Long Aotian's words resonated with everyone present.

Some discussions were heard immediately.

"I didn't expect Sacred Land to unite with many Sacred Lands in the beginning, and even the Ye family of Eastern Wasteland shot."

"There are six quasi emperors and two emperor soldiers. No matter how powerful the ancestors are, they can't stop them!"

"Chaos Sacred Land is over this time, unless they can revive the Chaos Emperor again."

"Who made the Chaos Sacred Land generation too powerful, the first Chaos Body and the second swallowing Heavenly Demon appear in their Chaos Sacred Land, causing other major forces to be jealous."

"As long as the Chaos Sacred Land is destroyed, Xiao Yun and Tianyi, the two peerless talents, will also be strangled in the cradle."


The voice of everyone talking came, but Xiao Yun had already restrained his breath and slowly approached Long Aotian.

In his mouth, there are already three holy pills in his mouth.

Why are all three contained together?

Mainly Xiao Yun was worried about not having enough time. After all, who knows how long a holy pill can last in battle?

Although Lei Zu said that it could last for a minute, there were surprises. After all, Xiao Yun possessed a Chaos Body, and the power that burst out was so powerful that it was very likely that the Holy Pill could not last for a minute.

Therefore, Xiao Yun is going to eat one of the holy pills first, and keep the remaining two in his mouth. When it is not enough, he can take supplements at any time.

"Since ancient times, those who can prove the Dao Emperor are not the strongest among their peers."

At this time, Long Aotian was still smiling proudly.

Originally, after seeing Xiao Yun's Wudi strength in the Sacred Land exchange meeting, Long Aotian felt that he had no hope of proving the Dao Great Emperor, but now, as Chaos Sacred Land is about to end, Xiao Yun will naturally die.

Once Xiao Yun died, he still had hope of proving the Way.

After all, no matter how powerful others are, they are not as desperate as Xiao Yun's.

"The one who really had the last laugh was the Ying Family. The early stage win was nothing." The Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan next to him also said with a smile.

Long Aotian looked in the direction of the chaotic Sacred Land in the distance, and said with a sneer: "That's right! So what if Xiao Yun is strong? If there is no genius who has grown up, it is just a genius. My genius, Long Ao, is the protagonist of this world. , he will evolve into a real dragon in the future, and he will be respected in the universe and Wudi in the world."

They were bragging, and everyone around was speechless.

However, no one dared to refute them.

After all, with the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan here, who would dare to be presumptuous?

Moreover, Long Aotian's Talent is indeed very powerful, comparable to the Supreme Body. In addition, he has sold blood in exchange for a lot of treasures these days, and his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds in the future.

To say that there are geniuses who can prove Tao in this world, Long Aotian is indeed qualified to be among them.

"Hmph, you dead dragon, still want to prove the Tao?"

Xiao Yun sneered in his heart, squeezed into the crowd, and slowly approached Long Aotian and the Golden Flood Dragon Sage.

When Long Aotian was proud, they were getting closer and closer.

Speaking of which, Xiao Yun would also like to thank Long Aotian for selling his blood, otherwise he would have no hope of approaching the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan so easily.

After all, the Great Sage's strength is very strong, no matter how much Xiao Yun restrains his breath, it is impossible to hide from the Great Sage's eyes.

But at this moment, because Long Aotian was selling blood, many people came to watch. Xiao Yun was mixed in with it, not at all inconspicuous.

Even if the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan saw Xiao Yun, he just regarded it as an ordinary cultivation practitioner and didn't care.

After all, for a great sage, if you are not a practitioner of Sage Realm, they are all ants, do you need to care?

Just like that, Xiao Yun approached Long Aotian and the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan step by step.

Xiao Yun was lining up to buy blood.

As long as it was his turn to buy blood, he was only a few steps away from Long Aotian and the Great Saint of the Golden Flood Clan.

At this time, once Xiao Yun made a move, it would be difficult for the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan to react.




After a while, it was finally Xiao Yun's turn to buy blood.

Although there are many people here, most of them are onlookers, and there are very few people who really have money to buy blood. So, it was Xiao Yun's turn so soon.

Xiao Yun stepped forward cautiously, pretending to be buying blood like the others, but he had already swallowed a holy pill in his mouth.

The hot torrent erupted in his body like a volcano.

Xiao Yun's breath began to skyrocket.

"Boy, quickly take out your treasures and see if you have enough to pay the down payment..." Long Aotian glanced at Xiao Yun, not caring about the cultivation practitioner in front of him.

But at this moment, Xiao Yun's breath suddenly soared, and it swept out like a stormy sea.

"Presumptuous!" The Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan shouted, and the divine light shot from his eyes, but he didn't make a move. After all, in his eyes, Xiao Yun was just a small cultivator, and he couldn't hurt Long Aotian in front of him. .

But soon, the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan regretted it, because Xiao Yun's aura increased at a very terrifying speed, and he broke through Sage Realm all at once.


In an instant, Xiao Yun did not hesitate at all, and immediately cast Chaos Realm, weakening the strength of the Golden Flood Clan Great Sage.

At the same time, Xiao Yun activated the Chaos Body, cast Chaos Fist, and bombarded the Great Saint of the Golden Flood Clan.


Feeling the terrifying power that erupted from Xiao Yun, the Great Saint of the Golden Flood Clan suddenly shrank his pupils, his face full of shock and disbelief.

At this time, Xiao Yun, like a god, had an unparalleled terrifying aura while swallowing the Sun and Moon Galaxy Cluster.

Where is this the ordinary little cultivator just now?

This is clearly a super strong man who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!

The Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan was frightened and frightened, and hurriedly raised his palm.


As soon as the Chaos Fist came out, the endless divine light drowned the world, the terrifying energy shook the eight wastes, and the heavens and the world seemed to be shaking.

At this moment, time seems to be at a standstill, the void seems to be frozen, and everything around it becomes 'slow'.

Only Xiao Yun's fist, as if breaking through the constraints of time, slammed into the Golden Flood Clan's Great Sage.

"You... are... Xiao... Yun..."

The Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan widened his eyes, and when he saw Xiao Yun burst into chaos, he immediately recognized Xiao Yun.

But the time was too short, and in this rush, he could only barely raise his hand to resist, and even the holy soldiers that he had refined could not be released in time.


Xiao Yun's fist had already hit the Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan fiercely.

Under the blessing of Chaos Realm, this punch seemed to smash the vacuum directly, and the Xeon's chaotic meaning was integrated into it, and the horror was extreme.

The time and space in front of him turned into chaos under this punch.

The blazing divine light swept out, causing the void to collapse.

The Great Sage of the Golden Flood Clan screamed, and the whole person flew out backwards, blood spurting out of his mouth, his resisting hands were shattered by the blast, and his chest was dented by the fist light.

Even Long Aotian, who was next to him, was swept away by the aftermath of Chaos Fist, spurting blood and fell to the ground unconscious.

This is still Xiao Yun's deliberate mercilessness, otherwise with his current Sage Cultivation Base, even if it's just the aftermath, he would be able to kill Long Aotian in seconds.

The eyes of the people around were widened, and they didn't even have time to speak, they were all stunned.

Because it all happened so fast, they only saw Xiao Yun stepped forward to buy blood, and then suddenly shot, everything happened between lightning and flint.

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