Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10100 And 62 Chapters Gray Robe World Master

"Hey, these 6 floors actually hold more than 10,000 true god-level powerhouses."

Xiao Yun came to the 6th floor, sensing the number of prisoners in it, and was immediately shocked.

More than 10,000 Heavenly Venerates, how many Heavenly Venerates are there in Jiuxiao Continent?

I am afraid that only the prehistoric world has so many quasi-sages.

"If I can conquer these Heavenly Venerate powerhouses, then the prehistoric world will not want to invade our Jiuxiao Continent." Xiao Yun was filled with emotion.

Unfortunately, he couldn't release these prisoners.

Moreover, even if it can be released, it is impossible for the other party to obey his orders.

On the contrary, their spiritual world has been destroyed. Once they are released, they may even occupy the Jiuxiao Continent.

"Go to the 7th floor first!"

Xiao Yun glanced at it, did not disturb the Heavenly Venerate powerhouse on the 6th floor, but went directly to the last floor - the seventh floor.

This is where Immortal and the World Lord are imprisoned.

Xiao Yun has been longing for these two Realms for a long time.

Now that he has the opportunity to come into contact with a powerhouse of this level, and he is still a prisoner, he is naturally looking forward to it.

Because Xiao Yun knew very well that every Immortal and World Lord was a huge treasure.

Their Cultivation Technique heritage alone is priceless.

"However, it's not so easy for them to teach me Cultivation Technique." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Immediately, he entered the 7th floor.

There are not many prisoners on the seventh floor, only four, three of them are Immortal, and the last one is the world master. This is the information Xiao Yun learned when refining the seventh prison.

Of course, this does not mean that there is only so much Immortal and the World Lord in the Great Mind World. Their other World Lords and Immortal have already died in battle.

After all, at the level of Immortal and the World Lord, it is not easy to take prisoners.

Therefore, the powerhouses of the Great Puppet World have only captured three Immortals and one World Lord.

"You are not from the big puppet world!"

"You have fluctuations in 'mind power', you should have cultivated the "Heart Code" of our spiritual world."

"Who are you? How did the Seven Prison Tower fall into your hands?"

"Where's the Emperor of the Seven Prisons?"


When Xiao Yun came to the 7th floor, the prisoners in the four prisons all looked at Xiao Yun, those eyes that were as bright as the sea of ​​stars, almost plunged him into endless darkness.

Especially the realm master, who just glanced at Xiao Yun made Xiao Yun feel a shudder in his soul.

"It's amazing, as expected of Immortal and the world master. If you weren't in prison, I wouldn't even have the qualifications to meet your eyes." Xiao Yun said with emotion.

These powerhouses in the spiritual world cultivate their mental strength, and often a look can make the enemy sink into the illusion world. If there is no Innate treasure body protection, Xiao Yun really does not have the qualifications to look at them now.

"Four seniors, let me introduce myself first, my name is Xiao Yun, I come from the great world of the great wasteland, and there is a long distance between you, the great world of the mind, and the great puppet world. I accidentally killed a cultivator in the realm of the gods. , snatched the Seventh Prison Tower from his hands. As for how the Seventh Prison Tower fell into his hands, I don't know."

Xiao Yun looked at the strong men in the four prisons in front of him and said with a smile.

He continued to pretend to be a person from the Great Wilderness World, so that even if the news leaked in the future, if the Great Puppet World wanted to trouble him, it was also the trouble of the Great Wilderness World. What does it have to do with their Jiuxiao Continent?

"You come from the Great World? Then do you know Yang Mei's ancestor?" Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Xiao Yun turned his head to see that it was from the prison where the world master was being held.

This world master had disheveled hair and was wearing a gray robe. His whole body was filled with a decadent aura. Only one pair of eyes, bright as stars, was staring at Xiao Yun.

"Senior knows Yang Mei's ancestor?" Xiao Yun's face was full of surprise when he heard this, but his heart was already overturned.

Ancestor Yang Mei is an old antique in the prehistoric world. He is of the same generation as Hongjun and Luo Hu. As early as when the prehistoric world first opened, Luo Hu was killed by Ancestor Hongjun and Yang Mei.

This Yang Mei ancestor is also suspected to be Sage, and it is not Heavenly Dao Sage. Some people even say that his strength is not inferior to Hongjun, but after killing Luo Hu, he left the prehistoric world and traveled to the chaotic world.

"It seems that you really come from the great world of the wild... Ancestor Yang Mei, he once came to the great world of our minds."

The gray-robed world master looked at Xiao Yun outside the prison, and his eyes were no longer hostile. With his mental strength Cultivation Base, he could clearly see that Xiao Yun was not deceived, and the other party was probably from the great world.

"Ancestor Yang Mei, that is an existence on the same level as our ancestor Hongjun in the Great Desolate World. It's just that he has been traveling abroad in the Chaos Realm. Does the senior know his whereabouts?" Xiao Yun asked.

He was worried that the ancestor Yang Mei had been out for a long time and suddenly came back, which would be a nightmare for Jiuxiao Continent.

With one more world-lord-level powerhouse, what does Jiuxiao Continent use to compete with the prehistoric world?

"I don't know. Ancestor Yang Mei and I talked about it, and then continued to travel in the Chaos Realm." The gray-robed world master shook his head, then he stared at Xiao Yun and asked: "Do you know the emperor of the Seven Prisons? Is he? He is the owner of the Seven Prison Tower, an emperor in the world of puppets."

Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know, we are too far away from the Great Puppet World, and I don't even know where the Great Puppet World is. According to my speculation, this Seven Prison Tower should have flowed from the turbulent flow of space following the space storm. swept up."

The gray-robed world lord frowned and said: "The Emperor of the Seven Prisons is an 'ancient god' powerhouse in the world of puppets. There are ten puppets of the ancestor gods under his control, and hundreds of puppets of ancient gods. Who can control him? Taking away the Seven Prison Towers in his hands? He couldn't have lost it himself, right?"

"Hey!" Xiao Yun took a deep breath after hearing this, he finally understood the horror of the world of big puppets.

An Immortal powerhouse actually controls ten world masters and hundreds of Immortal-level puppets. How terrifying is the real power of this big puppet world?

"Young friend Xiao Yun, even if you get the Seven Prison Towers, you can't refine them all. Why don't you give it to the Hongjun ancestor in your prehistoric world in exchange for some treasures that are useful to you? Isn't it beautiful!" He suddenly said to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun sneered in his heart after hearing this, and handed the Seven Prison Tower to Hongjun? Is this because they think that Jiuxiao Continent didn't die fast enough?

It is a pity that they do not have a world master in Jiuxiao Continent. Otherwise, if he refines the Seven Prison Towers, he may be able to control the powerhouses of these great spiritual worlds.

"I don't know if my cheap master 'Heavenly Emperor' has been promoted to the world master."

Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Immediately, Xiao Yun looked at the gray-robed world lord in the prison, and said with a smile, "If senior passes me the complete "Chapter of the Heart", then I will hand over the Seven Prison Tower to Patriarch Hongjun."

The gray-robed world lord said lightly: "You handed over the Seven Prison Towers to Ancestor Hongjun, and it won't help me, so why should I pass on the "Book of Heart" to you?"

"Senior don't lie to me, you want to make a deal with the ancestor Hongjun, and want him to let you out, I'm not that stupid, unless you give me the "Heart Code" first, and the strongest in your spiritual world Illusion Art magical power." Xiao Yun stared at the gray-robed world lord, clearly understanding the gray-robed world lord's plan.

The gray-robed world lord narrowed his eyes, looked at Xiao Yun outside the prison, and said solemnly, "If I taught you the "Heart Canon" and the magical powers of Illusion Art, but you didn't hand over the Seven Prison Tower to Elder Hongjun, at that time What should I do?"

"Senior should trust me!" Xiao Yun said with a smile.

The gray-robed world lord sneered: "Boy, don't think too much about it, "The Book of Heart" and those Illusion Art supernatural powers are what I used to make a deal with the ancestor of Hongjun, if I give it to you, you can give it to the old Hongjun. Ancestor, then what qualifications do we have to make a deal with Ancestor Hongjun?"

"It doesn't matter if senior doesn't give it. Anyway, I don't need the Ancient God Ancestor God-level "Heart Code" anymore. The "Heart Code" given to me by the prisoners on the next few floors is enough for my current cultivation." Xiao Yun smiled, no Continuing the nonsense, he left the Seven Prison Building directly.

He was going to dry these old guys first, and deal with these old men.

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