Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1119: Step Into The Sanctuary

Katerina also owns a castle in Denuo City near Bauhinia Garden. After all, she was also a student of Bauhinia Garden before, so it is very convenient to buy a house nearby.

Camasso quickly explained Isidore's actions and some speculations in detail.

"It turns out that you can be promoted to the Sanctuary Wizard Realm by understanding the law."

"Isido is also a strong man who surpassed the ninth-level wizard Realm, didn't he also die in the land abandoned by the gods? If Hill is really a reincarnation of the gods, then it can't be treated with common sense. I think they are such a two If the three pass, it is no different from sending them to death, so I should have dispatched a large number of strong people at one time." said the dean of Bauhinia Paradise.

However, they came this time with three people, but there will only be one reincarnated godhead, which is destined to not be enough for the three of them, so they can only give up the temptation in their hearts and choose to report to the temple.

Katerina said shyly, she felt that Xiao Yun at this time was too charming, strong and confident, as if everything was under her control, and her peerless appearance, second only to Ye Dadao, made her completely lost. .

A few days after arriving at the ninth-level wizard Realm, he became a sanctuary wizard, and he was also a Feng Shui five-line sanctuary wizard, because he understood these five laws when he was in the Nine Heavens Continent. The rules are slightly different, but with Xiao Yun's comprehension, it only took a few days for him to realize it.

Xiao Yun nodded, for those mortals, as long as they can curry favor with the wizard, they can pay any price.

For example, the potion to increase lifespan, the potion to bring back the dead, the potion to become a great knight, and even the another world version of "Viagra" that men love most.

It is impossible for a sanctuary wizard to be easily killed in seconds.

This seems to be the third time they have said this recently, and the people who welcomed the first two times have already died.

"However, dear Hill, why did you choose this castle? It is the closest to the Bauhinia Garden, and if the temple powerhouse wants to investigate you, they will definitely come to the Bauhinia Garden, so they will easily be discovered." Katerina asked curiously.

Xiao Yun also put his arms around Katarina's small waist and said with a smile, "It won't be long before you leave the customs, and I won't be afraid of the temple."

"I will always go out, I can't keep Closed Door Training cultivation all the time. That would be too boring. I still want to accompany you." Katerina put her arms around Xiao Yun's neck and hung her whole body on Xiao Yun's body. .

As for Isidor's death... If the other party is really a reincarnation of a god, it is normal to be able to kill Isidor, after all, the means of the gods are mysterious and unpredictable.

"But I have acquaintances here, what if I meet them?" Katerina said.

"Dear Hill, let's go home!"

After hearing this, the three Lords of Destruction looked at each other, and almost instantly understood Isidor's thoughts. No wonder this guy has concealed this matter, and it is no wonder that this guy will go to the Land Abandoned by God alone to arrest that Hill.

A year has passed in the blink of an eye.

What's more, Xiao Yun will set up a formation and cover up his breath, so no one will notice.

All because of the temptation of the Godhead.

This made the dean of Bauhinia Paradise and Camaso feel that this sentence seemed to be a curse, and whoever listened to it would die.

"It's called darkness under the lights!" Xiao Yun smiled slightly, this group of foreigners must not know the truth that the most dangerous place is the safest place, the people in the temple and Bauhinia Garden, don't think of the person they are looking for, just under their noses.

Next, the temple and the top ten academies sent additional staff to look for Hill and Wilson in the Land Abandoned by God and the Wizarding Land, but they could never be found. After all, they were all in Closed Door Training cultivation and did not go out to wander.

If it was them, it is estimated that they would also choose this way.

However, if the other party is really a reincarnation of a god, then their temple will take it very seriously, which can already threaten the safety and status of their temple.

Camasso shook his head and said, "It's none of our business."

"Welcome to the great Lord of Destruction, Lord of Ice, Lord of Thunder and Lightning. Your presence has brought supreme glory to our Bauhinia Paradise."

"So Isidore died in the Land Abandoned by God?" The Lord of Ice looked incredulous.


There is confidence in the words.

Soon, the dog man and woman went back to the house and drove.

Soon the three of them set off.

"Kamaso, don't be polite, just tell us the situation that Isidore came here to investigate." The Lord of Destruction asked, looking very serious.

After saying this, the dean of Bauhinia Paradise and Camaso's expressions became more complicated.

After Xiao Yun and his party landed, they arrived here.

Camaso and the dean of Bauhinia Paradise watched the three temple masters go away.

Camaso was startled, and then whispered: "Don't talk nonsense, those are three powerhouses that surpass the ninth-level wizard Realm, who can kill them?"

The Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Thunder also nodded. Now that the three of them have learned the news, even if they want to hide it, it is unnecessary. One godhead is not enough for the three of them.

"Kamaso, do you think they will die this time?" The dean of Bauhinia Paradise suddenly whispered.

"Don't you want Closed Door Training to attack the fifth-level wizard Realm?" Xiao Yun laughed.

There was a splendid conflict in Xiao Yun's eyes.

Kamaso and the dean of Bauhinia Paradise looked at the three temple powerhouses walking in the distance with complex expressions.

On this day, Xiao Yun once again conquered Qiu Mingshan, celebrating that he was finally promoted to the ninth-level wizard Realm.

The Shia family and Mild are also choosing their own houses. The castle is very large enough for them to live in.

"Anyway, we have to go to the Land Forsaken by God to find out." The Lord of Destruction said solemnly, and he was not worried about the danger. The temple has many Sanctuary wizards in the ruins of the Land Forsaken by God, unless the other party can kill them in seconds, but It's almost impossible.

The gate of Bauhinia Garden.

"God reincarnated!"


After all, many wizards' potions can easily change the lives of mortals.

This surprised them.

The Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Thunder looked at each other with disbelief.

"This matter still needs to be notified to the temple. If the other party only has an artifact, that's all, but if it is really a reincarnation of a god, how did the gods from the outside world come to our world? This must be taken seriously." The ice master said.

Katerina next to him smiled slightly: "As long as you reveal your identity as a wizard, someone in every city will rush to give you a castle."

"Katrina, you have a lot of castles. Does every city have yours?" Xiao Yun looked at the castle in front of him and asked with a smile.

Not to mention that outside world wizards and powerhouses cannot go to the Land Forsaken by God, even if they can go to the Land Forsaken by God, if they want to kill Isidore, they must at least burst out energy above ninth-level wizards. The battle was enough to attract the attention of the temple powerhouses in the ruins, but those powerhouses were not disturbed, and Isidor died so silently.

These magical potions can make mortals flock to them.

The Lord of Destruction, the three of them went to the land abandoned by God and found only one lonely, so they left helplessly.

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