Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 806: The Battle Of The Quasi Emperors

Hearing Xiao Yun's words, the field suddenly fell silent.

Everyone else folded their arms and looked like they were watching the show.

"Xiao Yun, you won't be complacent for a long time. We Avengers already know the news of Spiritual Qi's recovery. After all of us have become emperors, we will definitely destroy your chaotic Sacred Land." Jun Xiaoyao said gloomily, looking at Xiao Yun's His eyes were filled with boiling killing intent.

The terrifying impact caused Ye Fei to spurt blood and retreat, and the Shrouding the Heavens flag was knocked out.

"Oops, I just played against a Heavenly Emperor, didn't you see?"

Not far away, several quasi emperors of the Avengers sneered.

In Jun Xiaoyao's heart, the biggest enemy is Xiao Yun, followed by Gu Wudi.

"I just played against the Chaos Emperor."

"Yeah, it is said that the Supreme Body can compete with the Great Emperor. You Xiao Yun has the strongest Chaos Body. It is definitely not inferior to the Great Emperor. Pull it out and let us see it." Jun Xiaoyao also sneered.

Jun Xiaoyao was furious when he heard the words. Although their Jun family was destroyed by Gu Tianyi, in the final analysis, Xiao Yun took away the Sky-Questioning Mirror. One destroyed.

In particular, the number of quasi emperors in the Avengers is large. Once they fight with Xiao Yun, there will be dozens of quasi emperors fighting.

This is simply the resurrection of a real emperor.


At this moment, they truly saw Xiao Yun's incomparable strength.

As soon as the voice fell, a huge fist, wrapped in the chaotic airflow, penetrated the void of heaven and earth, and blasted towards Jun Xiaoyao not far away.

"Xiao Yun, you are getting more and more arrogant. You actually said that you would fight the Great Emperor. No Great Emperor has appeared in this life."

The aftermath of the battle of the emperor can easily kill them.

But none of them noticed the presence of the Supreme Dao Diwei.

Ye Fei, Gu Wudi, WISCO and others all changed.

Just now he only sensed that Xiao Yun's golden heavenly saber shot into the ground and disappeared, but did not sense any energy fluctuations of the collision.

What's more, there were more than a dozen quasi emperors present, and many quasi emperors were secretly watching.

It is also a fateful confrontation.

Did the emperor make a move just now?

Zao Wou-Ki looked at Xiao Yun suspiciously, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Are you trying to say that you fought against the Great Emperor just now, and the two of you won't win or lose? Can you wait for this bullshit to talk about it after you have preached the Dao? If it's not good, we'll have to wait until you are promoted to the Ninth Stage of the Quasi-Emperor."

Besides, you just shot under my nose, how could I not have noticed.

The Sages not far away were all swept away by the violent air waves after being bombarded with this punch.

Why don't they know?

Xiao Yun heard the words and sneered.

"Shrouding the Heavens flag!"

Now, Gu Tianyi is dead, and only his son Gu Wudi is left.

Xiao Yun's fist hit the Shrouding the Heavens flag, causing the Shrouding the Heavens flag to sag. His fist power exploded completely, like a golden rainbow, piercing through the void of Universe.

Many quasi emperors present felt a suffocating sense of oppression.

"Quick, let's shoot together!" Ye Fei yelled, pushing the Shrouding the Heavens flag with all his strength, resisting Xiao Yun's punch.

They don't dare to doubt Xiao Yun's words now, Xiao Yun definitely has the capital to compete with the emperor.

In the distance, the watching Sages stepped back one after another, thousands of miles away, for fear of being involved in the upcoming battle of the Emperor.

Xiao Yun's Chaos Fist was not only a full-strength attack without a trace of concealment, but he even used the power of the blood-colored lotus platform under his feet, which was definitely comparable to the power of a single blow from the Primordial King Wang Zhizun.

This person has far exceeded the boundaries of the quasi-emperor, comparable to those terrifying kings of the ancient times.

At this time, there were a few mocking laughter not far away.

At this moment, Wu Gang looked at Xiao Yun with a mocking expression and said, "Xiao Yun, since there is a great emperor below, you can pull it out and take a look. Let us see how you Xiao Yun can compete with the great emperor."

"Oh? Is that so? Then I'll kill you now!"

Xiao Yun looked at WISCO coldly, the cold words made WISCO look gloomy.

With this punch, the sky collapsed, and the chaotic airflow spread for three thousand miles.

I, Zhao, a dignified quasi-emperor, is a super-powerhouse of the Seventh Stage, can't I still discover the Great Emperor?

Ye Fei immediately waved the imperial soldiers, the Shrouding the Heavens flag turned into a sky, the light was extremely bright, covering the whole world, Shrouding the Heavens covered the sun and covered the entire world.

Does that mean you're going to kill me sooner or later?

Many people in the distance looked shocked. Xiao Yun hadn't used the imperial soldiers yet, but he was able to suppress Ye Fei who had used the imperial soldiers. What a mighty force this is.

What does it mean to cherish this little time?

"This guy has been pretending for a day or two, don't you know him yet?"

"A bunch of trash, is there a lot of people? I, Zhao, are still here!" Zhao Wuji saw that the Emperor of the Avengers made a move together, and immediately stepped into the air and punched WISCO.

Jun Xiaoyao felt the terror and despair of Death coming.

"The emperor deliberately restrained the movement, it is normal that you can't sense it!"


I didn't see the peak powerhouses of the Great Sage, and at this moment, they also retreated sharply.

Wu Gang stared at Xiao Yun with sharp eyes, not afraid at all.

"Xiao Yun, you—"

The great emperor shot too fast just now, coupled with the distortion of the underground space, under the deliberate concealment of the emperor, it was difficult for outsiders to discover.

This punch made them feel the power beyond the emperor, as if a great emperor was resurrected in front of them.

Wu Gang's eyes narrowed, and without thinking much, he headed towards Zhao Wuji to meet him.

Xiao Yun stood like a great mountain, like a sea of ​​abyss, swallowing 100,000 miles, as if he was a deity looking down on the vast land.

This is a duel between the Heavenly Tyrant and the Ancient Sacred Land.

At this moment, Xiao Yun has turned his head to look at Jun Xiaoyao, with a trace of contempt in his eyes, he said with disdain: "It's just a lost dog, how dare you bark in front of me? Then they will be raided and wiped out."

Those Sages can be ignored, but there are quite a few quasi emperors present, and several of them are the strongest of the quasi emperor Seventh Stage.

They knew very well that if they didn't join forces to fight against Xiao Yun, even if they had imperial soldiers, they would not be able to escape Xiao Yun's bombardment.

"Wugang, you can still rise again as a waste, cherish this little time, otherwise God will not give you a second chance to rise again."

Especially WISCO, who danced the most. After all, he was abolished by Xiao Yun at the beginning. This hatred was too deep.

Xiao Yun gave Zao Wuji a blank look.

Obviously, he didn't believe it.

Although you Xiao Yun is very strong now, after my WISCO certification, it is not certain who is worse than the other.

Wuhan Iron and Steel, Gu Wudi and the others saw Ye Fei's fate, and they also used imperial soldiers to resist.

"Did the emperor make a move?"

Like a comet from the sky, it fell to the earth.

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