Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1203 Incarnation Of Dou Sheng

Although the strength of the Dou Sheng incarnation was suppressed, the powerful aura that surpassed Immortal and reached the level of the world master was felt by the fire master.

This is the terrifying aura of rule masters.

The Fire Master couldn't be more sensitive to this kind of breath, so he was extremely frightened. Who is this unknown enemy? Why haven't I seen it before, it can actually be comparable to the four rule masters.

Xiao Yun and Dou Sheng ignored him.

Seeing Dou Sheng's incarnation revealed, Xiao Yun hurriedly asked, "Dou Sheng, didn't you use your strength to prove the Dao and become a sanctified body? Why are you still being suppressed?"

Dou Sheng glanced at him and said angrily: "If my grandson is here, he will naturally not be suppressed, but now my old grandson is just an incarnation, the power transmitted by my old grandson through endless time and space, naturally It’s normal to be seen as an outlier by this world, and to be suppressed.”

Xiao Yun sneered and said, "Then are you sure you can kill him?"

He pointed to the huge body of the Fire Element Master.

Hearing this, the Fire Element Master had a gloomy expression on his face.

Dou Sheng also looked at the Master of the Fire Element, then looked at Xiao Yun with a half-smiling smile, and scolded: "You boy is really brave, you dare to come to this Otherworld to kill the saint, my grandson will tell you 'serving' 'Character."

"The gap is too big, I've already worked hard, alas." Xiao Yun smiled wryly upon hearing this.

Dou Sheng also saw the real Taiyin water everywhere in the Immortal Sword Formation, as well as those Taiyin Mother Fire, Water Spirit Beads, Fire Spirit Beads and so on.

I have to say that Xiao Yun was well prepared.

Every one restrains the fire-type master in front of him, and even Dou Sheng has to admire it.

But this kind of power is still not qualified to kill the master of the fire system.

"If you don't really step into the Immortal Realm, you won't understand the horror of this Realm at all, and this is the world he lives in, it's his home court, your Immortal Sword Array is also suppressed by the rules of the world, and you can play a maximum of 30%. Power, how can you kill him?" Dou Sheng shook his head.

Xiao Yun was taken aback, his Immortal sword formation was suppressed?

No wonder, he tried his best to mobilize the Immortal Sword Array, but he couldn't break the defense of the Fire Element Master.

"My grandson, try it, but there is no guarantee that it will succeed!"

After the words of the Dou Sheng fell, the Supreme Divine Sword, the Sword of Time and Space, the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the ten second rank Karma Red Lotus all burst out with a terrifying aura.

At this moment, the Zhu Immortal sword formation seemed to have completely awakened, and the power of the entire formation was constantly Ascension.

This is completely different from the power of Xiao Yun's Immortal Sword Formation just now, the difference is too big.

"This is the real Immortal Sword Formation!"

Xiao Yun's eyes sparkled, and at this moment, he realized the true power of the Immortal Sword Array.

Under the urging of Dou Sheng, this Immortal Sword Formation really broke out the terrifying power of the first killing formation in the prehistoric world.

The countless Sword Qi filled the entire space, mixed in layers of time and space, submerging the huge body dominated by the fire element.

Xiao Yun could clearly see that the beast body dominated by the fire element was pierced and torn apart, and the entire formation space was stained red with blood.

The Master of the Fire Element also let out a shrill scream. He felt that every inch of his body had been pierced by Sword Qi, and even the Godhead of the Master in his mind was hit and groaned.

This level of attack is comparable to the power of the powerful sword that dominates with all his strength.

This has already posed a life-threatening threat to the Fire Element Master.

"Flame Maelstrom!"

The Master of the Fire Element roared reluctantly, the law of the origin of flames surging all over his body, creating one mysterious vortex after another, and various divine chains of order interspersed among them, evoking even more terrifying power.

"Soul Slaying Thorn!" Xiao Yun saw the Fire Element Master's ultimate move, and immediately joined the four clones to launch the Soul Slaying Thorn.

Five soul-killing thorns, interspersed back and forth, constantly piercing the soul of the fire-type ruler.

Under the severe pain, the master of the fire element had just used half of the ultimate move, and suddenly collapsed.

"here you go!"

When Dou Sheng saw this scene, his eyes lit up, and then he looked at Xiao Yun and sneered: "You kid still hides this hand, this is the secret technique of mind power, before you fought with Yang Jian, this is right, right? ?"

"If Dou Sheng can help me kill this scorpion, I will pass this secret technique to you." Xiao Yun laughed.

If he can get the master godhead of the fire-type master, he is not afraid to pass the soul-killing thorn to the fighting saint, after all, he will be able to step into the Immortal level by then.

"Okay, it's settled!" Dou Sheng's eyes lit up, fearing that Xiao Yun would go back on his words, he hurriedly responded.

Afterwards, the four incarnations of Dou Sheng were annihilated.

These avatars only have the power of one blow, and after one blow, they will naturally dissipate.

The fire master also discovered this scene and couldn't help but grinned: "It turned out to be just an incarnation, boy, I swear, I must imprison your soul in the abyss of The Underworld forever."

The fire master was completely furious, he stared at Xiao Yun, his eyes were full of anger and resentment, murderous aura swept the world.

Xiao Yun looked at the Fire Element Master, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile, "You are already dying."

The Fire Element Master heard a mocking look, but then his expression changed, because the Dou Sheng incarnation appeared again.

The four supreme treasures, the Supreme Divine Sword, the Sword of Time and Space, the Eastern Emperor Bell and the ten second rank Yehuo Red Lotus, once again condensed the incarnation of Dou Sheng.

A treasure can carry Dou Sheng's nine attacks, just launched one just now, and there are still eight remaining.

Moreover, Xiao Yun still has ten drops of Blood Essence and ten monkey hairs from Dou Sheng, which is equivalent to Dou Sheng's ten full blows.

"Boy, if there is no such secret technique of mind power, my old grandson is not sure to kill him. You should continue to use the secret power of mind power, and don't let him use the magical power of law." Dou Sheng reminded.

Xiao Yun nodded.

He also understands this truth.

As long as he continued to use the Soul Killer, the Fire Master would not be able to use his unique skills. He could only use brute force stupidly like Yang Jian, and the combat power he exerted was naturally very weak, and could only be regarded as barely reaching the Immortal level.

The power of the Dou Sheng, although suppressed at the Immortal level by the world rules of the Realm of the Gods, but he can use the power of the Innate Treasure and the power of the Immortal Sword Array to show an attack power comparable to the peak of Immortal.

You know, Xiao Yun can't unleash the power of Innate's treasure, but Dou Sheng can unleash it all.

These four treasures, as well as the Immortal Sword Formation, in the hands of Dou Sheng, the power is simply incomparable.


Dou Sheng's voice shook the four fields, and murderous aura pervaded the entire Immortal Sword Formation.

Xiao Yun and his clones also used all their strength to cast the Soul Punisher.

The Lord of Fire is simply a living target, being devastated again and again by the Immortal Sword Formation. The terrifying Sword Qi is constantly annihilating his body.

"Damn, I will definitely die if I go on like this!" The Fire Element Master was in a panic, and he wanted to contact other God clones and ask other Masters for help.

At this time, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that the two unknown enemies in front of him must have come from other worlds.

However, the Immortal Sword Formation isolates time and space, so that the Fire Element Master cannot contact other God clones at all.

"My master godhead is right in front of you!" Xiao Yun stared at the fire master, his heart was full of fire.

The master godhead is almost at hand.

At that time, he can quickly step into the Immortal level.

It's really a step up.

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