In the Immortal Sword Formation, thousands of divine swords penetrated time and space, strangling the huge body of the Fire Element Master with all their strength.

However, the newly condensed Dou Sheng incarnation showed a smile: "Boy, he can't hold it anymore."

There are also four treasures, of which there is one supreme artifact, and the other three are also supreme artifact levels.

Without the protection of the flesh, the soul of the Fire Elemental Master can't stop the power of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire at all. As for his Master Godhead? Godhead also needs physical cooperation to function.

After killing the soul of the fire master, there was still a little energy left in the Dou Sheng incarnation. He looked at the master godhead in front of him and asked Xiao Yun curiously.


The eighth time Dou Sheng condensed his incarnation, and the four treasures seemed to merge with the Immortal Sword Array, bursting out with terrifying power.

Each piece of Innate Treasure carries the Dou Sheng's nine attacks, which have been used six times at this time.

On the indestructible body of the Fire Element Master, cracks visible to the naked eye have begun to appear.

Xiao Yun hurriedly said: "His soul is hiding inside, can he kill it?"

This time his soul suffered a tragic and heavy damage. If it was said that he only penetrated his body before, then now he will be cut into pieces.

"Dou Sheng, I understand this principle naturally, but this thing can make me reach the Immortal Realm. At that time, I will use Immortal Realm to go to Insight to create my own cultivation Cultivation Technique. The speed of progress will definitely be a thousand miles, which will greatly shorten my promotion to Immortal Realm. Time." Xiao Yun explained.

However, as Dou Sheng made his shots again and again, the fire master also felt the danger of Death approaching.

As Dou Sheng's incarnation gradually dissipated, the body of the Fire Element Dominion who was attacked by terror began to have cracks, like a spider web, constantly extending on his body, which seemed a little shocking.

This soul-killing thorn erupted with a heart wave ten times stronger than before.

Xiao Yun asked Hill's clone to put away the dominant godhead, and said to Dou Sheng with a smile: "This is a godhead. In this world, as long as the godhead is refined, it can be replaced. That is to say, my clone will soon be able to control it. The Fire Origin Law of this world is one step at a time, reaching the Immortal level."

The powerful penetrating power not only pierced the soul of the Fire Element Master, but also the Soul Killer thorns exploded. Numerous runes were wrapped in long needle fragments and swept out in all directions, tearing the Fire Element Master's soul into pieces. .

"Tongtian's Immortal Sword Formation is really amazing, but unfortunately your Immortal Immortal Formation is a copy, and it has not reached the level of Innate Treasure, otherwise it would be much easier to kill this Fire Element Master."

The Fire Element Master even felt that Sword Qi spanned endless time and space. Before he became the Master, he rushed out of the long river of time and space and wanted to kill him in advance.

The incarnations of the fighting saints dissipated one by one, and then re-condensed.

At this time, the Dou Sheng has been condensing incarnation for the seventh time.

The Fire Element Master was shocked and jealous. If he got these four treasures, he would be comparable to the four Rule Masters.

"There are still six drops of Blood Essence left, and it can only continue for one more attack at most." Xiao Yun was a little anxious, his eyes fixed on the fire master not far away.

"Dou Sheng, are you sure you can kill him?" Xiao Yun couldn't help asking.

It seemed that the words of the Dou Sheng were verified. Along with another attack of thousands of Sword Qi, the huge fire element dominated the body in the distance, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, and was defeated by countless Sword Qi.

After speaking, his incarnation dissipated.

That kind of intense pain like a tide, constantly invaded every inch of his soul.

Immediately, the four Dou Sheng incarnations reappeared, controlling the four treasures and attacking again.

I saw Dou Sheng controlling the ten second rank Karmic Fire Red Lotus, urging the red lotus Karmic Fire in it, drowning the red diamond-shaped crystals in front.

"You have to work hard!"

Xiao Yun could feel that the power of the Immortal Sword Formation continued to Ascension.

Dou Sheng's attack followed, and thousands of Sword Qi continued to bombard the body of the Fire Element Master like a flood that broke a dike.

In the void, there was only one crimson's diamond-shaped crystal left, exuding strong fluctuations in the origin law of the fire element, and vaguely the angry sound of the fire element master's pain and resentment.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Why is this magic circle so terrifying?" The fire master was terrified by the power of the Immortal sword circle. He thought of some magic circles in the realm of the gods, but compared with this formation, it was too far behind. .

At that time, he could only rely on the Ten Drops Fighting Saint Blood Essence.

After this attack fell, the four treasures were no longer able to condense the incarnation of Dou Sheng.

You're done, Xiao Yun naturally won't hide it anymore.

Xiao Yun took out a drop of Blood Essence again, and condensed the incarnation of Dou Sheng.

The next moment, Xiao Yun heard the screams of the fire master.

The Divine Sword transformed by the Eastern Emperor Bell and the Sword of Time and Space are related to the law of the origin of time and space, and they constantly attack the Fire Element Master from different time and space.

At this moment, he realized that it was too difficult to kill an Immortal-level powerhouse.

"Master Godhead!"

The shadowless and invisible long needle, along with Dou Sheng's ninth attack, slaughtered towards the Fire Element Master.

However, the Fire Master is not dead yet, and his soul is still hiding in the Master Godhead.

Every time Dou Sheng makes a shot, it seems to be stronger than the previous one.

This is obviously because Dou Sheng didn't know the Immortal Sword Formation before, and it was difficult to exert the strongest power of the Immortal Sword Formation in a hurry, but as he urged more and more times, he became more and more proficient. .

Dou Sheng looked at Xiao Yun, and immediately reminded with a serious expression: "Boy, cultivation should not be opportunistic. You must understand that only the power you cultivate yourself can truly belong to you."

When the words fell, the four treasures once again burst out with unparalleled power. Tens of thousands of Sword Qi swept the entire Immortal Sword Array, constantly strangling the body of the Fire Element Master.

In the realm of the gods, as long as the body is defeated, it is difficult for most of them to turn around.

The scarlet divine sword transformed by the ten second rank karmic fire red lotus filled with the ultimate red lotus karmic fire. When the sword came out, the karmic fire spread for three thousand miles, and the soul of the fire-type ruler was a little distorted.

He felt that his own divine body was about to reach its limit.

"Boy, you paid such a high price to get this thing? Is this thing useful?"

For him, the most holy person, let alone rule the godhead, it is useless even if the rules rule the godhead. After all, he himself is the rule rule Realm.

Dou Sheng looked at the diamond-shaped crystal not far away, and couldn't help showing surprise: "What is this? Why does my old grandson feel that refining him can control the origin law of fire in this world?"

When Dou Sheng heard this, he shook his head disdainfully and said, "You are taking advantage of opportunities, and this thing is only useful in this world. In different worlds, the origin laws of the fire element are also different. When you go to the prehistoric world and In the world of Jiuxiao Continent, you will still be suppressed below the Immortal Realm."

Hill's clone was the first to ignite the Soul Punisher.

Now it is not a question of whether to win the treasure, but whether he can continue to hold on.

Dou Sheng pouted and said: "Well, this thing is still somewhat useful to you."


Among them, the supreme divine sword, Sword intent, was surging, colliding with the Immortal sword formation, and volleying ten thousand swords, carrying the terrifying power of killing millions of Immortal gods.

He stared at the Fire Element Master in front of him and said with a sneer, "Don't worry, this guy's divine body can't hold on anymore."

The Fire Element Master let out a shrill scream.

It was so painful that he had no intention of mobilizing the power of fire law to protect his body.

What's more, Dou Sheng made all his efforts, and also used the Innate Treasure, which was specially designed to restrain the soul. Naturally, he killed the soul of the fire master with ease.

Xiao Yun's eyes lit up, and he stared at this red diamond-shaped crystal with incomparably fiery eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun quickly took out the four monkey hairs that were fused with the four drops of Blood Essence, and threw them at the four directions of the Immortal Sword Array.

"Soul? Haha, simple!" Dou Sheng smiled contemptuously when he heard the words. Without physical protection and treasure protection, it would not be too easy for him to kill a mere soul.

When Dou Sheng condensed his avatar for the ninth time, Xiao Yun's expression also became extremely solemn.

Xiao Yun, Li Yun, Hill and other clones were hiding in the virtual world, and they began to prepare to burn their minds and use their full power to use the Soul Killer thorn.

Xiao Yun looked nervously at the Fire Element Master not far away. Although this guy's body was already riddled with holes, he had no way of knowing how serious the injury was.

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