Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 807: 1 Person Suppresses The 7 Emperors

"Wugang, Huanggu Sacred Body and Cangtian Batai will be the winner today. I want everyone to know that Huanggu Sacred Body is the strongest."

Zhao Wuji's aura was like a rainbow, with golden lightning flashes in his eyes. He held the black dragon spear and strode forward, staring straight ahead.

His body was like a golden lightning, tearing apart the sky, quickly reaching the front of Wuhan Iron and Steel, and killing it with a single shot.

The dazzling spear light is like a scorching sun, bursting with blazing divine light, carrying the terrifying power of the extreme emperor.

The surrounding void was shattered by this shot.

The terrifying air waves swept across the eight wastelands, causing the heavens and the world to be shaken and disturbed.


Wuhan Iron and Steel waved a golden stick to meet it, collided with the Black Dragon Spear, and a dazzling light erupted.

Two extremist powers swept across the four directions, shocking the Sages who were watching the battle in the distance.

"It is said that the golden pillar of Batian Sacred Land is forged from the backbone of a real dragon. It is extremely powerful and extremely hard."

"I heard that the black dragon spear in Zhao Wuji's hand was also made from the body of the dragon emperor, and their imperial soldiers are equally powerful."

"This battle is fair, the emperor's soldiers are similar, it depends on their own strength."


Many people are very curious, in this life, whether the ancient Sacred Body is better, or the Heavenly Tyrant Body is stronger.

You must know that Zao Wou-Ki is called the strongest Sacred Body in the ancient world, and WISCO is also the strongest Cangtian hegemony body.

The confrontation between the two of them touched many people's hearts.

However, the most eye-catching was Xiao Yun's battle against the Avengers' digital quasi-emperor.

This time, there are many quasi emperors from the Avengers, including Ye Fei, Jun Xiaoyao, and Gu Wudi. Long Yi is also comparable to the supreme body.

Secondly, there are Lei Zhan, Wen Tianyu, Zhang Zewen, the three quasi-emperor Fourth Stage powerhouses.

Seven quasi emperors besieged Xiao Yun alone, and Ye Fei and Gu Wudi also had emperor soldiers in their hands. This kind of combat power was enough to sweep the Nine Heavens Continent. Except for the Chaos Sacred Land, no other force could resist.

But they couldn't suppress Xiao Yun alone, which really shocked many people.

What was even more shocking was that Xiao Yun had not used imperial soldiers until now. With just a pair of fists, he blocked the joint attack of the seven quasi emperors.

"Is this your strength? It's too bad. If you only have this ability, I'll send you on the road today!"

Xiao Yun stood in the void, staring at the Eight Wastes.

He swung out a fist, and the sky collapsed, as if there was a chaotic mountain condensed and presented, carrying a terrifying mighty force, and smashed the stars in an instant.

The projection of the Three Thousand Avenues was revealed behind Xiao Yun, and then merged into one, submerging into his body, causing his chaotic body to explode with unprecedented power.

His whole person's Blood Qi was boiling, exuding a kind of terrifying energy, as if a great emperor had recovered, and his vitality was extremely vigorous, like a real dragon joining the road, and every move exuded a power similar to that of a great emperor.

This is the power that belongs to the Supreme King of the Ancients. Although Xiao Yun has not yet stepped into the Ninth Stage, he already possesses such power.


As Xiao Yun's Chaos Punch came, it seemed as if the world had opened up, the Galaxy Cluster in the sky was shaking, and countless stars were pulled down.

The two imperial soldiers, the Shrouding the Heavens flag and the Supreme Pagoda, were thrown out by Xiao Yun's punch.

The crowd stared in disbelief.

"A bunch of trash!"

Xiao Yun changed his fist into a palm, and slapped it out with one hand. The power was fierce, and all kinds of golden runes flickered, as if slaughtering the earth-shattering seal of the world and suppressing the world of the heavens.

Ye Fei, Gu Wudi, Jun Xiaoyao, and Long Yi hurried to defend.

Lei Zhan let out a long roar, turned into a thunder sword, tore through the void, and shot towards Xiao Yun.

Wen Tianyu and Zhang Zewen joined forces, both civil and military, and struck a powerful blow that surpassed their own strength.

"too weak!"

Xiao Yun sneered, with contempt in his eyes, he didn't put them to put in one's eyes at all, Chaos Palm continued to slash forward, very fierce, exuding an indomitable Wudi spirit.


As a strong swordsman, Lei Zhan is not only powerful, but also very fast.

He turned into the way of kendo, and the man and the sword were one, and he hit a unique strike full of confidence.

This was the most prosperous moment in his life, and he seemed to have touched the threshold of the Fifth Stage.

He believed that even if the ancestor of the war was resurrected, he would not be able to stop his unique sword.

However, this era is not the era of five hundred years ago.

This is the age of the Supreme Being.


Xiao Yun's Chaos Palm slashed violently, and in just an instant, it shattered Lei Zhan's sword momentum, causing him to tremble, spitting out blood and flying out, his long hair scattered all over his head, looking extremely embarrassed.

However, Xiao Yun's hold still did not dissipate, and he continued to attack the Emperor of the Avengers.


With a roar of a giant dragon, Long Yi revealed his body, turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, protruded huge dragon claws, shattered the vacuum, and grabbed towards Xiao Yun.

"I ate more than one five-clawed golden dragon!"

Xiao Yun glanced at Long Yi disdainfully, and his palm suddenly rose against the storm, turning into a huge palm of Shrouding the Heavens covering the sun, and suddenly slapped Long Yi to the ground.


The whole earth trembled.

A deep pit in the shape of a five-clawed golden dragon appeared directly on the ground.

Several quasi emperors of the Avengers were extremely horrified, Xiao Yun was simply too strong.

But they have no chance to retreat, they can only bite the bullet and fight hard.

"Wen Dao Changlong!"

“Martial Dao is brilliant!”

Wen Tianyu and Zhang Zewen joined forces to kill. A golden word for 'Wen' and a golden word for 'Wu' in the sky merged into one, forming a big seal of 'Wenwu', and came to suppress Xiao Yun.

"There are a lot of tricks, but it's useless!"

Xiao Yun raised his head and glanced at it, Double Pupils opened, Wudi fire shot out from his eyes, burning the two words directly.

Wen Tianyu and Zhang Zewen suddenly suffered a backlash, they spurted blood together, their faces turned pale, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun fought the thunder battle, but he shot them anyway. He didn't even move his hand, and directly defeated their unique move with his eyes.

The two were so frightened that they retreated again and again, and did not dare to rush up again. Without the imperial soldiers in their hands, the gap between their strength and Xiao Yun was too great, and going up was just a matter of death.

Ye Fei also knew that Xiao Yun was strong, so he didn't blame them for retreating, but exchanged glances with Gu Wudi.

The flag of Shrouding the Heavens waved, the sky crumbled, and the void shattered into pieces.

The terrifying Ji Dao Diwei almost drowned this piece of heaven and earth.

Gu Wudi urged the Supreme Tower, like an ancient sacred mountain, to suppress Xiao Yun.

The world within a radius of 10,000 miles was imprisoned.

"It finally looks like it!"

Xiao Yun's eyes were bright, his eyes were sharp, and he punched upwards, carrying unparalleled divine power, exuding eternal light, shattering all obstacles.

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