Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

500 And 90 Chapters Cautious Mozu

Demon resident.

A group of demon Sages are discussing the arrival of 'Zao Wou-Ki' with a few favored ones.

If it is said that after destroying the Immortal clan station, Zao Wou-ki's fame can only be regarded as having just spread on the battlefield of the five clans. The powerhouses of each clan do not think that he destroyed the Immortal clan station alone, but must have gathered all the human races. Genius, and with the help of Heavenly Tribulation, the Immortal tribe can be destroyed.

However, this time, without the help of Heavenly Tribulation, the Terran side can still destroy the ghost clan's resident, and it is still the prepared ghost resident.

After all, what kind of strength is the genius of the human race, and the powerhouses of all races probably know a lot.

Obviously, this Zao Wou-Ki has the terrifying strength to break through the resident defense formation, and no matter how bad it is, he can use the power of the geniuses of the human race to break through the resident defense formation.

But no matter what kind it was, it attracted the attention of Demon Sage and a few God-Blessed Ones.

"Zao Wou-Ki? This person suddenly appeared. I've never heard of him before. I think this is very unusual. He might be the 'first generation' of a sanctified Human Sovereign." A demon Sage snorted coldly. road.

He didn't believe that Zao Wou-Ki could have such combat power in the Heaven Realm. This must have been spread by the human race.

After all, the aliens who had actually seen Xiao Yun were all beheaded by Xiao Yun. It is difficult for outsiders to really understand Xiao Yun's specific situation, and can only speculate through some crude information.

"Humans shouldn't do this!" Another Demon Sage frowned: "Let a sanctified Human Sovereign 'First Generation' enter the battlefield of the five clans, this kind of Losing face, how can the Humans be like this?"

"Hmph, they deserve to be called Human Race? We are Human Race, those people are just a bunch of stupid people who were abandoned by Demon God. If they were willing to believe in Demon God, our Human Race would have defeated Demon Race by now." A rough-faced Demon Race Sage sneered.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's talk about how to stop the settlement of Zao Wou-Ki, the ghosts and the Immortals. You can't be careless anymore." A favored person said.

The favored person has been seized by a trace of the soul of the great power of the Great Wilderness, and has a very high status in the demon race, and is called the envoy of the gods.

Therefore, as soon as the God-Blessed One opened his mouth, all the powerful Demon Sages obeyed.

"Lord Divine Envoy, since the human race shamelessly sent the sanctified human emperor 'first generation', then our demon race can naturally invite the sanctified divine envoy to come over, this is not a violation of the rules, after all, it was destroyed by the human race first. ." A Demon Sage said in a simmering voice.

Hearing the words, the God-Blessed One who spoke before said coldly: "It's too late to say this now, you didn't take it seriously before, and it's too late to call people now."

The Demon Race Sages were all embarrassed when they heard the words. They did not put Xiao Yun and the others to put in one's eyes before. They even thought that Xiao Yun and the others would be destroyed by the ghost race. Who knew Xiao Yun and the others would be so powerful.

Looking at the silent Demon Sages, several of the God-Blessed Ones looked at each other and shook their heads.

It has been many years since they came to this world after winning the favor of the gods, but they found that the cultivators in this world do not understand those conspiracies and calculations except for fighting.

Such cultivation practitioners, if they are in their prehistoric world, no matter how high the Cultivation Base is, they will probably be killed by others, and even be sold to thank the enemy.

What a bunch of idiots.

Of course, if they weren't stupid, they wouldn't be so easily brainwashed to believe in them.

After a few divine favors communicated with Yuanshen for a while, they decided to discuss it by themselves.

"It doesn't matter who that Zao Wou-Ki is, but since he can break through the defensive formation of the ghost clan's resident, his combat power is comparable to that of the peak of the Great Sage. I'm afraid we are not his opponent now, even if we join forces." Shen said.

"Then get together!"

Another God-Blessed One glanced at the other God-Blessed Ones and said with a sneer: "The seven of us can just make up the Shura God of War. We are all heavenly realms. After combining, the Cultivation Base will inevitably reach the Sage level, or even the peak of Sage. , can't you deal with that Zao Wou-Ki?"

Hearing this, a burly god-blessed person snorted and said, "It's the real Immortal, not the Sage, dammit, the cultivator of this world, the Immortal Realm dares to call himself Sage, he just doesn't know how high the sky is, Sage is an eternal existence. , to rule the world together with Heavenly Dao, just because their group of ants is also worthy of the name Sage?"

"Wet Ronnie, since you have come to this world, you have to get used to the customs of this world. Our two worlds have different cultivation systems, so naturally the rank and title are also different. It's good to get used to it." A female goddess on the opposite side said with a smile. .

The burly Wet Ronnie curled his lips, and then scolded: "I don't feel panicked. In our prehistoric world, Sage knows everything, who dares to call himself Sage behind his back? It's just courting death. Sage can be seen everywhere in the world, and soon, it is estimated that someone will call us Sage, if this is transmitted back to the demon world, it will make people laugh out loud."

"Hey hey hey, you've gone off topic, we are now considering this Zao Wou-Ki." The God-Blessed One who spoke first patted the table and pulled back the topic.

The female goddess smiled charmingly and said, "What else is there to discuss? If we can't deal with that Zao Wou-Ki together, can we still rely on them?"

She pointed at the Demon Sages with disdain.

The Demon Sages were embarrassed, but they bowed their heads and did not dare to refute.

"Who said you can't rely on them?" Wet Rooney grinned: "Trash is also useful. It should not be a problem for them to communicate with the demon world and summon a Shura general. Shura generals are Celestial Immortals, equivalent to the Great Sage of this world. , I should be able to deal with that Zao Wou-Ki, at most let him bring some more powerful Magic Treasures over."

"Alright, prepare with both hands, I don't believe that Zao Wou-Ki can turn the world upside down."

"After all, it's just ordinary, how can it be so powerful?"


Several gods favored the discussion.


At the same time, Xiao Yun and his party also arrived at the Demon Clan's station.

Looking from a distance, the Demon Clan's resident is full of strong demonic energy, which looks very eerie and terrifying, and the surrounding temperature is much colder, as if from midsummer to cold winter.

However, unlike the ghost station, the cultivators in the demon station didn't seem to take them seriously, and there wasn't even a demon Sage standing on the city wall.

Xiao Yun could not believe that the demons would not know the news of their arrival.

After all, there are so many of them, and there is no restraint along the way, how can the Sage of the demons not sense it?

It can only be said that the demons are too arrogant, and they don't put them in one's eyes at all.

"Very good, I have the confidence. Knowing that I destroyed the ghost clan's station, I dare to be so arrogant. I want to see what kind of powerhouse you have found!" Xiao Yun sneered in his heart.

The other party is so confident, he must be prepared, and even invited some incredible powerhouses from the Demon Race.

However, Xiao Yun didn't care, because he didn't sense the aura of the Great Sage. Obviously, the Demon Race still obeyed the rules and would not invite the Great Sage-level powerhouse to enter the battlefield of the five clans.

In fact, it is impossible for a powerhouse at the level of a great sage to enter the battlefield of the five clans at will, because when he comes in, all clans will feel it, and the human race will naturally send powerhouses of this level in, and finally a war can only break out Expansion is not what all ethnic groups want to see.

"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

After Xiao Yun sneered, he clenched the Immortal sword and rushed towards the Demon Race not far away by himself.

After the physical breakthrough was sanctified, he did not need to use Immortal to break through the defensive formations of the Demon Race station with confidence.

After all, Immortal's power is too powerful. Xiao Yun is worried that if he kills the favored ones in the Demon Clan's residence, it will be a waste of time.

"Brother Xiao, after the formation is broken, you can kill those who are favored by the gods. As for the Sages of the demon race, leave it to us." Zhao Qiang smiled confidently.

They are the first generation of the royal family, although they are in the realm of heaven, they are sure to kill the Sage of the demons.

"Okay!" Naturally, Xiao Yun also knew their strength. He nodded without hesitation. He held the Immortal sword and slashed at the Demon Clan's station.

Until now, no demon Sage appeared on the city wall, which made Xiao Yun a little angry.

Dammit, how dare you underestimate you, Uncle Xiao!

Sure enough, all those who believed in the demon Rahu were a bunch of fools, so it was no wonder that Rahu would be a loser in the prehistoric world.

Xiao Yun slammed angrily, swung the Immortal sword, and slammed into the Demon Race's defensive formation.

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