In the Dark God Realm, a huge city stands on the ground, and around the city stands a blood-colored armored giant with a height of three thousand meters. Breath fluctuates.

"Hill, that's our Blood Shadow Palace City!" Feifei pointed to the huge city not far away, and excitedly said to Hill next to him: "Have you seen those blood-colored giants? That was made by our Blood Shadow Lord God himself. The war of Divine Armament, each of them has a strong man comparable to the great perfection of the upper god."

Hill glanced at the giants with disdain in his heart. These giants only looked 'shocked', but in fact, the Great Perfection level of the upper gods was only comparable to the strength of the "alternative enlightenment" of the indestructible ancestor.

As for the main god of blood shadow, the lower god, it is only the level of the emperor. As for which level of the emperor, it is not clear.

"This Blood Shadow Lord God is weak, but it is fortunate that he inquired about the news. With my soul Realm, he can't see through me at all."

"However, I didn't expect the 'Seven Prison Tower' to be such a treasure. I really want to thank that Kailan, this "Book of Heart" is really good, with this trick, I can easily conquer this Blood Shadow Lord God. "

Hill thought to himself.

Feifei was still chatting next to him, leading Hill all the way into Blood Shadow City.

When Hill entered the city, he clearly felt an invisible wave sweeping over him.

Hill didn't care either, and pretended not to know. This should be the investigation of the Blood Shadow Lord God. After all, this is the home of the Blood Shadow Lord God. It is normal for the other party to be cautious.

"Hill, you are so strong, why don't I take you to the Devil Castle to test the level first. With the Devil level, you can enter the major cities in the Realm of the Gods for free in the future, and you will be welcomed by any major force you join. ."

Feifei looked at Hill and said with a smile, "Of course, I still hope you can join our Blood Shadow Mansion."

Hill nodded and said, "Okay, I also want to join the Blood Shadow Mansion."

Feifei was immediately happy when she heard the words, and hurriedly led the way to Devil Castle.

Hill smiled slightly. He originally wanted to go to those 'main cities' and 'holy cities' to inquire about news, but after having the "Book of Heart", he decided to change his mind and stay in the Blood Shadow Mansion.

Because there is a trick in "The Book of Heart" called "mind slavery", as long as you let the enemy sink in the illusion, you can enslave him in one fell swoop, and then the other party becomes your slave and obeys your orders.

The powerhouse of the Great Mind World has conquered many great worlds with this move. Before encountering the Great Puppet World, the Great Mind World is the overlord of that chaotic realm.

Although Hill only got the first ten floors of the "Book of Heart", it is still possible to subdue the lower master gods.

However, the premise is that he sees the main god of blood shadow first, otherwise the distance is too far, and the other party wants to escape, then Hill can't catch up now.

After all, his current Cultivation Base is only the upper god.

"We're here!" Feifei's voice came. The girl in the felt hat pointed at a gray castle in front of her and smiled, "This is Devil Castle!"

Hill Double Pupils swept away, but did not sense the existence of a master god-level powerhouse.

"I heard that the Devil test was carried out under the watchful eyes of the Lord God. Could it be that the Lord of Blood Shadow is in Devil Castle?" Hill asked.

Feifei shook her head and smiled and said, "The great Lord God can't be so busy, but don't worry, the Lord God will place a god clone here."

"God avatar? Isn't the avatar of the main god not the main god?" Hill wondered, he had already checked, and there was no main god-level existence in this Devil castle.

Feifei laughed dumbly: "It is impossible for the main god to have every avatar of the god, and the main god did not stop cultivation after he became the main god. He may study other laws and mysteries, so it is normal to cultivate other gods."

Hill suddenly realized that he himself has eleven avatars. Those main gods have lived for endless years, and it is normal to have multiple avatars.

"Oops, I almost forgot about the god avatar. What if I deal with a certain master, what if I also deal with some powerful god avatars? It seems that I need to carefully investigate the details of these masters." Hill thought to himself.

The two immediately entered Devil Castle.

There are many gods in and out of Devil Castle, some people obviously know Feifei, and they all salute to Feifei.

Hill knew that Feifei, a three-star Devil, was barely considered a high-level man in the Blood Shadow Mansion, and her special talent 'invisibility' was enough to be valued by the Blood Shadow Lord God.

"Feifei, have you come to test again? Are you sure you will become a four-star Devil this time?" A hearty laughter suddenly came.

Hill raised his eyes and saw a tall, burly, red-haired middle-aged man with a thick heavy metal sword striding forward. He exuded a strong Killing intent all over his body, as if he came from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Nylax, you're just one step ahead of me and promoted to a four-star Devil, what's there to be proud of? Even if you become a four-star Devil, it's easy for me to kill you." Feifei looked at the person who came and snorted.

Nilax's face was a little unnatural, but he still smiled reluctantly: "That's right, Feifei, you have the 'invisibility' talent. Once you are invisible, I can't find you. assassinated by you."

"Humph!" Feifei snorted proudly when she saw Nilax's clothes softened.

Nilax turned his attention to Hill next to Feifei, and asked curiously, "Who is this brother?"

"What brother? You are also worthy of calling Hill a brother? Hill is a powerful being who can kill a seven-star Devil, and his strength is at least a nine-star Devil." Feifei glared at Nylax and hummed.

"What! At least a nine-star Devil?" Nylax's pupils shrank, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly bowed to Hill.

In the face of a powerhouse at the level of a nine-star Devil, Nilax certainly wouldn't dare to offend him. After all, a powerhouse at this level would easily kill him. Even in the Blood Shadow Mansion, he would be valued by the Blood Shadow Lord God.

"Let's go, Hill, ignore him, a little guy, I'll take you to the test." Feifei dragged Hill away.

Nilax quickly followed up: "Fifi, I also want to see the peerless style of this adult. We haven't had a nine-star Devil in our Blood Shadow Mansion for a long time, hehe."

At the same time, he also passed the message on to others.

Immediately, the entire Blood Shadow Mansion was disturbed, and more and more high-ranking gods came to Devil Castle, all wanting to see Hill, the new nine-star Devil.

The nine-star Devil level can be regarded as a master in the realm of the gods, second only to those of the upper gods, but the number of high-level gods is too small, so in the realm of the gods, without the presence of the main god, the nine-star Devil Is the peerless powerhouse.


in a wide hall.

Fifi brought Hill in.

"Commander Ron, I have a friend who wants to test the Devil level. His strength is comparable to a nine-star Devil." Feifei said, looking at the tall and thin man in blood-colored armor in the hall.

This grand commander of Ron is also a nine-star Devil of Blood Shadow Mansion. He sits in Devil Castle all the year round and has a high status in Blood Shadow Mansion, second only to the Deputy Mansion Master.

"Oh, it's Feifei. I didn't expect you to meet a friend of the nine-star Devil level. Is that this brother?" Ron's sharp eyes looked through the metal helmet and looked at Hill next to Feifei.

Hill also looked towards Ron, and the eyes of the two collided, causing an invisible wave to erupt in the hall.

Feifei next to her suddenly felt her body sink, caught in two terrifying auras, which made her almost collapse. She hurriedly said: "Commander Ron, we will fight again later, or I will die."

"Haha, I haven't seen the new Nine-Star Devil for a long time. I can't help it. I'm sorry Feifei... let's go, let's go to the main god arena." Ron laughed, and immediately put away the momentum emanating from his body.

At the same time, the surrounding environment changed, and it was transferred from the original hall to a huge arena, surrounded by a sea of ​​people, and many high-ranking gods and even Devil powerhouses were watching the battle.

Hill looked at the commander Ron opposite with some surprise. He didn't expect that the nine-star Devil powerhouse was actually a rare space powerhouse. The space teleportation just now was really powerful.

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