi said here, flipping out a white round stone, Like ordinary pebbles, it showed in Xiao Yun's eyes.

Xiao Yun opened Double Pupils and looked at the white cobblestone in front of him, but he couldn't see through the stone and couldn't tell the material of the stone. It was obviously a unique item belonging to Immortal Road, not to the Nine Heavens Continent.

"It's called the Imperial Armament Stone!"

Qin Yuxi said with a smile: "The Imperial Armament Stone is very interesting. In the hands of a low-level cultivator, it can only be regarded as a hard stone, and there is nothing special about it. But in the hands of the Great Emperor, it is equivalent to an Imperial Armament. , can carry the skills and techniques of the emperor, and exert the power comparable to ordinary imperial soldiers."

"Of course, this kind of power is not enough for the emperor. Therefore, it is mostly used by the emperor to test his own rank, like this--"

Qin Yuxi finished speaking, and pointed at the white imperial soldier stone in his hand.

At this moment, the Nine Dragons Jade Seal under Qin Yuxi, and even the altar below, burst into a blazing light.

The unparalleled imperial power exploded in an instant.

The terrifying aura made Xiao Yun tremble. He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of Qin Yuxi in front of him.

The opponent is too strong, much stronger than the passerby.


Only a crisp sound was heard, and cracks appeared on the white imperial stone.

Xiao Yun took a look and found five black cracks.

"Attack the emperor with all his strength, if there is one crack, it is the lower emperor, two cracks are the middle emperor, three cracks are the upper emperor, four cracks are the peak emperor, and five cracks are the most powerful emperor. "

Qin Yuxi looked at Xiao Yun and laughed at himself: "I'm actually not that strong. Only by relying on the source of the altar's power can I exert a combat power comparable to the most powerful emperor. Once I leave the altar, I can only play the upper role. The strength of the Great Emperor, thanks to my promotion to Heavenly Emperor, other Emperor Weapon Spirits are not as strong as me."

Xiao Yun was surprised that the opponent could exert the most powerful emperor's combat power, no wonder it gave him a strong sense of oppression.

The most powerful emperor has already reached the pinnacle among the Great Emperor Realm, and the next step is the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

"Senior, if it's a powerhouse from Heavenly Emperor Realm, how many cracks will appear on this Emperor Weapon Stone if you hit it with all your strength?" Xiao Yun asked curiously.

Qin Yuxi shook his head and said, "With a single blow from the Heavenly Emperor Realm's powerhouse, this imperial stone will be destroyed, so it cannot be used to test Heavenly Emperor."

When the words fell, Qin Yuxi threw the imperial soldier stone in his hand to Xiao Yun.

"Meeting is fate. As a senior, I don't have anything good to give you. Just use this imperial stone as a gift." Qin Yuxi smiled.

Xiao Yun smiled: "senior, I like this gift very much, don't worry, if anything happens to the Qin family, I will take care of it."

"Hehe, you have your heart. I'm still very relieved about the Qin family. I also received some information about the Qin family from the God-destroying gun." Qin Yuxi smiled slightly, and he also learned that Xiao Yun had made friends with the Qin family. Well, I will be friendly to Xiao Yun, and I hope to continue to maintain this good relationship.

After all, Xiao Yun is the second chaotic body, and the worst will be Heavenly Emperor in the future, which cannot be underestimated.

"It turns out that the god-destroying spear's artifact spirit is also in Jiuxiao Continent!" Xiao Yun was secretly surprised, these Heavenly Emperor left behind too many hands.

"By the way, did senior know my name from Shenmie Gun?" Xiao Yun suddenly realized.

Qin Yuxi nodded and said: "You are a super genius from the Jiuxiao Continent, and the God-destroying gun naturally told me that the second chaotic body is destined to achieve the existence of Heavenly Emperor. It has a great influence on the Jiuxiao Continent. I naturally want to Keep an eye on it."

"Furthermore, I also know from Emperor Qin Tian that the Demon Lord wants to ask Emperor Qin Tian to deal with you, and Demon Lord also knows that I have evolved into a Heavenly Emperor soldier, but unfortunately he underestimates Emperor Qin Tian, ​​Emperor Qin Tian is talented Wouldn't flatter him like Ray Heavenly Emperor."

Qin Yuxi said sarcastically.

Xiao Yun was secretly startled. Fortunately, Emperor Qin Tian was strong enough to avoid this Demon Venerable. Otherwise, if Qin Yuxi took action against him, he would have to flee back to Jiuxiao Continent and join forces with this Venerable to have a chance to compete with him.

"Young friend Xiao Yun, try it too, see what kind of combat power you have now." Qin Yuxi said with a smile.

He was a little curious about it.

After all, Xiao Yun was able to escape Lei Ding's introduction even before the Great Demonstration Emperor, showing that his strength was extraordinary.

Hearing this, Xiao Yun looked down at the Imperial Armament Stone in his hand. He was surprised to find that the five black cracks on it had disappeared, and it had returned to white and flawless, round and smooth, which was really miraculous.

"Don't be surprised, the Emperor Armament Stone can repair itself. As long as it doesn't reach the limit it can withstand, it can repair its own scars." Qin Yuxi explained with a smile when she saw Xiao Yun's surprise.

Xiao Yun nodded, then mobilized Chaos Avenue, unleashed Chaos Fist, and hit the Emperor Bingshi with all his strength.


With a crisp sound, a black crack appeared on the Imperial Armament Stone.

Xiao Yun's face suddenly became depressed, and there was only one crack. Does that mean that he only has the strength of the next great emperor?

"Young friend Xiao Yun, you can escape from Lei Ding's attack, shouldn't it be more than the strength of the next emperor?" Qin Yuxi also showed a look of doubt. Although Lei Ding is not very good, with the help of the altar, at least he can play a role. The strength of the upper emperor.

"I'll try again!"

Xiao Yun did have reservations just now. At this moment, he not only mobilized the Chaos Avenue, but also the Universe Sword Canon, and mobilized the Immortal sword, integrating the sword soul into it, and mobilizing the powerful power of the flesh.

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