Hearing the words of the girl in the felt hat, Hilton remembered the strangeness he found when he entered the city.

Indeed, this city is very strange.

How could there not be many people in and out of a city so popular?

But after Hill entered the city, he did not notice anything unusual.

He has carefully investigated the people in this city, and there is no sign of being manipulated, everything is normal.

The only abnormality is that, as the girl in the felt hat said, the people in this city have never gone out.

Could it be that the gods of this dark god realm only stay in the city to cultivate and don’t need to go out to seek opportunities? Don't they need all kinds of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures cultivation?

"Who are you? Tell me, your identity." Hill asked coldly, staring at the girl in the felt hat in front of him.

The girl in the felt hat was also tied up with Immortal locks. She knew that if she didn't cooperate, she might be out of luck, so she immediately said, "My name is Feifei, and I'm a commander under the command of General Poison Rose in the Blood Shadow Mansion. ."

Blood Shadow Mansion? Blood Shadow Army? General Poison Rose?

Hill naturally didn't know this information, but instead of revealing it, he asked lightly, "Since you are a commander, why are you the only one here to investigate?"

"Of course I'm worried about scaring the snakes." Feifei looked at Hill in front of him strangely, and explained: "I have a Talent called 'invisibility', and only people who are one Realm taller than me can see through my 'invisibility'. But I am the pinnacle of the upper god, one Realm higher than me, and that is the main god, so I will investigate first."

Feifei looked at Hill in front of her with a strange expression. She could also see the opponent's Cultivation Base, but it was only the early stage of the upper god. Although the strength was very strong, how could a higher god early stage see through her invisibility?

This made her very suspicious.

"Talent supernatural power? You are not human?" Hill looked at Feifei in surprise, he had also heard of Talent supernatural power, but it seemed that only divine beasts had Talent supernatural power.

Feifei rolled her eyes and said, "You are really ignorant. As long as you have the blood of a divine beast, even a human being may have the ability to give birth to Talent."

"Oh..." Hill thought thoughtfully, and dared to feel that one of Feifei's ancestors had fucked a divine beast, f*ck, he really knew how to play, admire, admire.

"Don't think about it, the divine beast will turn into a human after it becomes a god. It is no big deal to combine with humans. This is normal in the realm of the gods." Feifei seemed to feel the maliciousness in Hill's eyes, and suddenly puffed up and glared at him. .

Hill glanced at her lightly and said, "Tell me about the situation in this city. Since you have been investigating for a month, you should know something."

Hearing this, Feifei looked at the Immortal lock on her body.

Hill snorted and put away the Immortal lock. Anyway, he had also tested Feifei's strength, so he couldn't threaten him at all.

"What kind of artifact are you? It's more powerful than the artifact in our general's hands." Feifei looked at the bundle of Immortal locks that Hill put away, her face full of envy.

She could sense that Hill's strength was similar to hers, but this artifact greatly increased Hill's strength.

"It's nothing to do with you, stop talking nonsense, talk quickly!" Hill snorted coldly.

"Cut!" Feifei curled her lips, sat down on the stool next to her, and said, "I've been here for a month, and I've been to all the places in the city, including the City Lord's Mansion. Neither was found."

"So you're here to mess around?" Hill sarcastically.

Feifei glared at him and said, "Don't you understand? It's just because it's so normal here that it doesn't seem normal. You know, before you, three people entered the city, but one day later, I never Can't see them anymore."

"You didn't follow one of them? Like you followed me," Hill asked.

Feifei said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect them to die in the city before, because as long as you do something in the city, there will be more or less divine power fluctuations, and I can sense it instantly. I didn't think of that until I checked all the places in the city. Three outsiders, but when I went to find them again, I couldn't find them. However, I placed a puppet at the city gate, and I can be sure that no one has left the city."

"So, are you going to follow me this time and watch me disappear?" Hill looked up at Feifei.

Feifei blinked, nodded and said, "Yes, I want to see how that black hand in the dark wants to kill you. But don't worry, as long as he makes a move, I'll do it right away, I promise..."

Originally, she wanted to guarantee Hill's safety, but thinking that Hill's strength was stronger than her own, she immediately shut up.

"Interesting!" Hill ignored Feifei, but looked out the window, and the huge divine sense enveloped the entire city again.

But as before, he did not sense any powerful existence in this city, and the whole city revealed a strange harmony.

None of the people in the city were arguing, and everyone was living a small life of their own, but their expressions were normal, and they didn't look like they were being manipulated.

At least, in Hill's spiritual sense investigation, there were no signs of being manipulated in these people's bodies.

But it's so weird.

How can a city not see a person arguing and angry? It's too harmonious.

In the end, Hill probed his spiritual sense to the city lord's mansion.

He had probed it before, and there was a peak powerhouse of a high-ranking god in the city lord's mansion, as well as hundreds of ordinary high-ranking gods.

Hill carefully probed the peak of the upper god. This person should be the city lord of Kailan City. The other party was sitting on the balcony tasting red wine. With his Realm, he naturally couldn't detect Hill's peeping.

But just as Hill continued to observe this person, he found that this person occasionally looked in his direction, with a strange smile in his eyes.


Hill couldn't help frowning.

He can be sure that the other party cannot detect the fluctuation of his own spiritual sense.

However, why did the other party look in his direction many times?

It seems that the other party has already determined that he is here.

"Could it be that he has been eyeing him since I entered the city? Is he the black hand that Feifei said?" Hill pondered.

But the strength of this city lord is not strong, it seems that it is not as good as the Feifei in front of him, and it doesn't look like a man behind the scenes.

"How much do you know about this city lord?" Hill retracted his divine sense and turned his eyes to Feifei on the opposite side.

Feifei was stunned for a moment, and then said indifferently: "You mean Kailan, he is an ordinary peak god, his strength barely reaches the level of a two-star Devil, in the territory of the Blood Shadow Palace, there are not too many city lords like this. , nothing unusual."

"Two-star Devil..." Hill guessed that the so-called Devil level should be the level after the peak of the upper god.

After all, due to the difference in the number of profound meanings of the fusion law, the strength of each peak of the upper gods is also different. The realm of the gods has existed for so many years, and there must be a hierarchy that belongs to the peak of the upper gods.

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