"It turns out that wizards also need to comprehend the laws, but they have to go to the Sanctuary Wizard Realm."

Xiao Yun felt the changes in his five witch hearts, Feng Shui, Huo Lei, and after comprehending a bit of the law, his five witch hearts became closer, and the use of witchcraft was also handy. Realm.

The wizards before Realm, the sanctuary wizard, used the power of the law. They didn't know the principle, and they used it very crudely.

After comprehending the law, the power of every witchcraft has been greatly enhanced.

"This is a reverse push!"

Xiao Yun realized it carefully.

In the Nine Heavens Continent and the Great Desolate World, they first comprehend the laws, and then use the power of the laws.

But here is the reverse, first use the power of the law, and then comprehend the law.

The end points are the same, just the process is different.


Xiao Yun smiled slightly. The different cultivation systems touched him very much, which was very helpful for the deity to walk out of his own path.

You must know that the reason why Heavenly Emperor is great is because he created the cultivation system of the human race of the Nine Heavens Continent.

Xiao Yun speculated that the reason why Heavenly Emperor was able to achieve Immortal was that the cultivation system should be of great help.

Therefore, observing different cultivation systems will also inspire Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun also hopes that one day in the future, he will also be able to open a path for future generations to pursue his own back.

"No matter how strong the powerhouse is, there will be a chance of falling, but the path they open up can be eternal Immortal."

At this moment, Xiao Yun's heart suddenly trembled.

He felt more and more that forging a new way was the right way to preach Immortal, even eternal.

Such as the Taoist ancestor Hongjun of the prehistoric world, the demon ancestor Luohu, and the Heavenly Emperor of Jiuxiao Continent.

All three of them are following their own path, so they have achieved the highest achievement.

On the other hand, Sanqing Sage, Nuwa Niangniang, and the Second Sage of Buddhism, etc., are all walking along the road opened by Hongjun, always in Heavenly Dao Sage Realm, or relying on Hongmeng Purple Qi to become sanctified.

Doesn't Sanqing Sage have Talent? This is impossible, they have deep roots, talent is not weaker than Hongjun at all, and they have no shortage of time for cultivation. Why did they make slow progress after becoming Heavenly Dao Sage? It's because they didn't go their own way.

"Create a cultivation system and let others follow along. In fact, they are also helping you perfect this path."

Xiao Yun pondered in his heart.

Whether a path is right or not depends not on whether your achievements are high or not, but on whether people who follow the same path can be as successful as you.

In the process of others cultivating you and creating a way, some situations can also be fed back to you, so as to help you improve this way.

Moreover, the more people who take this road, in fact, on a certain level, it also contains the power of belief.

For example, Xiao Yun is walking the path created by Heavenly Emperor, he is believing in Heavenly Emperor, after all, if he doesn't believe in Heavenly Emperor, he will not take this path.

Although this power of belief is very small, once more people take this path and their strength becomes stronger, this power of belief will become more and more powerful.

Ultimately, the road will be Immortal.

As long as there are still people walking this road, the person who created this road will not really die, this is the real Immortal.

It's like Luohu, the ancestor of the prehistoric world. He was beheaded by Daozu Hongjun in the early days of the prehistoric era, but he was resurrected later. This is because there are still people walking the Devil Dao road he created. Devil Dao is immortal. Then Immortal.

"This is the real way!"

Once enlightened, Xiao Yun couldn't help laughing.

Soon he opened the gate of heaven and passed these insights to the deity. He just had a little inspiration. If he really wants to create a way, he has to look at the deity.

After doing this, Xiao Yun used Epiphany to comprehend the laws of other departments.

It is very easy for him to have an epiphany just to comprehend a little bit of fur.

It took Xiao Yun only one month to become a sanctuary wizard of the entire system.

And a month later, Xiao Yun directly ignited the divine fire and smelted the witch's heart.

In the scorching fire, the eleven godheads gradually took shape, and absorbed a power that Xiao Yun didn't even know about, becoming indestructible.

At the same time, a source of law descended into the void, covering Xiao Yun's body.

"This is……"

Xiao Yun's mind moved, and he hurriedly teleported away from the castle, because the movement was so loud that he couldn't even cover up the formation he had set up.

The huge source of laws shrouded him, supporting the evolution of the godhead in his body.

At the same time, some information also entered Xiao Yun's mind.

Become a god!

Xiao Yun has successfully been promoted to god, but now he must divide his soul into eleven parts, because he created eleven godheads at the same time, and can achieve eleven godheads.

Unless Xiao Yun voluntarily relinquishes other divine positions, he will have to divide his soul.

Of course Xiao Yun would not give up other divine positions, so he chose to divide his soul without hesitation.

This is Xiao Yun's soul divided into eleven parts again.

The next moment, a figure was separated from Xiao Yun's body, and each body separation took away part of Xiao Yun's body.

In the end, when the eleven figures were all separated, Xiao Yun's body completely disappeared, replaced by eleven identical, brand-new gods.

"I am an avatar, but I have become eleven avatars."

Eleven Xiao Yun looked at each other and then all laughed.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yun opened the gate of heaven and retrieved the upper master godhead of the Death system from the deity. Now he is qualified to refine this godhead.

As for the space system's upper master godhead, Xiao Yun couldn't refine it yet, because he didn't have a space system god avatar, which made him a little regretful.

But this is nothing, after all, he is only a clone, and he will still need to merge with the deity in the future. Eleven is enough. After all, he can't hunt down eleven masters. It will also attract the attention of the supreme gods. With Xiao Yun alone, it is impossible to compete with the entire realm of the gods.

For Xiao Yun, as long as he is able to hunt down a ruler, then his merit is complete.

With the dominant Realm, it's a little easier to create the path of Immortal.

"Huh? Someone is here!"

Eleven Xiao Yun suddenly turned around and looked into the distance.

There were three figures coming together from there, it was the three masters of the temple's destruction, thunder and lightning, and ice.

Not long after they returned from the Land Abandoned by God, from some clues, they discovered that Xiao Yun and his party had escaped to the Wizarding Land, and they rushed back immediately.

As a result, halfway back to the temple, they sensed the huge movement of Xiao Yun becoming a god, so they came to check.

However, they did not expect that someone would become a god. After all, even in the temple, it is very difficult to become a god.

The danger of igniting the divine fire is something that Xiao Yun can ignore. If it is replaced by a wizard in this world, that is a life-and-death situation, and no one dares to try it lightly.

"It's you, Hill!" The Lord of Destruction was stunned when he saw eleven identical people in front of him, but then his pupils shrank, revealing disbelief.

Hill's appearance was naturally preserved in Bauhinia Paradise, so they also recognized it.

"Their breath..." The Ice Lord stared at Eleven Hill in front of him, and fell into a sluggishness.

"God--" The Lord of Thunder and Lightning had already perished as soon as he spoke.

The Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Ice also died in an instant.

Xiao Yun was too lazy to make them into puppets, he waved his hands at will, and the three of them turned into smashes. In his current Realm, he was already Wudi in this world, so there was no need to use some small tricks.

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