Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10100 And 86 Chapters The Test Of The Saint

Following the jade-faced scholar, Li Yun traveled unimpeded on Huaguo Mountain, and came directly to the place of Dou Sheng's practice - Shuilian Cave.

Today's Water Curtain Cave is very stylish. Peach trees robbed from Heaven Court and some other precious flowers are planted near the entrance of the cave.

"Brother Monkey, I'm here to see you, old pig." The jade-faced scholar walked into the Water Curtain Cave with a big smile, and Li Yun hurriedly followed.

The facilities in the Water Curtain Cave are very simple. They are all ordinary stone tables and stone benches. They look ordinary, but under the observation of Li Yun Double Pupils, there is a Taoism everywhere.

However, there is no figure of Dou Sheng here.

"Little guy, how dare you use Double Pupils so recklessly in front of my grandson, do you really think others can't recognize your details?" A voice suddenly exploded in Li Yun's mind.

Li Yun was shocked, turned his head to look at a stone bench not far away, there was a bald monk in Kasaya, sitting and eating a banana in his hand.

"how come?"

Li Yun was shocked. When he came in, he glanced at it and didn't see this person at all.

In fact, even now, he felt that the monk in front of him was far away from him.

It is clearly in front of you, but it seems to be far away.

"Brother Monkey, this kid's name is Li Yun, a little brother I know from Lao Zhu." Yumian Scholar sat next to him, picked up the banana and gnawed it, as if he was eating chicken legs.

Dou Sheng glared at him, then looked at Li Yun, his plain eyes revealing vast coercion, which made Li Yun's heart tremble.

"Junior Li Yun pays respects to Dou Sheng." Li Yun hurriedly saluted.

He was surprised that Dou Sheng could recognize his identity. After all, he had the monkey hair on his body. It is estimated that he was recognized by the monkey when he entered the prehistoric world.

"You're not cultivating well in Biyou Palace, why are you here looking for my old grandson?" Dou Sheng said lightly.

Li Yun said quickly, "Junior hopes to use Dou Sheng's Water Spirit Orb."

"Shui Lingzhu?" Dou Sheng looked at Li Yun with a half-smile after hearing the words.

The jade-faced scholar next to him also stopped eating bananas, he turned his head to look at Li Yun, and said with a wry smile: "It turns out that your kid is here to borrow the water spirit beads, tell me earlier, I won't bring you here. "

"Uh..." Li Yun was stunned, not knowing what pig senior meant.

The jade-faced scholar looked at Li Yun and continued: "Shui Lingzhu, don't think about it, that thing suppresses the eyes of the East China Sea in the East China Sea. Once it is taken out, the entire East China Sea will boil, and there are countless casualties in the mortal world. What will you pay for this Karma? ?"

Li Yun frowned.

If this is the case, then he really can't take the Water Spirit Orb, otherwise the mortals will be killed and injured countless times, and the Karma he brings will be enough to attract the punishment of heaven to slash him. Besides, Li Yun didn't want to let countless mortals die because of himself.

However, Master, he should also know that the Shui Lingzhu is in the East China Sea, but why did he let himself come to fight Saint?

If the Shui Lingzhu cannot be taken out, why does Lingbao Tianzun need to do it? Wouldn't it be enough to tell Li Yun directly?

"By the way, there is also the Dinghai God Needle!" Li Yun's heart suddenly moved. The golden hoop stick in Dou Sheng's hand was originally the Dinghai God Needle, which was used to suppress the eyes of the East Sea.

By replacing the Shui Lingzhu with a golden hoop rod, he can temporarily borrow the Shui Lingzhu, and then return it to Dou Sheng.

However, the golden hoop rod is the Magic Treasures of Dou Sheng's Demonstration Dao. You asked him to use it to suppress the Donghai Sea Eye? who do you think You Are?

Li Yun suddenly grimaced.

"I said Li Xiaozi, you have several Innate treasures on your body. With your strength, it is Wudi's under Sage. What do you need Water Spirit Orbs for? You don't follow the avenue of water." asked.

Li Yun smiled bitterly: "Pig senior, Junior wants to understand the kendo of water and fire, and then integrate it into my kendo."

"So it is!" The jade-faced scholar suddenly realized.

The Dou Sheng next to him sneered and said, "It's okay for you kid to lie to this pig, and you still want to lie to my grandson?"

Li Yun was very helpless. He could deceive everyone, but he couldn't deceive Dou Sheng. After all, the other party knew his details.

However, Li Yun did not dare to reveal to Dou Sheng the important matter of hunting and killing the master of the Fire Element. After all, he did not fully trust Dou Sheng. At least until he achieves Immortal, it's better to be vigilant against Dou Sheng.

"This is Junior's secret, please forgive Junior for not being able to say it clearly." Li Yun said.

Dou Sheng put down the banana in his hand, looked at Li Yun, and said lightly, "Since you have all come to the door, then my grandson will give you a chance."

"Brother Monkey..." The jade-faced scholar next to him looked at Dou Sheng with a look of surprise, but he knew very well that if he wanted to take out the Shui Lingzhu, he would have to use a golden hoop stick instead.

But the golden hoop sticks are Magic Treasures. Which Sage would easily give up? It is impossible to give up even temporarily.

"Boy, my grandson gave you a chance, but it also depends on your ability to seize it."

Dou Sheng stood up, the golden light in his eyes was blazing, he stepped out one step, and the surrounding void shattered.

Li Yun was stunned to find that the small space where he and Dou Sheng were deprived had become a world of their own.

"Where are you going, Brother Monkey?" The jade-faced scholar wanted to rush over, but couldn't take a step into this world.

"Don't follow me, you idiot!" Dou Sheng snorted, and the deprived little world continued to ascend, like a long rainbow, eventually running through the entire prehistoric world.

Kunlun and the West all had Sage's eyes looking over, but when they found out that it was in the direction of Huaguo Mountain, they stopped paying attention.

"He actually went outside Chaos, what is the monkey going to do?" Biyou Palace, Lingbao Tianzun frowned, and then asked Li Yunshan's corpse through voice transmission.

Li Yunshan's corpse has been slaughtering the Immortal sword formation in Insight. Hearing the news, he hurriedly said: "Master, the Dou Sheng said that he would give me a chance. It is estimated that it is a test."

"Then you can take good care of it." Lingbao Tianzun immediately felt at ease. The strong people like Dou Sheng would not murder Li Yun's younger generation, not to mention that it was just Li Yun's evil corpse. Even if he died, he could cultivate back.

"The strength of this monkey is becoming more and more unfathomable. I don't know if it has entered the Holy Realm." In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun's figure condensed. He turned to look at the light group that disappeared in the chaos, and suddenly frown.

Everyone in the prehistoric world, including Luo Hu, is under his control. But only this monkey is not in his grasp.

Even when dealing with the Jiuxiao Continent, the monkey often fished and didn't listen to his orders at all.

"Forget it, when old friend Yang Mei returns, everything will be a foregone conclusion." Hong Jun said and disappeared.


At the same time, Li Yun stood in the small world and saw that he gradually left the prehistoric world and came to the void outside the chaos.

And below him, is a vast and boundless oval world, this is the prehistoric world.

On the other side of the prehistoric world, there is a slightly smaller big world, and it and the prehistoric world are connected to each other by a 'bridge. ’

"That is your Jiuxiao Continent world, and there are two battlefields." Dou Sheng pointed to the world and the 'bridge' not far away.

Li Yun looked at the world of Jiuxiao Continent with some surprise. This was the first time he saw the entire Jiuxiao Continent world from outside Chaos.

The size of the world of Jiuxiao Continent is only one-third the size of the World of Great Desolation. It is no wonder that it is not comparable to the World of Great Desolation. This is the result of the enhancement of the world of Jiuxiao Continent. If it was before, the world of Jiuxiao Continent was even smaller.

"Go to my dojo first!"

Dou Sheng took Li Yun on his way in the chaotic void, but Li Yun was surprised to find that they were constantly approaching the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

Could it be that Brother Monkey's dojo is in the world of Jiuxiao Continent?

Soon, Li Yun knew that he had guessed correctly.

In the place where the world of Jiuxiao Continent is very close, there is a small floating continent with layers of formations arranged on it, close to the world barrier of Jiuxiao Continent.

"call out!"

Dou Sheng grabbed Li Yun, passed through the layers of formations, and entered this small land.

The next moment, Li Yun saw a huge golden monkey, sitting on the ground at Lotus Position, watching the arrival of Li Yun and Dou Sheng.

"This is my body!" Dou Sheng looked at Li Yun and said proudly: "My body stays here and can enter the world of Jiuxiao Continent at any time, so Hongjun can't do anything about me."

Li Yun suddenly realized, and only then did he understand why Dou Sheng established the dojo here. With the relationship between Dou Sheng and Heavenly Emperor, once he hid in the world of Jiuxiao Continent, Hongjun really couldn't do anything about him.

"Boy, I don't care why you want the water beads, look at Heavenly Emperor's Face, I'll give you a chance."

At this time, the main body of Dou Sheng opened his mouth, and as soon as his voice fell, he plucked a monkey hair from himself and threw it to the ground.


As soon as the golden monkey hair fell to the ground, it turned into a golden monkey with a height of thirty feet. He held a golden hoop and stared coldly at Li Yun.

"This is the clone of the monkey hair on my body. In terms of the fleshly body Cultivation Base, at the peak of the quasi-sage, it is almost the same as you are now."

Dou Sheng looked at Li Yun and said, "You are not allowed to use the Innate Treasure, as long as you defeat him, I will lend you the Shui Lingzhu."

Li Yun took a deep breath when he heard the words, he knew that this was the test of Dou Sheng.

Defeat Dou Sheng in the same Realm, can he do it?

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