Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1265 The Prototype Of Heavenly Dao

good fortune jade plate, the most mysterious treasure among the treasures of chaos, because after this thing fell into Hongjun's hands, no one has seen it at all, and the information that he knows is all revealed by Hongjun, but who knows this old guy Is it true or false.

"Moreover, I can also open up a sword world, a great world of swordsmanship!" Xiao Yun had a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"My ambition is too big!" Hong Jun sighed in his heart.

However, Hongjun, as the most common of the three thousand gods and demons of the year, relied on the incomplete body of the good fortune jade plate to forcefully break out of the siege and control the Heavenly Dao of the prehistoric world.

"Hey, Hongjun fellow daoist, my apprentice said you are a good person." Heavenly Emperor spoke from the side.

At this time, after refining the good fortune jade plate, Xiao Yun really saw the true face of the good fortune jade plate.

The ambition was too big, and the result was lost.

The good fortune jade disc can be divided into two parts, the first part is 'good fortune', which has the ability similar to 'epiphany', which is similar to 'human door'. And its second part is 'Jade Butterfly', which is actually a Heavenly Dao embryo. The Heavenly Dao embryo is the beginning of a big world. As long as you keep filling it with avenues, it will evolve into a Heavenly Dao prototype sooner or later. , and then you can open up a big world and become the most perfect Heavenly Dao controller.

These three ways of combining are also the three ways Xiao Yun has known before.

That is the prototype of Heavenly Dao in the good fortune jade plate. As long as you master this thing, you can open up a big world by yourself. Your own will is the will of Heavenly Dao, which can naturally control the power of Heavenly Dao perfectly, and it will not be like the will of Heavenly Dao. The four supreme gods of the realm of the gods gave up their reason like that.

In the origin of Heavenly Dao, Hong Jun couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth. Although Xiao Yun's voice was small, he could hear it naturally through the origin of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world.

Obviously, this is the result of Hongjun's countless years of hard work.

There is another kind of co-dao, the kind of co-dao of Heavenly Emperor, that is to sign an equal contract with Heavenly Dao, both parties belong to equal existence, this co-dao can control at most 40% of Heavenly Dao's power.

Although the formation in Zixiao Palace is very strong, it can only defend against ordinary world lords. After all, in the prehistoric world, apart from Dou Sheng, the strongest are only ordinary world lords.

And every blow was equivalent to Xiao Yun's full-strength blow.

"Fellow daoist, if you don't want to die, I advise you to escape to the Chaos Realm. With your strength, you are comfortable enough in the Chaos Realm, so why fight for these ants."

It is a pity that the battle armor on the Destroyer Lord is a supreme artifact, which weakens a lot of his attack power, making it difficult for Xiao Yun to kill him.


After fighting with Xiao Yun for so long, he also felt a little sympathy for Xiao Yun. After all, Xiao Yun fought him with Immortal Realm, which made him very admire.

God knows how much time and energy he spent in cultivating the Heavenly Dao embryo in the good fortune jade plate into the embryonic form of Heavenly Dao, but now it has all come to pass Xiao Yun.

But now, Xiao Yun saw a fourth way of joining the Tao.

This is already beyond the power of the top world master.

You can also open up a big world and become the master of Heavenly Dao.

"What—" The Lord of Destruction's pupils shrank suddenly, and at this moment he felt an unparalleled terrifying power, as if more than 3,000 Xiao Yun had shot together.

Xiao Yun suddenly became so strong.

When the powerhouses in the prehistoric world saw this scene, they couldn't help but be stunned.

The combination of the four supreme gods in the realm of the gods belongs to the most perfect combination, and can control the power of Heavenly Dao 100%, but this combination is to give up one's own reason, and the one who is really interested in proving the eternal Dao is not. will do.

"Have you noticed it?" In the origin of Heavenly Dao, Hong Jun stared into Xiao Yun's eyes and couldn't help sighing in his heart. After countless years of hard work and years of layout, he finally became someone else's wedding dress, that is, his mood was high enough, otherwise this It was already maddened by anger.

But the way of joining the Tao is different, and the power borrowed is not the same.

Therefore, Xiao Yun said that Hongjun suffered a big loss this time.

"Hongjun is such a good person!" Xiao Yun couldn't help muttering.

Xiao Yun looked towards the world of Jiuxiao Continent with questioning eyes.

But at that time, he saw the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

He seemed to see Hongjun, and the other party was also watching him.

"This is simply the Gatling of the Fantasy world!" Xiao Yun was also stunned by the power of the good fortune jade plate. Is this the power of the Chaos Treasure? Just horrible.

"The Lord of Destruction, after fighting for so long, now it's my turn to crush you!" Xiao Yun stared at the Lord of Destruction who came, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He had already refined the jade plate of good fortune, and now he has nothing to do with it. He hesitated to move the good fortune jade plate in his hand.


As a result, in this big world without an Immortal, two evildoers like Heavenly Emperor and Xiao Yun appeared, which not only made him lose his wife but also lost his army.

At the same time that the Lord of Destruction came and killed him, he was still persuading Xiao Yun.

Although the newly opened big world can't give him much power, it has unlimited potential.


"No, since this old guy has cultivated the good fortune jade plate into the prototype of Heavenly Dao, why not just open up a big world and become the controller of Heavenly Dao?" Xiao Yun suddenly became puzzled.

As for the good fortune jade plate that Xiao Yun got now, the Heavenly Dao embryo has already evolved into the embryonic form of Heavenly Dao.

This actually is not Hongjun's carelessness, mainly because he Wudi spent countless years in the prehistoric world, and at that time, the world of Jiuxiao Continent didn't even have an Immortal, and Hongjun really didn't put it in one's eyes.

Therefore, there is a special Realm called 'Joint Road'.

Just when Xiao Yun was puzzled, the Master of Destruction had already broken through the formation defense in Zixiao Palace and attacked Xiao Yun.

At the level of the world master, if you want to become stronger again, there is generally only one way, and that is to use the power of Heavenly Dao.

But in the face of such a top world master, it is naturally impossible to prevent it.

One Xiao Yun's all-out blow, the Lord of Destruction is not afraid, but more than three thousand Xiao Yun's all-out blow, this is too terrifying.


"..." Hong Jun was expressionless. At this moment, he really wanted to go out and beat Xiao Yun, but he soon found out sadly that after Xiao Yun was promoted to the realm master, his strength might still be higher than him.

At that time, Hongjun felt that if he first annexed the world of Jiuxiao Continent, wouldn't he be able to annex two big worlds, and how strong would he be as a Heavenly Dao controller?

There is also a combination like Hongjun, when Heavenly Dao is weak, he directly suppresses Heavenly Dao with his own will, thereby mastering the power of Heavenly Dao. But in this way, because Heavenly Dao doesn't cooperate, the power to control Heavenly Dao can't reach 100%, at most 70%.

In fact, after cultivating the embryonic form of Heavenly Dao, he planned to open up a big world with it, become the controller of Heavenly Dao, and then devour the world of the Great Desolate in turn, which could make the big world he opened up suddenly stronger.

Seeing that he couldn't kill the Lord of Destruction for a while, Xiao Yun immediately refined the prototype of Heavenly Dao in the jade plate of good fortune. There are already three thousand avenues filled by Hongjun's countless years. As long as it is integrated into his universe kendo, his The Universe Kendo, which has already reached the peak of Immortal, will immediately reach the Perfect Realm, thus taking him to the Realm of the World Lord.

"Hongjun lost a lot this time!" After Xiao Yun was shocked, his heart was full of surprises.

It can be seen that this treasure is absolutely extraordinary.

In just one encounter, the Master of Destruction vomited blood and flew away, and was directly blasted out of the Zixiao Palace by the attacking torrent. A series of explosions occurred in the void along the way, and the area as long as 3,000 miles became nothingness.

"Let's break through the world first!"

This time, he not only became the world master, but also reached the pinnacle of cultivation in one fell swoop.

This is the power of the Peak World Lord.

The next moment, Xiao Yun stepped on the Shattering Void, holding a good fortune jade plate, went to hunt down the Master of Destruction, bombarded him and vomited blood.

But such a good road, why did Hongjun not choose?

At this moment, the three thousand avenues contained in the good fortune jade plate all burst out, like a torrent of attacks, rushing towards the destroyer in front of him.

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