Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

800 And 90 Chapters Spiritual World

"Senior, let's meet again." Xiao Yun came through the void, passed by Jiulong Yuxi, and said hello to Qin Yuxi.

Unfortunately, I can't see all of this.

"That kid should be dead by now!"

Heavenly Emperor City.

This guy Lei Ding, he was not ready to let go.

A golden rainbow tore through the void and came at high speed.

The fate of the Demon Venerable Dojo can be imagined.

By the way, it has been more than a year, and I don't know how many small ancient Sacred bodies have been born. The hidden dangers of my ancestors have been eliminated, and it is time to accept a few apprentices to teach them well.

Xiao Yun and Li Chengdi also showed shock.

This junior is simply heaven-defying, and actually killed the clone of Demon Venerable.

The divine sense just now was so terrifying, it was like a vast ocean, sweeping across the entire Jiuxiao Continent.

Lei Ding raised his head in shock and looked into the dark and deep space in the distance.

"Leiding!" A loud shout came.

At this moment, a vast wave swept the entire Jiuxiao Continent.

He doesn't have a Daoist yet.

Xiao Yun actually came back alive from the Demon Venerable Dojo, how is this possible?

All this exceeded his expectations, beyond Ray Heavenly Emperor's expectations.

"Xiao Yun, I'll go back to Chaos Sacred Land first, and let me know if I have something to do." The indestructible ancestor said goodbye, stepped into the void, carried his hands on his back, and headed to Chaos Sacred Land with a smile on his face, no longer frowning.

Somewhere in the dark void, Lei Ding Lotus Position sat on the space-time altar, and the imperial soldiers above his head released a thousand-zhang thunder light, shrouding his entire body inside.


How could the Demon Venerable let him go?

After all, how can there be a battle that has lasted for more than half a year, obviously fell into the trap of Demon Venerable, then you can only wait to die.

The light scattered, Xiao Yun's figure appeared in Lei Ding's sight.

"What! You killed the Demon Lord's clone? This is absolutely impossible!" Lei Ding shouted in shock.

Moreover, this divine sense has not disappeared, and it has always covered the entire Jiuxiao Continent, which is really terrifying.

"I would also like to thank senior for his previous guidance. I still have things to do. Senior can go to Jiuxiao Continent when he has time. For you, it shouldn't be a problem to have a clone." Xiao Yun smiled and continued on his way to leave.


He is happy now, and everyone is happy.

Finally solved the hidden danger of Demon Venerable, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

With such a monster as the enemy, the future of Thunder Heavenly Emperor may be more fortunate than good.

Qin Yuxi touched her chin, and for a while, she had the urge to go to Jiuxiao Continent to take a look.

The ancient Hades was shocked.

Xiao Yun and the immortal ancestor walked out of the palace leisurely.

At this point, his injuries have fully recovered.

Hmph, that kid actually dared to go to Demon Venerable's dojo, I have never seen such a rush to die.

"Such a person, once the Dao Dao Great Emperor, will definitely surpass Lei Heavenly Emperor in the future!" Lei Ding was desperate and worried for Lei Heavenly Emperor.

Lei Ding was a little panicked.

Qin Yuxi was stunned.

Lei Ding was shocked, then glanced at the surrounding void, shook his head, and laughed at himself: "It was that kid's voice just now? No, he is already dead, it must be an hallucination, I may have auditory hallucinations."

He was overwhelmed in his heart, and he was really shocked.


In his opinion, Xiao Yun was really stupid, and he was the number one idiot in the world by himself.

"Lei Ding, how dare you lie to me!" Xiao Yun's face was cold, the light of Double Pupils ripped apart the void and bombarded with unparalleled energy.

As a result, Xiao Yun actually came back happily.

At that time, Xiao Yun can also have a helper at the level of a great emperor.

"As expected of Emperor Qin Tian, ​​his vision is amazing, and the potential of Chaos Body did not disappoint him. On the contrary, Lei Heavenly Emperor is short-sighted and will be liquidated by Xiao Yun sooner or later." Qin Yuxi thought to himself.

"It's actually a spiritual world, so strong, what a stalwart powerhouse!" From the gate of The Netherworld came the exclamation of the King of the Netherworld.

"Devil's clone? He has already been slaughtered by me!" Xiao Yun sneered, wielding the Immortal sword, and slashed towards Lei Ding.

"What are you looking at? Haven't seen the handsome guy before?" Xiao Yun snorted and looked at the deadly group of The Netherworld powerhouses behind Li Chengdi.

Lei Ding sneered in his heart.

After fighting for more than half a year, he thought that Xiao Yun's avatar had fallen.

Is this kid still alive?

The blazing sword light, gathered with terrifying swordsmanship, slashed fiercely on the imperial soldier on top of Lei Ding's head.

Glancing at the deep space in the distance, the movement of the battle has completely disappeared, presumably Xiao Yun has fallen by now.

The power of the extreme emperor pervades, and the terrifying energy swept out, causing this dark void to tremble and disturb.

In front of that vast spiritual sense, Xiao Yun felt as small as an ant.

After all, this guy is a flesh body transformed by an artifact spirit. Xiao Yun needs his flesh body just in time for the Chaos Bell to settle in.

Mozun actually lost to the junior Xiao Yun.

"It's time to call yourself the Indestructible Emperor in the future!" The indestructible ancestor thought to himself.

The Chaos Bell is a Heavenly Emperor soldier. Once the Chaos Bell has a physical body, the worst is the upper emperor. It is much stronger than Zao Wuji and is a good helper.

With monsters like Xiao Yun appearing in this life, Jiuxiao Continent is bound to be very exciting.

Of course, as an old senior, you still need some face. You can't call yourself Zhao Heavenly Emperor like Zao Wou-Ki. He's really a guy who doesn't want to face.

Immediately, he smiled and congratulated Xiao Yun: "Little friend is able to return safely, it is really gratifying."

Lei Ding looked at Xiao Yun with shock on his face, with disbelief in his eyes: "How could you still be alive? How could the Demon Lord clone let you go? This is absolutely impossible!"

This is absolutely impossible.

The powerhouses of The Netherworld all opened their eyes, all with shock on their faces.

Heavenly Emperor City, Xiao Yun watched the indestructible ancestor go away, and then turned his eyes to the gate of The Netherworld in the distance.

Lei Ding didn't dare to imagine that the Demon Lord clone would be killed by Xiao Yun, because that was impossible. After all, the Demon Lord clone was at least the most powerful emperor, but it was not something Xiao Yun could deal with now.


Demon Lord clone is the most powerful emperor, how could he be killed by Xiao Yun?

"Lei Ding, since you broke the agreement and lied to me first, then go to hell!" Xiao Yun pushed the Immortal sword with all his strength, constantly wiping out Lei Ding's imperial soldiers.

Jiuxiao Continent.

Qin Yuxi didn't know what to say for a while. That was the Demon Venerable Dojo. It was the most dangerous place in this dark void. It was leveled by this little guy in front of him.

Moreover, this is a clone of Xiao Yun.


Good guy, there are hundreds of The Netherworld powerhouses, all the powerhouses of the Quasi-Emperor Eighth Stage and Seventh Stage. They are packed into a radius of one mile.

What a godly posture this is!

"Lei Ding!" A familiar voice suddenly came.

Li Chengdi also opened his eyes at this moment, and his eyes looked over faintly.

Lei Ding knew that he was going to die today.

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