Haixin City.

Xiao Yun found Little Sister Shia, Katerina and others, and lived here temporarily. Anyway, he only needed a place to build spiritual rune and witchcraft models, and there was no need to return to the wizarding continent.


early morning.

The bright sunlight came in through the window and fell on Xiao Yun's face, with a warm feeling.

Slowly opening his eyes, Xiao Yun moved his palms away from BYD's headlights, then put on his robe, opened the window, and looked at a training ground in the castle.

Mild is instructing some apprentice knights.

Although Shia has been canonized as a baron, she still spends most of her time studying at the Royal Knights Academy, so this territory is handed over to Mild, Kwell, and Chris to manage.

Moreover, Milder has now become a peak knight.

Such strength is already top-notch in the Land Abandoned by God. As long as there is no national war, there is basically no need to worry about the safety of life.

However, after Xiao Yun arrived, he safely set up a defensive formation inside the castle.

Although there are no Spirit Stones in this world, Xiao Yun got a lot of Spirit Stones from this deity this time, so it was very easy to set up a simple defensive formation.

Of course, without the support of Spiritual Qi, the Spirit Power in those Spirit Stones will gradually be depleted over time.

However, the Spirit Stones placed by Xiao Yun could last at least a thousand years.

As for a thousand years from now?

At that time, Shia's grandson was dead, so Xiao Yun naturally didn't care.

"Dear Hill, why did you wake up so early?" Suddenly, Xiao Yun felt a pair of BYD headlights hit his back with a pleasant voice.

Katerina put her arms around Xiao Yun's waist and said softly, "Hill, do you feel it?"

"I feel it, it's very big!" Xiao Yun said honestly, he had a headache, and Katerina has been relying on him recently, probably because of the 'flower of loyal ministers'.

"I hate it, I'm not talking about this..." Katerina blushed when she heard the words, bit Xiao Yun's shoulder lightly, and then continued: "During this time, I found that the witchcraft model in my body did not collapse. Signs, it's just incredible."

"What's so strange about this? Why does a good witchcraft model collapse?" Xiao Yun was a little puzzled.

Katerina shook her head and said, "You may not know the situation in the Land Forsaken. Legend has it that the Land Forsaken was cursed by the gods. Whenever a wizard comes to the Land Forsaken, the magic model in his body will collapse, and the stronger it is. If the wizard comes over, the faster it will collapse."

"Because of this, no wizards come to the Land Abandoned by God. Even if someone is sent to recruit new people, it is just to send some apprentices here."

Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, then said, "I don't have this feeling. I feel that the witchcraft model in my body is very stable. How about you? Did you feel this way when you came to the Land Forsaken by God?"

"Yeah!" Katerina nodded and said, "Otherwise, why did I leave in such a hurry? If I stay here for a long time, the witchcraft model will collapse. I was only an apprentice at that time, and if I were to change to a full-fledged wizard, It is estimated that he will immediately leave the Land Forsaken after a month, so there is almost no official wizard in the Land Forsaken."

"But you don't feel that way now? Could it be that your witchcraft model has been improved by me?" Xiao Yun seemed to have guessed something.

Katarina's eyes lit up: "Only a witchcraft model in a perfect state will not be affected by the Land Forsaken?"

"It should be!" Xiao Yun nodded.

"If that's the case, it's safe for us to settle down here, because no enemy will come here to threaten us." Katerina said with a smile, the wizarding world is not peaceful, especially those low-level wizards, once they leave the academy, You will be attacked by the enemy at any time.

But now, as long as they stay in the Land Forsaken, they will be absolutely safe.

With their official sorcerer's strength, it was Wudi's in the Land Forsaken.

"Hehe, maybe, but we'll have to leave here sooner or later. After all, if you want to be promoted to a second-level wizard, you still need two first-level wizard models and one second-level wizard model."

Xiao Yun smiled and didn't care too much. During this time, his Death category has been promoted to the third-level wizard Realm. After a while, who else can threaten him in this mortal world?

"That's true!" Katarina nodded angrily. It's safe to stay in the Land Forsaken by God, but if you want to advance to a higher-level wizard, you really have to go to the Wizarding Land, where there is the cultivation that wizards need. resource.

However, now that she is building a spiritual rune, she is not in a hurry to go to the Wizarding Land.


Xiao Yun suddenly turned his head and looked at the door, then patted Katarina's little hand and said to her, "Kwell is looking for me, you should rest first!"

After that, Xiao Yun pushed open the door and walked out.

Outside the door, Kwell had just walked to the third floor when he saw Xiao Yun approaching, and his eyes suddenly froze.

"Are you looking for me?" Xiao Yun looked at Kwell indifferently. The former heir to the baron had already been shaved, and he had become much more stable and steady, which made him appreciate it a little.

"Pfft!" Kwell gritted his teeth, suddenly knelt on the ground, looked up at Xiao Yun and said, "Lord Hill, I want to become a wizard, and I am willing to pay any price for this."

Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, then looked into Kwell's eyes, feeling a little stunned. He saw the desire for power in Kwell's eyes.

This is also normal. After all, Kwell also experienced the escape from the Kingdom of Kenya at the beginning, witnessed the death of his father in battle, and mixed with Mild in the mercenary world for a while, his desire for power can be imagined And know.

In this chaotic age, there is no power, and that is the bottom of the people.

However, it is a pity that this Kwell has neither knight qualifications nor wizard qualifications, the latter Katerina has already tested Kwell.

Of course, if Xiao Yun gave Kwell the Cultivation Technique of Shia's cultivation, then Kwell could also become a knight, but Xiao Yun didn't want to do that, after all, Kwell was just an outsider.

If it wasn't for Mild's face, Xiao Yun wouldn't care about Kwell's life or death.

"You should know that you don't have the qualifications to be a wizard!" Xiao Yun said lightly, looking at Kwell who was kneeling on the ground in front of him.

Kwell's body trembled, of course he knew that when Katerina found Shia before, with this relationship, he asked Katerina to test his wizard qualifications for him, but he did not have wizard qualifications, which made him He felt hopeless.

But his intuition told him that Xiao Yun could become an official wizard so quickly, even stronger than Katerina, maybe he had a way to help him become a wizard.

Even if it's just a wizard apprenticeship, Kvery wants to have great power.

"Lord Hill, please..." Kwell knelt on the ground and kowtowed, like a humble ant.

Xiao Yun watched Kwell silently, pondered for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "I can help you gain the power of a wizard, but I will also plant a curse on you, you can only be loyal to me, Little Sister Shia. , or you'll be cursed to kill instantly. It's a deal, do you accept it?"

"I accept!" Kwell nodded without hesitation. He was going to be loyal to Xiao Yun. As for allegiance to Shia, it was no big deal. In the past few years, he was very clear about Shia's character. A kind girl, it wouldn't be a bad thing to be loyal to her. If Shia wasn't too kind, he would want to pursue Shia.

"Eat it and you'll gain power comparable to a full-fledged wizard."

At this moment, Xiao Yun's voice sounded again.

At the same time, a bloody eye also fell in front of Kwell.

This is a dark red eye with a strange look, staring at him closely, like a Devil watching him.

This is the source eye that Old Man Wilson gave to Xiao Yun.

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