Continuing to chat with this Feifei for a while, Hill produced a lot of information.

For example, Devil level, it is a level system after the peak of the upper god, and this level system is very strict and accurate.

Because this Devil level depends on your true combat power.

It doesn't look at your Cultivation Base, it just looks at the combat power you show, and then sets the level.

Therefore, in the Realm of the Gods, the Devil's level is the most accurate. A one-star Devil cannot beat a two-star Devil unless the one-star Devil has a chance encounter in a short period of time, and his strength is greatly enhanced.

However, even in the realm of the gods, there are very few people who can get the Devil badge, and most of the upper gods are difficult to obtain.

You need to go to every 'fu' to apply for the assessment, and the object of the test is to defeat a one-star Devil.

But a 1-star Devil is not weak in the first place, and a high-level god who can defeat a one-star Devil is also very strong among a one-star Devil, so the difficulty of the test is naturally very high, and many high-level gods cannot pass the peak.

"The realm of the gods is really huge, much larger than the prehistoric world. Each 'fu' is guarded by a lower-ranking lord god, and there is a 'main city' above the 'fu', which is guarded by the middle-ranking lord god."

"Above the 'main city' there is a 'holy city', guarded by the upper lord god."

Hill sighed in his heart.

The more you know about the Realm of the Gods, the more terrifying the Realm of the Gods becomes.


When Hill and Feifei were communicating, the city lord Kailan, who was far away in the city lord's mansion, took another look at the inn where Hill lived.

"Unfortunately, it's just an early stage of the upper god!"

Kailan glanced at the inn where Hill was, and felt a little disappointed, but then he sighed: "But at least the upper gods can help me much better than some lower gods and middle gods."

While speaking, Kai Lan opened his palm, and a three-dimensional triangular black object was suspended in his palm. This object is very strange. It doesn't emit a breath of air. It can only be seen with the eyes, and cannot be sensed with spiritual sense.

But Kailan knew that this was the biggest opportunity in his life.

"My natural capital is not high, and after untold hardships, I was lucky enough to become a god. Originally, I thought that I could only stay in the Realm of a lower god all my life, but I didn't expect to encounter this thing."

Kailan's eyes flickered with excitement, he stared at the black three-dimensional triangular object in his hand, and his heart was surging: "With this thing, as long as you give me time, I can even become the main god."


Kailan put away the black three-dimensional triangular object in the palm of his hand.

His eyes regained sanity and caution.

"This opportunity is great, but I have to be cautious. First, establish a foothold on the edge of the blood shadow mansion, which is the weakest in the Dark God Realm, and gradually build up Ascension's strength. Don't be too hasty, otherwise, once the main gods notice me, I will definitely die."

Kailan thought.

He cultivated from a mortal to a god step by step, and has experienced countless crises, so he is very cautious and will not be arrogant just because he gets a big opportunity.

"However, this Blood Shadow Mansion can't stay any longer. Although this is a marginal area, but so many people are missing, I am afraid that it will soon attract the attention of the Blood Shadow Mansion."

Kailan frowned, pondering in his heart: "But my apparent strength is only a two-star Devil. Even if the Blood Shadow Palace thinks there is a problem with Kailan City, at most, it will only send some three-star Devils or four-star Devils here."

At that time, grab them in one fell swoop and leave the Blood Shadow Mansion immediately.

Kailan carefully planned his future path.


In the inn, Hill Lotus Position was sitting on the bed, but his spiritual sense shrouded the entire city, ready to wait for the attack from the mastermind behind the scenes.

Feifei, on the other hand, continued to remain 'invisible' and looked at Hill with curiosity in her eyes.

"Who is this guy? Why can he see through my 'invisibility'?"

Feifei was puzzled.

Although her 'stealth' Talent has no offensive or defensive power, it is the pinnacle of stealth. Looking at the entire Blood Shadow Mansion, only the mansion master at the level of the lower god can see through it.

The rest, even the super-powerhouses of the Great Perfection level of the upper gods, can only vaguely sense her existence, but they cannot see her figure.

But this upper god named 'Hill' in front of him could see her completely, which made Feifei feel a little incredible.

"This guy can't be a main god who is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. No, the main god is not so boring." Feifei shook her head.

Hill's spiritual sense sensed that Feifei in front of him shook his head for a while, nodded for a while, and was dumbfounded, making him speechless.

This little girl doesn't seem to have experienced much tempering. It's really strange. How can there be such a person in such a cruel place as the Realm of the Gods?

Oh, by the way, she has 'invisibility', and it is difficult for ordinary people to kill her, but if she can't beat her, she can just 'invisibly' escape.


"what happened?"

Suddenly, Hill felt his soul tremble, and a strong drowsiness swept over like a continuous wave, making him feel very tired and wanted to sleep.

But soon, Hill was shocked, and the teleportation in his mind was swept away.

Immediately, Hill abruptly got up and got out of bed, looking in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Feifei also noticed Hill's strangeness and asked curiously.

Hill looked sharply in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, and said coldly, "The man behind the scenes just now took action. He used a soul attack, and this kind of soul attack is very special. Except for the person who was attacked, other People can't feel the slightest movement at all."

"Soul attack? No wonder, no wonder!" Feifei suddenly realized that among all the attacks, the soul attack was the most mysterious, invisible and invisible.

"Do you know who is attacking you?" Feifei asked hurriedly.

Hill pushed open the door of the inn, and flew towards the city's main mansion.

"It's the City Lord's Mansion—could it be City Lord Kai Lan?" Seeing the direction Hill was heading, Feifei couldn't help but stare, and then hurriedly followed.

And at this moment-

City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord Kai Lan's face changed drastically and he stood up abruptly.

"how come?"

"How can his soul be so powerful?"

"It's too strong. Even the three-star Devil I invaded was not so powerful. How could he have such a powerful soul when he was an early stage god?"

Kai Lan's eyes were a little unbelievable.

However, he didn't panic too much.

Although this invasion failed, he also clearly sensed Hill's Cultivation Base through the soul invasion, which was the early stage of the upper god, and there was nothing hidden.

"He's coming towards me, apparently found."

"However, it's just an early stage of a high-ranking god. He didn't choose to escape, but instead rushed towards me. It's really courting death."

Kailan turned his head to look, his eyes penetrated the layers of walls.

Hill's figure is rushing towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"Don't run away? It seems that he is very confident in him."

"That's right, when his soul invaded me, he must have determined that I was only the Cultivation Base of the early stage of the upper god."

Hill stared at the City Lord's Mansion in front of him and sneered in his heart.

Indeed, he is just an upper god early stage.

Unfortunately, he is not the early stage of the world's upper god.

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