Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1266 1 Sword Transformation Universe

In the prehistoric world, with Xiao Yun refining the embryonic form of Heavenly Dao, his universe kendo soon came to fruition and reached the perfect Realm.

And Xiao Yun himself entered the realm of the realm with the help of the universe swordsmanship of the perfect realm.

There is no change in the sky, there is no movement, and no special effects appear.

Xiao Yun was promoted to Realm, the realm, calmly.

But he felt amazing.

Being in the Realm of the Realm, Xiao Yun felt that his own Universe's kendo was truly complete, as if he could prove the eternal kendo as long as he took one more step forward.

But Xiao Yun was not stupid, he quickly suppressed the urge in his heart.

Because he knows that proving the Tao is never that simple.

"It's no wonder that it is said that proving the Tao is eternal. When it comes to the Realm of the World Lord, everyone feels that their own Tao is complete. It seems that the proving of the eternal is right in front of them. But if someone really wants to prove the eternal, they will definitely die."

Xiao Yun frowned.

This is very contradictory. It is clear that the Dao that he created has been completed, but why is he still unable to prove the eternal Dao?

This problem is also a problem that all the world masters in the current chaos world are troubled by.

"Fellow daoist, your strength is indeed very strong, but unfortunately it is impossible to kill me!" Not far from the opposite side, the Master of Destruction saw Xiao Yun stop attacking, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

He thought Xiao Yun knew it was useless and gave up the attack.

The promotion to the realm did not move at all, and the master of destruction did not know that Xiao Yun had entered the realm of the realm in the short period of time just now.

However, the Master of Destruction soon learned.

Because Xiao Yun turned the good fortune jade plate in his hand into a divine sword, The next moment Sword intent exploded, and it turned into a dazzling sword world.

One sword transforms the universe!

This is the real one-shot-and-evolved universe.

In Xiao Yun's sword, the Master of Destruction's pupils shrank suddenly, because he saw a Kendo Universe built by more than 3,000 Kendo, directly cut the void and engulfed him in that Kendo Universe.

This is a new universe world, everything is still in its initial state, and the whole world is chaotic.

However, in this world, there are terrifying kendos criss-crossing each other, like a regular jungle, surrounding the Lord of Destruction.

In an instant, the Master of Destruction felt a suffocating pressure.

"How is that possible? There is Heavenly Dao's suppression here!" The Lord of Destruction felt that his own strength was being weakened, and his face changed suddenly.

At this moment, the Law of Destruction that he comprehended seems to have become unfamiliar, because in this Kendo Universe, everything is the Law of Kendo, and the Law of Destruction is also replaced by the Law of Destruction, and this is not the Destruction Master comprehends the law of destruction. .

Although this kind of suppression is not as terrifying as the prehistoric world, it also weakens the Destruction Lord from the top World Lord to the ordinary World Lord stage, which can be described as a great reduction in strength.

"Destroy the Lord, your time of death is here!"

Xiao Yun's voice came.

The next moment, the Master of Destruction saw Xiao Yun's figure condensed in the opposite void, as if it was revealed out of thin air, and it seemed to be the incarnation of this universe, everything of Xiao Yun was integrated with the kendo universe in front of him.

"Heavenly Dao!" The Lord of Destruction widened his eyes with disbelief.

Because at this moment on Xiao Yun's body, he felt the breath of a supreme god, the breath that belonged to the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

"Welcome to my Kendo Universe!" Xiao Yun smiled slightly, holding the divine sword transformed from the jade plate of good fortune in his hand, and slashed lightly towards the Master of Destruction in front of him.

There are no awesome tricks, and no amazing special effects.

When it comes to the Realm of the World Lord, everything is back to its basics, and all the power confrontations have evolved into the confrontation of their respective avenues.

It is the collision of each other's Dao laws.

Obviously, in this kendo universe, the Dao Law of Destruction Lord is suppressed by Xiao Yun's Dao Law, and the two sides are not at the same level.

Therefore, when Xiao Yun slashed over, even if the Master of Destruction made a full effort, he could only sadly find that the law of his own Dao of Destruction was gradually collapsing.

"Do not--"

The Lord of Destruction was terrified. With the collapse of the Law of Destruction, he felt that countless kendos were tearing his divine body. His Wudi divine body, which had been honed for countless years, seemed to be extremely weak at this moment, so vulnerable.

Even wearing the supreme god armor, the Lord of Destruction can't stop the countless kinds of kendo invasions.

This is the absolute suppression of the Dao Law.

"Send you on your way!" Xiao Yun pushed the good fortune jade plate with all his strength. His current strength, coupled with the amplitude of this treasure of chaos, has reached a Realm that even he can't fathom.

On the other hand, the Lord of Destruction was weakened to the level of an ordinary World Lord by Xiao Yun's Kendo Universe.

With little resistance, the body of the Lord of Destruction fell apart bit by bit under Xiao Yun's attack.

The body of the Destruction Lord turned into nothingness at this moment, and countless energies were absorbed by Xiao Yun Kendo Universe, which enhanced his initial Universe. After all, this is the flesh body of a top-level Lord.

After Pangu's half-step eternal fall, the body directly evolved into the great world. Although the ruler of destruction is far less than the Pangu god-tier, it also makes Xiao Yun's Kendo Universe full.

Also, the Godhead of Destruction Lord has been digested by Kendo Universe, which has enhanced the Heavenly Dao origin of Kendo Universe a lot.

"Killing the Lord of Destruction in the Kendo Universe actually has this effect. If I kill Yang Mei's ancestor in the Kendo Universe, wouldn't my time and space avenue be promoted to the Realm of the Realm in an instant?"

Xiao Yun felt the changes in Kendo Universe and couldn't help but be surprised.

This is similar to swallowing the Heavenly Demon body, but it is much more powerful than swallowing the Heavenly Demon body. After all, this is the law of the Dao that can directly swallow the enemy's comprehension. This ability is simply abnormal.

If he kills Saint Dou, wouldn't he be able to directly comprehend and prove the Dao with strength, and his clone can also use him to easily prove the Dao with strength...

Xiao Yun hurriedly shook his head, and if this continued, he felt like he was going to be enchanted.

Although Xiao Yun doesn't think he is a good person, he is still very grateful to Dou Sheng who has always taken good care of him.

However, killing Yang Mei's ancestor can be considered.

The few paths he has taken now, the universe sword canon has been completed, the Chaos Avenue has the body of eternity, and the distance to completion is also very close, only the time and space avenue still needs a long time, his Talent in this regard is low. Some.

Therefore, killing Yang Mei's ancestor can make his time and space avenue complete, Xiao Yun is still very interested in this.

Anyway, he regarded the ancestor Yang Mei as an enemy. This old guy threatened him before, so killing him, Xiao Yun definitely has no psychological burden.


The battlefield of the two worlds.

Ancestor Yang Mei suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He looked at Dou Sheng not far away and asked, "What's going on outside? Why did that kid Xiao Yun and the Master of Destruction suddenly disappear, even Heavenly Dao The source can't sense their existence."

"How does my old grandson know?" Dou Sheng snorted, you old immortal didn't know, how could my old grandson know.

However, Dou Sheng was watching the prehistoric world with all his attention at the moment, waiting for Xiao Yun to appear.

The key to his victory or defeat in this war lies in Xiao Yun.

However, why did my old grandson feel a palpitation just now... Dou Sheng thought to himself.

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