Looking at Zao Wuji's process of eradicating evil spirits, Xiao Yun knew that he couldn't count on these quasi emperors.

It's not that they are too bad, but that these evil spirits are too powerful.

No, Liu Tian next to him turned on Double Pupils, shot out divine fire, and desperately burned a mass of evil energy, and for half an hour, there was no less evil energy.

Xiao Yun couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Are you bringing warmth to it?"

Zao Wou-Ki couldn't hold back his face and was almost amused.

Liu Tiandu's face was dark, and he finally felt Zao Wuji's suffocation just now, these evil spirits were too powerful.


At this time, Xiao Yun also turned on Double Pupils, activating the divine fire, burning some evil energy in front of him, and the surrounding temperature became much higher in an instant.

It can be clearly seen that the evil energy burned by Xiao Yun is slowly diminishing.

Although the rate of decrease is very slow, it can be seen with the naked eye, and it can be seen that this rate is countless times faster than Zhao Wuji just now.

When Liu Tiandu saw this, his eyes widened.

Zao Wou-Ki sneered: "Old Liu, this is also Double Pupils, why are you so different? You are still born with Double Pupils. Are your eyes fake? Did your parents give them the phone bill?"

Liu Tiandu's face was pitch-black, and he was actually hit by this funny comparison of Zao Wou-Ki. He couldn't bear it.


Liu Tiandu began to mobilize the imperial soldiers, but the effect was not as good as that of Zao Wou-Ki, which made Zao Wou-Ki taunted him so much that he was so angry that he gave up on the peach.

Too f*ck to hit people.

In fact, not only Zao Wou-Ki and Liu Tian were uncomfortable, but others were also uncomfortable.

Nearby Qin Shisan was also eradicating evil spirits. After using the Imperial Armament, he had a little bit of efficiency, which caused him a lot of blows.

Fortunately, he seemed to know Xiao Yun's vicious tongue and deliberately kept a distance from Xiao Yun, thus avoiding Xiao Yun's blow.

Not far away, the group of Avengers also began to self-isolate.

Seven or eight quasi emperors shot together, and the evil spirits that were wiped out were not much, which was too shocking.

Kunpeng ancestor is the same, even if he is very strong, he is close to Xiao Yun, but this is the gap in power level, he can't do anything about it.

Even if imperial soldiers are used, the efficiency is not very high.

Only Xiao Yun was able to wipe out some evil spirits in the field. Although it was a bit laborious, at least it could be wiped out.

Well, after spending a hundred years in Heavenly Emperor City, you should be able to completely wipe out these evil spirits.

Xiao Yun was not in a good mood either.

This efficiency is still too low for him, a hundred years is too long, at least for him, he doesn't want to stay here to work for a hundred years, isn't it killing people?

"Xiao Yun, forget it, this kind of efficiency is too labor-intensive, it's better to wait for Emperor Zheng Dao to eliminate these evil qi." Zhao Wuji advised.

Qin Shisan nodded and said: "The power level of these evil spirits is higher than ours, and we can only wipe them out when we are the Great Demon Lord. Fortunately, they have not left Heavenly Emperor City, but just in case, we can work together to arrange a formation. , seal the entire Heavenly Emperor city to prevent the evil from leaking out."

Xiao Yun looked at the city of Heavenly Emperor, which was full of evil energy in front of him, and said solemnly, "The evil energy can't be eliminated, and the alien space tunnel below will be very stable. It won't be long before the Great Emperor can come out of it."

Everyone's expressions froze, and they almost forgot about the great emperor of the different dimension.

If this guy came out, wouldn't the entire Jiuxiao Continent be demonized?

This girl is not a good person at first glance, maybe the other party is not a person at all.

"Perhaps we can directly attack the space channel below, destroy it, and prevent the increase of evil energy!" Kunpeng ancestor suddenly said loudly.

The quasi emperors of the Avengers all nodded, feeling reasonable.

Xiao Yun sneered in his heart, the evil spirit could not be wiped out, still want to attack the space channel?

To be honest, he didn't think the other party was capable of doing it.

After all, the previous great emperor was able to shoot through a different space, it can be seen that the 'space channel' is already very stable, and it is difficult to break it.

Not to mention, the other party is still guarding at the 'door', how do you destroy it?

However, Xiao Yun did not remind the ancestors of Kunpeng, if these people were injured by the emperor, he would take the opportunity to harvest the ancestors of Kunpeng.

After so long, the demon in this old guy has matured.

Xiao Yun felt that after he had harvested it, he might be promoted to the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Stage one step ahead of the deity.

At that time, it will be easier to deal with these evil spirits.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun rarely cooperated with the ancestor Kunpeng, and said: "As expected of the ancestor of Orleans roasted wings, he has lived a long time and has a lot of knowledge. Today, I will temporarily put aside the grievances and grievances with the Avengers. Let's start together. Let's destroy that space channel."

"Hehe, Xiao Yun's little friend said it well." Ancestor Kunpeng stroked his beard and nodded with some relief. Xiao Yun's thorn finally didn't contradict him. It's rare. As for the roasted wings in Orleans, he didn't know what it was. Anything is not heard.

Zao Wou-Ki next to him suppressed his smile. He looked at the Kunpeng ancestor up and down, and secretly communicated with Xiao Yun about how to cook the Orleans Roasted Wing ancestor. As the saying goes, the older the meat, the more chewy and fragrant it is, and new cooking techniques are required. Lao Zhao, who had been an auditor in Lanxiang, seemed very professional, and discussed with Xiao Yun incessantly.

While chatting, the quasi emperors had already started to dive.

However, not long after the dive, Kunpeng's ancestor was slapped in the face.

Because a huge palm suddenly came from the ground, carrying the strong power of the extreme emperor, annihilating pieces of space, exuding terrifying and vast power.




No one spoke. After feeling the power of this palm, they instantly took out the strength to suckle and fled upwards.

Xiao Yun did not fight back, but protected Zao Wuji, Qin Shisan, and Liu Tian to escape.

Fight back for what?

Isn't this blocking the sword for the Avengers and Kunpeng ancestors?

Xiao Yun is not that stupid.

"Puff puff!"

Sure enough, when Xiao Yun didn't fight back, the huge palm slapped it. Although it didn't hit Patriarch Kunpeng and the others head-on, just wiping the edge made them spit blood and fly backwards.

Among them, Wen Tianyu, Zhang Zewen, and Lei Zhan, the less powerful quasi emperors, were directly smashed to pieces and escaped under the protection of Ye Fei and others.

They were seriously injured this time, and they have to lie down for at least a few years. It is estimated that in the future, the director will only be able to act in bed scenes if they find them to film.

Zhao Wuji and the others were much better off. Under Xiao Yun's support, they were blown away by the wind and waves and escaped.

On the other hand, the ancestors of Kunpeng and the others spurted blood and their faces turned pale.

The quasi-emperors of other forces who followed behind also all had lingering fears. They fell behind and avoided a crisis. They were really lucky.

"It's a pity that there are imperial soldiers guarding, and Kunpeng ancestor was not photographed half-dead, alas!" Xiao Yun is a little regretful, if there is no emperor soldiers, this time Kunpeng ancestor will suffer heavy losses even if he does not die, then he can harvest this Orleans The grandfather of grilled wings.

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