Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10100 And 87 Chapters Were Suppressed

After the Dou Sheng finished speaking, he backed away, leaving the 'battlefield' to Li Yun and the golden monkey on the opposite side.

Li Yun's face was extremely ugly, and he realized that this Dou Sheng is not the ruler of the realm of the gods. Sage and Dao heart in the prehistoric world are extremely firm, and they are simply not something that Illusion Art can deal with.

At the same time, he changed his sword moves, no longer attacked, but chose to defend.

If Xiao Yun can reach the prehistoric world, it means that Xiao Yun has opened the gate of heaven, and it is naturally possible for him to go to other worlds.

After all, his combat power is not only reflected in the flesh.

"How can it be useless to him?" Li Yun felt the attacking power of the golden monkey, and his face changed greatly. He did not weaken the opponent's combat power even a little bit.

The Dou Sheng in the distance glanced at it and didn't care. Although the golden hoop rod in the golden monkey's hand was only a clone of the golden hoop rod, its power was comparable to the Innate Lingbao, not inferior to the sword in Li Yun's hand.

"Boy, don't forget that my old grandson is Sage, and my Dao heart is extremely firm, but I can't influence you as a little Illusion Art." Not far away, Dou Sheng said with a sneer.

At the same time, they also discovered the mystery of this spiritual world.

He also only chose to stick to it temporarily, because he needed to delay time to think of countermeasures.

how can that be?

This was the first time he felt the difference in combat skills. Compared with Dou Sheng, he was like a child who just learned to walk.

"It's been so long since you've been in the prehistoric world, it depends on what skills you have, and whether you can stand up to Heavenly Emperor's plan!" Dou Sheng thought to himself, and looked at the two figures in the field.

However, the golden monkey still smashed it with the golden cudgel, causing the sword in Li Yun's hand to tremble.

"What should I do? The spiritual world is useless, I can only rely on the swordsmanship." Li Yun's expression was extremely solemn, and he could only rely on the swordsmanship now.

Although they are both the same Realm of the quasi-sage realm, Li Yun is very clear that with the Realm of Dou Sheng, even if the strength of each other is the same, the combat power is not the same.


This is the magical effect of Tianmen, and Dou Sheng is also very envious in his heart.

Li Yun looked at the golden monkey on the opposite side with confidence and arrogance in his eyes. He was the same as Realm Wudi, even if he met Sage Wudi.

"It can't go on like this. He has countless avatars, and each of them can exert Wudi's quasi-sacred attack power. And I'm at Wudi's quasi-sage level. If I continue to defend, I will lose without a doubt."

The Shui Lingzhu not only restrained the fire-type master, but also collected the mother fire of Taiyin, which was of great help to him in the next hunt for the fire-type master.

"One thought becomes a mourning!"

"It's actually an illusory world built with the amount of Spirit Power. This is not the cultivation system that our Prehistoric World has, nor the cultivation system that Jiuxiao Continent has. Could it be that this kid got it from another world?" Dou Sheng guessed in his heart.

After thinking about it, Li Yun flashed light in his hand, and a long sword appeared out of thin air, which he held tightly in his hand, exuding a flaming treasure.

Li Yun looked at the golden monkey on the opposite side. Since Dou Sheng said that his body was at the peak of the quasi-sage, he would definitely not deceive him.

And Li Yun, relying on the powerful swordsmanship, but without the help of the Innate treasure, he is only barely close to the Wudi quasi-sage level.

"Perhaps Dou Sheng also guessed that my swordsmanship is very strong, but he definitely doesn't know about my cultivation of "The Book of Heart"."

At the same time, the figures of the golden monkeys were divided into ten thousand, and there were literally countless golden monkeys, all of them holding the golden hoops tightly, besieging Li Yun from all directions, beating him very embarrassingly.

Li Yun raised his sword to block, but the golden hoop was not as hard as he imagined, but as soft as a leather whip.

In the blazing rays of light, the golden monkey jumped up and slashed at Li Yun with a golden hoop in his hand.

"Pfft!" Li Yun only felt a golden star on his head for a while, and suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It is like using the same sword, one is a kendo master and the other is a kendo apprentice, the combat power is naturally different.

"Fighting against him is a great opportunity for me, and it has made me understand the real fighting skills, but it is impossible to defeat him like this." Li Yun was anxious in his heart.

Li Yun did not respond, he knew that Dou Sheng was right.

"Go away!" Li Yun shouted, the long sword swept across, and the mighty kendo rivers surrounded him, resisting the attack of the golden monkey.

This sword is an Innate Spirit Treasure, and its attack power is good. Although it is far from the Innate Treasure, it is also very powerful.

"I also have Kendo, and Kendo is good at attacking."

"Huh?" The Dou Sheng not far away, as well as the Dou Sheng's body, opened their eyes slightly in surprise.


It is only the physical body of the quasi-sage peak, but the fighting sage can display the strength of Wudi quasi-sage. This is the horror of Sage Realm.

In this way, he will last longer.

For a while, Li Yun could only be beaten passively, supporting the siege of the golden monkey.

Although this battle has brought him a lot, he still needs the Water Spirit Orb.

However, the attack of the golden monkey is very ferocious, it is simply a fighting madman, constantly attacking from all directions, every blow is very terrifying, reaching the level of Wudi quasi-sage.

"With the same power, his use of power is many times better than mine. Is this the terrifying effect of proving the Dao with strength?" Li Yun also learned something when he was fighting.

With their Realm, they naturally sensed this spiritual world.

Dou Sheng far surpassed him in terms of Realm and combat experience.


"How can I defeat him?" Li Yun thought anxiously while resisting the attack of the golden monkey.

The next moment, he used his trump card without hesitation, and a huge spiritual world descended, silently covering the battlefield.

And his body of this evil corpse, after the deity broke through to the level of Tianzun, "Nine Nine Mysterious Art" also achieved a breakthrough, and the body also reached the quasi-sacred peak Realm.

Li Yun Insight has many kendos, among which there are naturally defensive kendos.

In the field, after Li Yun used the spiritual world, he immediately used the strongest Illusion Art supernatural power "One Thought Becomes Sad".

"But I also have an advantage!"

"Boy, if you keep defending like this, you will still be defeated. What's more, if you can't defeat my monkey hair clone, you won't be able to get the Shui Lingzhu." Dou Sheng smiled not far away.

Of course, this is also because his "Book of Heart" has not been cultivated to the Immortal level, otherwise, it can weaken the opponent's combat power to some extent.

But the golden monkeys were incarnated in tens of millions, each with Wudi's quasi-sage level combat power. Under their siege, Li Yun couldn't break through at all, and he couldn't hurt the golden monkeys, and he was constantly being pressed and beaten.

In the field, the moment Li Yun took out his sword, the golden monkey on the opposite side made his move, and his eyes swept across the void, like golden thunders descending into the world, intertwined with lightning, and the scene was terrifying.

Universe Kendo was displayed by Li Yun, and he pushed his combat power to the peak. With the powerful attack power of Kendo, he finally exerted the combat power of Wudi's quasi-sage level.

Li Yun was anxious.

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