Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 500 And 89 Emperor 2 Generation

On the way Xiao Yun and his party went to the Demon Clan, the news of the destruction of the Ghost Clan's base also began to spread on the battlefield of the Five Clans, and it was immediately boiling.

The five ethnic battlefields have existed for so many years, and the stations of the major ethnic groups have never been destroyed, but now two stations have been destroyed in a row, how can it not be shocking?

The remaining demon and demon stations, which are enemies of the human race, are already facing great enemies. While strengthening their defenses, they seek help from the clan.

Everyone is not a fool, and they all guessed that Xiao Yun's next step is either the demon clan station, or the demon clan station.


"It's really amazing, destroying two major stations in a row."

"Xiao Yun, you are making my broadsword more and more thirsty!"

On the ruins of the ghost clan's station, a young man was carrying a long knife and looked at the broken earth in front of him, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

He is Chu Yidao.

When he learned that Zhao Qiang was going to use the Heavenly Tribulation to deal with the Immortal station, he hurried to the Immortal station, but before he arrived at the Immortal station, he heard the news that the Immortal station had been destroyed.

Later, after learning that Xiao Yun and the others were going to attack the ghost clan's residence, he hurried over.

It turned out to be a step slower, and by the time he came, the ghost clan's station had already been destroyed.

At this moment, even Chu Yidao was somewhat shocked by Xiao Yun's strength.

He is very aware of how difficult it is to attack a station. When attacking the Immortal station, it can be said to use the Heavenly Tribulation, but when attacking the ghost station, Xiao Yun and the others cannot always appear another extreme force. Who?

And there is no Heavenly Tribulation atmosphere here, only a tyrannical Sword intent, which has not dissipated yet.

It can be seen that this was done by Xiao Yun himself, without the help of Heavenly Tribulation.

And Chu Yidao felt unbelievable that Xiao Yun's combat power was strong enough to break through the defensive formations of the ghost clan.

He had also tried to attack the resident defense formation, but he couldn't shake this defensive formation at all. In his opinion, only the strong at the peak of the Great Sage could break through the resident formation.

Xiao Yun has not yet become a saint, how can he reach the peak of the great saint?

Heavenly Realm Cultivation Base, does it have the attack power of the peak of the Great Sage?

This is too exaggerated.


Suddenly, a roar came from the distant sky.

Chu Yidao was shocked, but he didn't turn around. Instead, he looked into the distance and sensed a huge golden five-clawed golden dragon flying towards him.

This five-clawed golden dragon is very large in size, exuding an incomparably tyrannical aura, with a strong holy majesty, even if it is far away, it can make people feel the soul throb.

The thick claws flashed with icy cold light, and the golden scales were like pouring gold, this five-clawed golden dragon looked extremely extraordinary.

"Five-clawed golden dragon 'first generation'!"

Chu Yidao looked shocked.

There are many kinds of dragons in the dragon family. The five-clawed golden dragon has the highest status, followed by Azure Dragon, Black Dragon, Blood Dragon, White Dragon, Earth Dragon and so on.

The 'first generation' among the five-clawed golden dragons is known as the strongest genius of the demon clan, and almost 100% has the potential to prove the demon emperor.

In the face of such a powerful monster, Chu Yidao did not dare to be careless, the long sword behind him had appeared in his hands at some point, and a domineering Wudi's aura rose to the sky.

"Chu Yidao!"

Ao Jiujiu felt the sword intent that radiated from Chu Yidao's body, and immediately recognized him.

After all, Chu Yidao is also one of the strongest geniuses of this generation.

"Ao ninety-nine, it's you!"

Chu Yidao didn't turn around and still turned his back to Ao Jiujiu. He coldly said, "Aren't you sanctified? Why are you still coming to the battlefield of the five clans, why? With your status, do you still want to use the Culture Base to convince you? us?"

The top geniuses of all races have unspoken rules. Generally, geniuses of their level, once they are sanctified, because they all have the strength of the Great Sage, they will not come to the battlefield of the five races to bully others.

"Bullying people? Isn't that Zhao Wuji of your human race who killed my dragon clan's 'first generation', also bullying people?"

"Could it be that you thought I would believe that Zao Wou-Ki is still in the realm of heaven?"

"Are you kidding me, a human race in the realm of heaven, can it be stronger than the first generation of our dragon race in the flesh? Can it break through the defensive formation of the ghost race station with one strike?"

"He must have been sanctified."

"Since he wants to play, I, Ao Jiujiu, will play with him."


With a roar, Ao Jiujiu slammed a paw toward Chu Yidao. This golden paw, Shrouding the Heavens, covered the sun with golden light, as if a scorching sun was falling from the sky, carrying unparalleled energy.

The void is fragmented, and the ground is cracked.

Such an attack has obviously surpassed the Sage level and reached the level of the Great Sage.

And even among the great saints, it belongs to the top.

Chu Yidao did not dare to be careless, he clenched the long sword in his hand and slashed through the sky.

The tyrannical sword intent was swaying incisively and vividly at this moment.

The whole world seemed to be shattered by this knife.

With a knife, it shook the world and cried ghosts and gods.

With a knife, the heaven and earth are divided into two poles.


The golden dragon claws smashed the peerless sword light, and a series of explosions broke out, and the flames sprayed, burning the sky red.

The shocking sword light stands in the sky, showing a peerless edge.

The huge dragon claws were unable to move any further.

Ao Jiujiu couldn't help showing a look of amazement: "You are indeed very powerful in the extreme way of the sword, but it is a pity that you have gone astray, and it will be difficult to prove the Dao in the future.

"Even if the human king is supreme, I can kill the demon king!" Chu Yidao still did not turn around, turned his back to Ao Jiujiu, and beheaded him again.

This knife is as dazzling as it is, the same Wudi, and the same earth-shattering cry of ghosts and gods.

Chu Yidao cultivation only has one sword, and his whole life Cultivation Base is integrated into this sword, so this sword is extraordinarily powerful.

"Don't be ashamed!"

Ao Jiujiu snorted coldly, the huge dragon tail was like a huge pillar that reached the sky, and it stood up suddenly, with mad power, it smashed towards Chu Yidao fiercely.


The sword light shattered, and the huge dragon tail blasted Chu Yidao out.

Rumbling... The mountains in the distance were smashed by Chu's sword. The corner of his mouth was bleeding, and the sword slammed into the ground, dragging a long gap, and only then did he stop his retreat.

"Chu Yidao, you are the first generation of the emperor, I am the first generation of the five-clawed golden dragon, you and I are the same rank Wudi. If you are not holy, you will be difficult to match me." Ao Jiujiu snorted coldly, looking at Chu in the distance A knife in disdain.

Chu Yidao in the distance stood up. For the first time, he turned to face Ao Jiujiu, with a dazzling light in his eyes. He said coldly, "If that's the case, then I will be sanctified today!"

When the words fell, the dark clouds in the sky gathered, and a terrifying might of heaven and earth descended.

Ao Jiujiu raised his head and his pupils shrank suddenly: "Heavenly Tribulation!"

Obviously, Chu Yidao has reached the extreme realm of heaven.

After passing through the Heavenly Tribulation, Chu Yidao can step into the Sage level at any time.

"The battle is only starting now!" Chu Yidao looked at Ao Jiujiu, who was on the opposite side, and slashed towards the opponent in the falling thunder.

Ao Jiujiu was not afraid of thunder at all, and the battle with Chu Yidao under Heavenly Tribulation was very fierce.


Somewhere on the battlefield of the five tribes.

Xiao Yun, who was leading the crowd to the Demon Clan Station, suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the Ghost Clan Station, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "Someone is in Heavenly Tribulation, such a strong sword intent, could it be Chu Yidao?"

"It should be him!" Zhou Nine Heavens next to him narrowed his eyes, looked into the distance and nodded, and said, "On the battlefield of the five clans, only this guy has such a powerful sword intent."

"It seems that he has encountered an opponent, but he is obviously not an ordinary enemy who can force him to attract the Heavenly Tribulation." Zhao Qiang also knew Chu Yidao's strength very well, and said solemnly.

Xiao Yun asked, "Are you going to help him?"

"No need, Dage!" Wu Chaozu pouted: "That guy is very arrogant. He has his back to us and disdains to be with us. You go to help him, but he is not happy. Why bother with a warm face and a cold ass."

"Bang!" Xiao Yun kicked Wu Chaozu away with one kick.

"You're just sticking to a cold butt!"

Xiao Yun snorted and stopped meddling, and continued to lead people to the Demon Clan's station.

Think about it, Chu Yidao is not weak, even if he can't beat the enemy, he can still escape without their help.

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