Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1167 Pre10ding To Be The Great Perfection

"Look, it's Commander Ron, and he actually let Commander Ron test it himself. It seems that Nylax is right, it's really the new nine-star Devil."

"Don't say it so early. If you want to become a nine-star Devil, you must at least save your life under the attack of Commander Ron."

"Yes, Commander Ron is a nine-star Devil of the space system. It can be called the strongest nine-star Devil. As long as he can save his life under his attack, he can be regarded as a nine-star Devil."

"Commander Ron's 'space tear' can kill an eight-star Devil in one move, and only a nine-star Devil level powerhouse can resist."


The War Practitioners around the arena were talking a lot, and everyone was staring at the two figures in the arena.

Feifei had already flown out of the arena and watched the battle around.

In the arena, only Hill and the opposing Ron commander were left.

"Brother Hill, the rules of the test are very simple. As long as you can save your life under my attack and let me not kill you, you are a nine-star Devil." Commander Ron smiled and looked at the opposite Hill and said, he I also look forward to the birth of a new nine-star Devil. After all, their Blood Shadow Palace is not very strong in the Dark God Realm, and it will take a long time for a nine-star Devil to be born.

It has been 300 million years since the last birth of the Nine Star Devil.

Ron looked at Hill opposite, with anticipation in his eyes.

"Commander Ron, if I defeat you, what level is that?" Hill asked suddenly with a smile.

Commander Ron was taken aback.

The powerhouses around the arena were also silent.

Defeat Commander Ron?

When everyone heard the words, they looked at Hill with a stunned expression.

This guy has such a big mouth.

Commander Ron can be called the strongest nine-star Devil, even if he encounters a high-ranking god of great perfection, if he is not restrained, then ordinary high-ranking gods of great perfection cannot kill him.

Although there are some who can defeat Grand Commander Ron in the Nine-Star Devil, there are definitely only a handful of them.

"Hahaha, I, Ron, can be called the strongest nine-star Devil. Although there are some who can beat me among the nine-star Devils, if you can beat me, Brother Hill, then...then you are still a nine-star Devil."

Commander Ron smiled, looked at Hill in front of him, and shrugged: "After all, the highest level of Devil is only nine stars, but there are no ten stars. Of course, if you can kill me in seconds, it means that you have reached the The upper god has reached the level of great perfection."

Ron smiled and looked at Hill. He didn't think Hill had reached the Realm of the Great Perfection of the High God. After all, looking at the entire Dark God Realm, the Great Perfection of the High God is very rare. On average, there is one in each government. .

Like their Blood Shadow Mansion, there is only one high-ranking god who is Great Perfection, the Deputy Mansion Master of the Blood Shadow Mansion.

This level of existence generally does not rely on powerful main gods, because their strength is on an equal footing with the lower main gods.

"That being the case, then Commander Ron, I'm going to take action." Hill stared at Commander Ron in front of him and said lightly.

Commander Ron did not underestimate Hill either. With a flash of light in his hand, two broad swords appeared in his hands, exuding a strong Killing intent.

"Come on, let me feel your attack, Brother Hill first. If you let me shoot first, it will be difficult for you to resist my 'spatial tear' unless you dodge." Commander Ron looked at Xi, who was on the opposite side. Er, grinned.

Hill smiled slightly: "Since that's the case, then I'm going to make a move..."


The invisible spiritual world came, covering the entire arena, and also covering the commander of Ron.

"You shoot..." On the opposite side, before the commander Ron finished speaking, he stared, and his soul was pulled into the spiritual world, sinking in it and unable to extricate himself, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The War Practitioners around the arena widened their eyes in shock.

The field was silent and silent.

"What's the matter? Weren't they talking just now? Why did Commander Ron fall in the blink of an eye? I didn't even see Hill make a move." A high-ranking god with a five-star Devil badge asked suspiciously.

In the crowd, Feifei also widened her eyes and looked at Hill in the arena in disbelief. She was also shocked: "Too strong, I guessed that he was a nine-star Devil before, but I still underestimated him... ...He won't be a great perfection powerhouse of the upper god, right?"


Just when everyone was shocked, the sky above the arena cracked open, and a pair of huge eyes stared at Hill in the arena.

The terrifying momentum swept the audience, making everyone tremble.

"It's the Lord God!"

Blood Shadow Lord God descended.

Everyone hurriedly bowed and saluted.

But the pair of eyes above the arena did not look at everyone. It stared at Hill in the arena with a smile.

"It can make Ron's soul fall asleep for a moment. If I guessed correctly, you should be a great perfection powerhouse of the Destiny Department, and you are proficient in soul-related attacks." The voice of the Blood Shadow Lord God came.

Hill bowed slightly to the Blood Shadow Lord God, nodded and smiled: "I've seen the Blood Shadow Lord God, you guessed it right, I am indeed a perfect destiny."

"Fantastic, powerful, the law of destiny is one of the four major rules. If you can become the Great Perfection of Destiny, your strength is much stronger than other Great Perfection powerhouses, and you are not weaker than our lower gods." Blood Shadow Lord God In admiration, in the words, he completely regarded his Hill as an existence on the same level as himself.

If it is an ordinary high-level god Dzogchen powerhouse against the lower-level main gods, at most they can save their lives, but the Dzogchen powerhouses of the four major rule systems can completely compete with some lower-level main gods.

The strength of the Blood Shadow Lord God can only be regarded as the middle level among the lower Lord Gods. In the face of the Great Perfection powerhouse of the Destiny Department, he naturally does not have any arrogance.

"Hill, if you are willing to join our Blood Shadow Mansion, I can make you the Honorary Palace Master of the Blood Shadow Mansion, with an equal status with me." The Lord God of Blood Shadow said immediately.

The people around the arena were dumbfounded.

Status on an equal footing with the Lord God?

So shocking.

"Fate is the Great Perfection... I didn't expect that I, Nicholas Zhao Si, would one day be able to witness the birth of the Great Perfection, and also see the fate of the Great Perfection. It's a great honor." Someone in the crowd sighed with emotion.

The same is true for other people. The Great Perfection powerhouse itself is rare, let alone the Great Perfection of the Destiny Department. This kind of powerhouse is even rarer than the Lord God.

And Hill.

In the face of the invitation of the Blood Shadow Lord God, he, who originally wanted to fight the Blood Shadow Lord God, was naturally willing to agree.

Then, after the Lord of Blood Shadow left, Hill released the leader of Ron who was trapped in the spiritual world.

Commander Ron also knew Hill's terrifying strength at this moment, he looked at Hill with some complexity, and sighed: "It's really amazing, worthy of being a Great Perfection powerhouse of the Destiny Department, I have also discussed with the Deputy Palace Master, He is the Great Perfection powerhouse of the Flame Department. Although the attack power is very strong, I want to escape as a Space Department, and he can't kill me, but I didn't expect that I can't even catch a single move from you. The Great Perfection of the Destiny Department is really terrifying. what."

"Commander Ron is wrong, in fact, you are not far from the Great Perfection." Hill laughed.

Ron sighed in his heart. Although he was only half a step away from the Great Perfection, it was this half step that trapped countless nine-star Devil powerhouses.

"Hill, I didn't expect you to be a great perfection powerhouse. It's really shocking, let's go, let's go have a drink to celebrate." Feifei flew over with excitement, pulling Hill and saying.

Hill said helplessly: "Sorry, I have to go to the City Lord's Mansion to see the Lord God first."

When the Blood Shadow Lord God left just now, he invited him to be a guest at the City Lord's Mansion.

"Ah, the Lord God has invited you, then go ahead, we will celebrate next time." Feifei did not dare to stop it when she heard the words.

Hill flew towards the City Lord's Mansion, his eyes flickering.

He has already investigated just now, the strength of the Blood Shadow Lord God is not very strong, at most comparable to the middle emperor, and his spiritual world should be able to be enslaved.

Unless the main god of blood shadow is the lower god of fate and death, or has a powerful soul defense artifact, he cannot stop his spiritual world.

But the main god of blood shadow is the main god of darkness.

And powerful soul defense artifacts are also very rare, and Hill doesn't think his luck is so bad, he just happened to encounter it.

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