"Xiao Yun, you are Xiao Yun of Chaos Sacred Land!"

The people watching the battle all around felt dazzling, and some couldn't open their eyes.

It's just unbelievable.

That kind of peerless sharpness made the Great Saint of the Golden Flood Clan like a thorn in the back, forcing him to stop healing and hurriedly organize defenses.

Xiao Yun didn't waste it. He immediately put away the two holy pills left in his mouth and the remains of the Golden Flood Clan Great Sage. He grabbed Long Aotian and left Heavenly Emperor City quickly, leaving only dumbfounded. of people.

Shortly after Xiao Yun left Heavenly Emperor City, his breath decreased rapidly, and he fell to the Nirvana realm.

There seemed to be a rain of blood in the sky, and everyone on the ground was terrified.

Obviously, the medicinal effect of Shengdan has run out.

Xiao Yun pushed the Chaos Body with all his strength, and the powerful pressure radiated toward the surroundings, making the cultivators in the entire Heavenly Empire feel shivering, each body was like a sieve, uncontrollably spasm, as if facing a Supreme God's Mansion.

"A mere ordinary great sage has been severely damaged by my sneak attack, yet he still has such strength. Is my Chaos body so weak?" Although he completely suppressed the great sage of the Jinjiao clan, Xiao Yun was not at all happy in his heart. .

No matter how high Talent is, the cultivation speed cannot be so fast.

In the sky.

As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness to kill him.

It's really frustrating.

If Xiao Yun himself was promoted to Sage Realm, then the many profound meanings he comprehended would also reach the Sage level, and his strength would be even more terrifying at that time.

At the same time, Chaos Realm swept the four directions, and the projections of the three thousand avenues turned into dazzling spears, tearing apart the layers of space, and lashing towards the great saint of the golden flood clan.

But in fact, if it wasn't for the sneak attack that severely damaged the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan, he probably wouldn't be able to kill him within a minute.

Xiao Yun didn't think so. He felt that once his chaotic body stepped into the Sage Realm, it should be easy to kill an ordinary Great Sage.

Fortunately, neither Xiao Yun nor the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan did not want to hurt Long Aotian on the ground, so they fought towards the sky, causing the aftermath to gradually avoid Heavenly Emperor City.

The Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan stared at Xiao Yun in front of him, took out the Medicine Pill and swallowed it, trying to delay the time.

In his thoughts, the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan couldn't hold on any longer. Half of his body was defeated by Xiao Yun, and the hot Flood Dragon blood spilled down, dyeing half of Heavenly Emperor city red.

The dignified sage is actually no match for a junior boy.

The two fought fiercely, bursting with dazzling light.

A sage-level Jiaolong was defeated by Xiao Yun.

What a shocking scene this is.

Killing a normal Sage rewards 1,000 epiphanies, killing a great sage rewards 10,000 epiphanies, and killing Zhundi rewards 100,000 epiphanies.

Because he felt that his own Chaos Body was too weak.


"Forty-five seconds!"

The terrifying energy swept out, blowing up the surrounding buildings and streets, and some cultivation practitioners who could not avoid it were engulfed by the aftermath.

The golden fist, exuding billions of rays of light, is dazzling, even more blazing than the scorching sun in the sky.

Therefore, Xiao Yun didn't say a word and burst out with all his strength, wanting to end the battle quickly.

"Boom!" Xiao Yun didn't respond. He waved his golden fists and continued to blast towards the Golden Flood Clan Great Sage.

Xiao Yun recalled the battle just now. It took him a total of 45 seconds to kill the Golden Flood Clan Great Sage, but in fact, he attacked the opponent first, otherwise 45 seconds would not be enough.

No, how could Xiao Yun be sanctified so quickly?

The face of the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan changed instantly. He didn't expect Xiao Yun to be so decisive, and he didn't give him any time at all, so he could only respond passively.

With so many epiphanies, he will be able to Ascension Profound Truth, and his strength will inevitably improve by leaps and bounds.

As a result, all the practitioners on the ground were shocked.

The familiar system prompt sound suddenly sounded in Xiao Yun's mind, which surprised him immediately.

Xiao Yun fought the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Dragon with his bare hands, the Chaos Fist shone brightly, every blow shook the world, and the avenue rumbled.

Leaving the last words, the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan was smashed by Xiao Yun with a punch.

The Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan was sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of despair. He did not expect that he would die in the hands of a junior when he was a dignified Great Sage.

"Developed, developed, 10,000 epiphanies! It's so awesome."

But when Xiao Yun was at the Sacred Land exchange meeting, how could he have become holy so quickly before he stepped into the Nirvana realm?

Xiao Yun took a look at the number of own epiphanies. Originally, it was only 1,721 times. Now, a '1' was added directly in front of it, and it became 11,721 times.

"How is that possible? How can you be sanctified?"

The crowd was full of shock and doubt.

"Ding: Killing the Great Sage will reward you with 10,000 epiphanies!"

This is a live broadcast of the battle of the Great Sage level, and no one wants to miss any wonderful scene, but unfortunately there is no bullet screen, otherwise they will send 666 all at once...

Everyone could only lie on the ground, tilting their necks and watching the fierce battle in the sky.

In particular, he was attacked by Xiao Yun before, and he had already been severely injured. At this moment, he was almost unable to hold on to Xiao Yun's stormy attack.

"Xiao Yun...you Chaos Sacred Land was attacked by six quasi-emperors...you will die sooner or later...the old man is waiting for you..."

Xiao Yun originally thought that this was a mission released by the system to play tricks on him. After all, it was impossible for him to kill Sage at this stage, but he did not expect that there would be a heaven-defying Medicine Pill like Shengdan, which could make him burst out in an instant. Sage-level power.

It was an unexpected surprise.

Xiao Yun wouldn't give the Golden Flood Dragon Sage time to heal.

However, the power of the Great Sage was still terrifying, and the cultivation practitioners in Heavenly Emperor city were almost out of breath.

After all, when it comes to the latest stage, the profound meaning is the foundation.

The face of the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan changed drastically, Sage Realm's chaotic body was even more terrifying than he imagined, and it was able to leapfrog and attack the Great Sage.

He almost forgot about that stupid task of the system.

This saved him a Holy Pill.

It's not that his chaotic body is too weak, but the profound meaning he comprehends is too weak.

How could Xiao Yun be so strong?

In fact, he guessed right, Xiao Yun really couldn't last long.

Two or three punches should do the trick.

His heart was full of turmoil, how long has it been since the Sacred Land exchange meeting? How did Xiao Yun step into Sage Realm so quickly?

Without thinking any further, Xiao Yun felt the huge movement in Chaos Sacred Land, Xiao Yun put Long Aotian into the inner world, and rushed to Chaos Sacred Land at high speed.


Xiao Yun didn't care so much, he used his Chaos Fist with all his strength, and a pair of golden fists opened up the world, knocking the body of the Golden Flood Clan Great Sage to pieces.

If this is known by outsiders, it will definitely be shameless. You have killed the Great Sage by leaps and bounds, and you still say that you are weak?

"It's impossible, how could your kid become holy so quickly? You must have used some taboo method, you can't hold on for long!" The Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan was also full of doubts at the moment, he gritted his teeth and resisted Xiao Yun's onslaught, he shouted loudly.


Although he swallowed a Holy Pill and sent his Cultivation Base Ascension to Sage Realm, he could not Ascension his profound meaning, so strictly speaking, he is not a real Sage Realm now.

Yes, at this time, the powerful holy power that Xiao Yun exudes is brighter than the sun in the sky, which clearly means that he has already stepped into the Sage Realm.

However, Xiao Yun soon understood the reason.

The Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan wanted to escape, but in the Chaos Realm, not only his strength was weakened, but his speed was also weakened, so he couldn't escape at all.

"Damn, damn, how could he be so strong?"

The great sage of the Golden Flood Clan tried his best to mobilize the holy soldiers to defend, but he still couldn't stop Xiao Yun's Chaos Fist.

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