
As a guard, he has a very important power, that is, he can stand outside the prison and attack people in the prison. The inmates in the prison could not attack him outside the prison.

Xiao Yun looked at her and said with a slight smile: "Introduce myself, my name is Xiao Yun, and I come from the great world of the wild. As for the fluctuations in my mental strength, I also cultivated "The Book of Heart" not long ago."

While thinking about it, Xiao Yun had arrived outside a prison on the 5th floor.

It was this power that gave Xiao Yun the qualification to negotiate with the powerful prisoners on the upper floors.

Xiao Yun didn't say more, just pointed out and killed the white-robed old man.

"I really earned it this time. With this move, my confidence in killing the Juggernaut has greatly increased." Xiao Yun's face was full of joy.

Powers like letting go of prisoners are only available to the upper echelons of the big puppet world.

At that time, it will take some time for even some strong-minded people to break free from the illusion, and within this time, Xiao Yun is enough to kill the enemy.

In the great spiritual world, the level of gods and people can condense the spiritual world, but the spiritual world is also divided into levels.

"Even if I want to pass it on, I won't pass it on to you... Since you can get the Seventh Prison Tower, you must have colluded with the Great Puppet World. Otherwise, with your strength, how can you get the Seventh Prison Tower? Even if we let the world of the mind let it go. The "Book of Heart" will be buried forever, and it will not be handed over to the enemy." The green long-haired girl stared at Xiao Yun.

Once a big world is destroyed, there will be no hope for the life of the entire world.

Moreover, Xiao Yun still lacks some powerful Illusion Art. Although he also understands some Illusion Art, he is definitely not comparable to the powerhouses in the world of the mind.

The more powerful the spiritual world, the more real it is.

Xiao Yun thought about it, and immediately went to the 4th floor of the Seventh Prison Building.

Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "You can rest assured, I have no collusion with the Great Puppet World. I also snatched the Seven Prison Towers from someone not long ago, and the other party is not from the Great Puppet World."

The white-robed old man was shocked by Xiao Yun's understanding.

"Impossible!" The green long-haired girl sneered when she heard the words, and she looked at Xiao Yun mockingly: "How important is the Seven Prison Towers? At this level of the ancient gods, who can kill them? Even the ancestral gods can’t do it.”

In the countless folding prisons on the 4th floor, there are many prisoners, all of them are at the level of the Great Emperor, these are not helpful to Xiao Yun, so he directly entered the 5th floor.

This is a prison after all, Xiao Yun can only be regarded as the guard of this prison, and does not have all the powers of this prison.

What's more, the tenth floor of "The Book of Heart" is only comparable to the Cultivation Base of the Great Emperor. For Xiao Yun, a strong man who is infinitely close to the Heavenly Venerate, cultivation is naturally fast.

The spiritual world is an illusory world. In this world, Xiao Yun is the absolute ruler and can control everything.

But he didn't know that when Xiao Yun was cultivating "Xin Dian", he directly entered the state of epiphany, and cultivation was naturally fast.

When the spiritual world is combined with Illusion Art, as long as his mind moves, he can pull the enemy into the illusion world.

After speaking, Xiao Yun went to the 6th floor before waiting for the green long-haired girl to reply.

Xiao Yun shrugged, shook his head and said, "I don't know that."

"You want to lie to me and get the follow-up Cultivation Technique of "The Book of Heart" from me, right? You better stop dreaming, hum!" The green long-haired girl snorted coldly, turned back to Lotus Position, sat down, closed her eyes, and then Also ignore Xiao Yun.

The prisoners held on the 5th floor are Heavenly Emperor level, which is barely the same level as Xiao Yun now.

"Huh? You're not from the big puppet world!" A girl with long green hair was sitting in the Lotus Position in the prison. She tilted her head and looked at Xiao Yun, and she couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

However, the Tenth Floor's "Heart Canon" is not enough.

Of course, this is just their calculation, and no one can verify whether it is true or not.

But the spiritual world of their level can already be confused with the real.

"Fellow daoist, please do it!" The white-robed old man nodded to Xiao Yun, his face flat.

"Fortunately, we have a 'Heavenly Emperor' in Jiuxiao Continent to block Hongjun." Xiao Yun felt fortunate in his heart.

"The suppression of the spiritual world alone can weaken part of the enemy's strength. If you cooperate with Illusion Art, it will be amazing."

Even in the calculations of the powerhouses in the spiritual world, once the spiritual world has evolved into a real big world, it will be able to step into the eternal level.

It's better to look at the powerhouses on the 6th and 7th floors, they will have the full version of "The Book of Heart".

In the prison, the white-robed old man sensed this scene, and immediately widened his eyes, staring at Xiao Yun outside with a look of disbelief.

Xiao Yun opened his eyes at this moment, the invisible world came, and the surrounding environment also changed, one moment became the universe starry sky, and the next moment it became a city full of people.

Unfortunately, even if Xiao Yun refines the Seven Prison Tower, he cannot fully control the Seven Prison Tower.

"Is this the spiritual world?"

Xiao Yun said indifferently: "The Great Mind World has been destroyed by the Great Puppet World, and you have no hope of leaving alive. Do you want to let "The Book of Heart" be buried with you?"

But then he understood that Kailan should have never been to this floor.

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "There are more than 300,000 gods here. Even if you don't say it, someone else will."

Xiao Yun sensed the number of inmates in the 5-story folding prison, and felt a little shocked.

"This is the tenth floor of "The Book of Heart". When he thinks about it, he becomes a world... hey, how can he condense the spiritual world so quickly? Even if his Realm is high, he can't comprehend it so quickly, right?"

Xiao Yun felt the spiritual world that he had condensed, and there was joy in his eyes.

"Hmph, which traitor passed on to you "The Book of Heart"? How dare you pass on the supreme Cultivation Technique of our spiritual world to you, an outsider." The green long-haired girl suddenly became angry when she heard the words, and stared at Xiao sharply. Yun.

Only when Xiao Yun's strength reaches the level of a world master can he truly refine this Seven Prison Tower.

On the third floor of the Seventh Prison Building, an invisible wave suddenly spread out from Xiao Yun, who was sitting at Lotus Position, causing the surrounding void to be distorted.

Therefore, Xiao Yun needs the follow-up Cultivation Technique of "Xin Dian".

At the same time, it also made him feel the cruelty of Chaos World.

"No, no, you actually have mental fluctuations in your body, but I can be sure that you are definitely not from our spiritual world." The green long-haired girl suddenly stood up, walked into the prison guardrail, and stared at Xiao Yun in front of her. , the eyes are extraordinarily shining.

"There are more than 300,000 Heavenly Emperors, tsk tsk, this great spiritual world seems to have been completely wiped out by the great puppet world."

He doesn't pay much attention to these "gods", after all, even if the other party has the follow-up Cultivation Technique of "The Book of Heart", it is not comprehensive.

"Are you really ready to let go?"

Xiao Yun was stunned when he heard the words.

Xiao Yun stood up, looked at the white-robed old man in the prison, and confirmed again. He sighed softly in his heart, this old man was also kind to him, if it wasn't for his lack of ability, he really wanted to let him go.

That's right, Kai Lan's strength is too low. For him, the white-robed old man on the 3rd floor is enough to benefit him, and above the 4th or 5th floor is meaningless to him.

After all, even the most powerful experts in the world of the mind have not reached this level.

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