Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 811 The Gap In Power Levels

"What is this god-tier pass? Why is it so powerful?"

In the distance, the quasi emperors of the Avengers were all trembling. The thunderbolt that Xiao Yun used before and the current thunderbolt were simply the difference between heaven and earth.

The dark purple power of thunder and lightning in front of me feels stronger than the power of thunder and lightning on the Tenth Stage of Thunder Void, but the amount is not so much.

Such a powerful lightning force, once attacked them, can they still resist it?

I am afraid that apart from the imperial soldiers, it is impossible to resist it.

"Nine Heavens Continent has never had such magical powers of thunder, could it be that he created it himself?" Kunpeng's ancestor also showed a dignified expression.

Even though he has lived so long, he has never seen such a powerful Thunder Dao supernatural power.

In the Avengers, Lei Zhan felt the most profound, and he also walked the Thunder Road, or the Thunder Sword Dao with the strongest attack power.

But compared to the power of lightning that he understood, compared with the power of lightning that Xiao Yun was using now, it was simply the difference between a tadpole and a blue whale.

"This guy is really hidden!" In the crowd, Gu Wudi's face was gloomy, his eyes solemnly looking at Xiao Yun who was surrounded by purple lightning in the distance.

In their impression, Xiao Yun seemed to only have one "Chaos Fist", or some kendo supernatural powers.

But in fact, Chaos Sacred Land has a profound background, there are countless cultivation Cultivation Techniques and supernatural powers, with Xiao Yun's perception, how could it be only these two supernatural powers.

Xiao Yun had a lot of trump cards, but he felt that Chaos Fist was enough to suppress all enemies, and he was too lazy to use other Cultivation Technique magical powers. After all, no one pushed him to the limit.

It seems that there is a long way to go to defeat Xiao Yun.

Gu Wudi felt that he had to keep lurking, temporarily letting Ye Fei and Wu Gang rush ahead to attract Xiao Yun's firepower.

He himself is developing in the back.


After the last deep purple to black lightning washed Xiao Yun's body, the trace of evil spirit that had persisted in his body for a long time was finally wiped out, and there was no possibility of rebirth.

Xiao Yun was stunned in his heart, this evil energy was too powerful, that is, his body was extremely powerful, so he could destroy those evil energy with this method that was almost a lose-lose.

If it was someone else, even a quasi-emperor like Zhao Doubi, the Seventh Stage Heavenly Powerhouse, I am afraid that before the evil spirits are extinguished, the fleshly body will be destroyed by "Yuqing Shenxiao Lei Fa".

Speaking of which, the power of this "Yuqing Shenxiao Lei Fa" is indeed terrifying, and it deserves to be the Xeon Immortal technique of Heavenly Dao Sage in the prehistoric world.

However, it is a pity that this Immortal technique consumes too much energy. In just a short time, the energy in Xiao Yun's body is exhausted. If it is used in battle, it will not be 'blue' after just one hit. Now, how do you overthrow the BOSS?

That is to say, Xiao Yun's physical body is extremely powerful, so that he can cover up the aura that his body's energy is exhausted and not be noticed by others. Otherwise, the Avengers and Kunpeng ancestors will definitely take the opportunity to kill.

Of course, Xiao Yun's body is extremely powerful and protected by imperial soldiers, so he is not a vegetarian.

This is the advantage of a strong body in the flesh, even if the energy in the body is exhausted, their flesh body can still exert a powerful combat power.

"How is it?" Zhao Wuji asked quickly when he saw Xiao Yun put away the thunderbolt.

Xiao Yun waved his hand and said, "It's just a small matter, it's just a bit laborious. These evil spirits are very powerful, and their power level is much higher than ours. They can't be destroyed so easily, so be careful."

The others pouted when they heard the words, they didn't believe Xiao Yun's nonsense.

Xiao Yun made such a big noise just now, and all fools know how terrifying these evil spirits are.

Everyone is on guard at the moment.


When speaking, Xiao Yun thought to communicate with the Spirit Stones accumulated in the heaven and earth, and quickly refined and absorbed it to replenish the energy consumption in the body.

This kind of absorption speed is very fast, which is a bit of a waste of Spirit Stones. With the huge degree of energy in Xiao Yun's body, the consumption of Spirit Stones is in units of 100 million, which means that he hunted a lot of powerhouses, just in the ancient times. Got a lot of Spirit Stones, but that's enough.

After a while, the energy in Xiao Yun's body recovered by half.

At this time, the others were also trying to clean up the evil spirits around them. They were not as reckless as Xiao Yun, and they were all under the protection of the imperial soldiers to wipe out the evil spirits.

Ye Fei, Gu Wudi and Wuhan Iron and Steel of the Avengers all have imperial soldiers, and they are all defensive-oriented imperial soldiers, so it is no problem to protect a few people.

Even a strong man like Kunpeng's ancestors has already urged the imperial soldiers to protect their bodies. The older they are, the more cautious they are.

On Xiao Yun's side, Qin Shisan and Zao Wuji both had imperial soldiers, and Liu Tiandu also brought the imperial soldiers here this time.

In farther places, there are some quasi emperors of other forces who are also trying to eradicate evil spirits.


Lao Zhao was short-tempered, and slapped the demonized cultivators in front of him with a slap, destroying hundreds of them with a single slap.

However, when he killed these demonized cultivators, the evil energy in these cultivators was not destroyed, but merged into the surrounding evil energy and continued to wander in Heavenly Emperor city.

Everyone's expressions froze, this evil spirit is not something that Emperor Zhun can easily wipe out.

No wonder it is said that there are ants under the great emperor, and the same is true for the quasi emperor. This is the level gap of power.

Simply put, it is the energy level gap between Practitioner's True Qi and fantasy world powerhouses.

To sum it up in terms of 'quantity', a drop of the power of a great emperor is equivalent to the power of a quasi-emperor in a pond, and the gap is naturally large.

Even Xiao Yun, before the Dao Dao Emperor, his level of power was far inferior to that of the Great Emperor.

This is the difference in the essence of life!

"Old Zhao, are you okay? Didn't you eat today?" Xiao Yun looked at Zhao Wuji with a playful face, and laughed and teased.

Zao Wou-Ki's face turned red, he snorted coldly, and immediately cast the "Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist".

Immediately, six huge Samsara fist marks joined together from all directions, forcibly obliterating an evil spirit.


Explosion continued in the void, and the terrifying energy annihilated this space.

However, Zao Wou-Ki was unable to eradicate the evil spirit in it.

That evil spirit is like an inextinguishable fire that cannot be extinguished with water, and it has not diminished even a little bit.

This made Lao Zhao's face flush with anger, and he felt too embarrassed. That bastard Xiao Yun was watching the play next to him.

"Oh, it's too bad. I, Xiao Yun, will be lost to you sooner or later. If I meet the emperor next time, don't say that you are my follower. I can't afford to lose this person." Xiao Yun showed no mercy. Strike Zao Wou-Ki.

Zhao Wuji's face was pitch black. He was completely irritated, and he began to push the Black Dragon Spear in his hand with all his strength, inspiring the extreme power of the Emperor, and bombarded it with an evil energy.

This time, Zao Wou-Ki wiped out a trace of evil energy, it was really a 'smear' of evil energy. There was only so much that it was impossible to see with the naked eye, but it could be sensed with divine sense that Old Zhao did reduce the evil energy a bit this time.

It has been reduced by about 1%, which is still due to the power of the imperial soldiers.


Lao Zhao was in a very bad mood, so he just quit. He tried his best to mobilize the imperial soldiers to eradicate such a little evil spirit. If this is to clear the evil spirit in Heavenly Emperor city, it is estimated that he will have to work for a million years, not to mention Can you live for so many years, tired and exhausted.

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