Xiao Yun looked away from Zao Wou-Ki's portrait and looked towards the sky above Fenghuo City. It was a vortex-shaped space passage. It was precisely because of the existence of this space passage that those terrifying lightning could not invade the city. To ensure the safety of the residents of the city.

On the outside, there are countless lightning bolts, like doomsday.

"Senior, that is the space channel leading to the battlefield between the two realms. Although it blocked the invasion of those terrifying lightning for us, there are always enemies from the prehistoric world that invade through the space channel."

Liu Feifei came over and continued to Xiao Yun: "However, a small space channel like this cannot accommodate the arrival of powerhouses above Heavenly Emperor Realm, at most only some great emperors, and their power after entering has been suppressed. , with the strength of our Fenghuo City enough to resist."

Xiao Yun's expression moved slightly, and he said, "So, those big cities and super cities will have larger space passages, which can allow the powerhouses of Heavenly Emperor Realm and Tianzun Realm to invade?"

"Not bad!" Liu Feifei nodded and said, "The bigger the city, the larger the area that needs to be guarded, so the space passage above is bigger. However, even the space passage of the super city can only accommodate The powerhouses of the quasi-celestial level invade, and after they come to our heaven, their strength will be suppressed, and they are not the opponents of those peak Heavenly Emperor."

"After all, our side is the home court. Their own combat power is not as good as us in the same Realm, and their strength has been suppressed. Actually is not a big problem."

"But..." Liu Feifei's expression suddenly became solemn, and continued: "But there are exceptions, such as the geniuses in the prehistoric world, especially those with powerful Magic Treasures, even if their strength is suppressed, they are very terrifying. So , In the history of the heavens, there have been cases where the city was destroyed several times."

Xiao Yun nodded. The Magic Treasures in the prehistoric world are indeed very powerful. On the side of the heavens, Half step Heavenly Emperor soldiers can be used to reward Zao Wou-Ki, but in the prehistoric world, Heavenly Emperor soldiers are only mainland goods, and they are not worth it at all. One mention.

This is the absolute gap between the world level and the refining level.

The prehistoric world level is better, the refining materials are better, and the refining level there is also higher. After countless years of reproduction, the number of powerful Magic Treasures accumulated is even greater.

On the Jiuxiao Continent side, the strongest weapon Xiao Yun has seen so far is only the Heavenly Venerate.


The city is full of traffic and very lively. Compared with the apocalyptic world outside, it is almost two completely different worlds.

"Senior, I'm here. After I go in and resume my life, I will immediately return to the Martial Sage Hall." Liu Feifei suddenly stopped when she walked in front of a tall building.

Xiao Yun glanced at the stone tablet next to it: Martial Sage Hall is divided into halls.

Is this the airport in the Wind and Fire City?

Xiao Yun looked at a small courtyard behind the tall building. There were five birds parked in it, and some people were queuing up to board the birds.

It's a pity there is no flight attendant, bad review.

Xiao Yun waved at Liu Feifei and said, "Goodbye by fate."

"Senior, are you an ascendant? There are only two ways to live in the city, one is to buy a house, and the other is to live in an inn, otherwise you will be expelled from the city as soon as it gets dark. Wandering outside." Liu Feifei reminded Xiao Yun from behind, since this time, she has determined that Xiao Yun is a newcomer who has just ascended.

Although the ascendants of Heavenly Emperor Realm are a bit unexpected, they are not without them. For example, the wanted criminal Zao Wou-Ki, and the hall master of their Martial Sage Hall, all ascended to the heavenly realm after being promoted to Heavenly Emperor.

"Understood, thank you!" Xiao Yun nodded and continued to walk forward.

After finding an auction house, Xiao Yun exchanged a piece of garbage Heavenly Emperor for 1 million top-grade Spirit Stones, instantly turning from a poor man to a rich man.

Next, Xiao Yun bought two more items. One was a map of the heavens. Although it was not the kind of precise and detailed map unique to the big forces, it also roughly summarized the situation of the heavens. Some cities were distributed on the top. There are even some dangerous places marked.

With this map, Xiao Yun will not get lost in the heaven at least in the future.

As for the second item, it is a communication device unique to the heavens - the Mother-Child conch.

What surprised Xiao Yun was that these Mother-Child conch shells were living creatures, not dead ones, somewhat similar to the snail phone in the world of One Piece.

However, the communication of the Mother-Child conch is very limited. Holding the mother conch can connect with the child conch, and the child conch can also connect with the mother conch, but the child conch cannot communicate with the child conch.

Although it is a little troublesome, this is the only way to guarantee communication in this terrifying lightning world.

Xiao Yun put away these conch shells, and when he saw Zao Wuji and the others later, as long as he threw them a conch shell, they would be able to ensure communication.

However, now who knows where Zao Wou-Ki and the others are?

Although there are a lot of them, the heaven is too big, and the ghost knows where they are now.

Especially Zao Wou-Ki, who is still wanted. This guy is probably either hiding in some small city or hiding outside. It's really pitiful.

"Buy a house to live in first!"

After having enough Spirit Stones, Xiao Yun bought a house very easily, and he was temporarily preparing to live in Fenghuo City.

After all, it is difficult to find Zao Wuji and the others when they go out and run around, so it is better to wait for the news.

As for killing Demon Venerable, Xiao Yun is not in a hurry. He is more cautious. Who knows whether Demon Venerable has been secretly promoted to the level of Heavenly Venerate after all these years.

The most important thing is that in the Demon City, the old lair of Demon Venerable, who knows how many powerhouses are hidden, maybe this guy even colluded with the powerhouses in the prehistoric world and went there rashly, that was courting death, Xiao Yun is not that stupid.

Just wait in Fenghuo City with peace of mind. With Zao Wou-Ki's strength and personality, he will never remain unknown, and when this guy comes to Heaven, he will be promoted to the peak Heavenly Emperor, and it is estimated that he will be stuck there for the moment Closed Door Training cultivation, once he is promoted to the peak Heavenly Emperor and his strength has skyrocketed, it is estimated that he will come out to conquer the world, this guy will not keep a low profile.

As for the safety of Di Tian, ​​Lei Zu and the others, Xiao Yun is not worried, after all, they are the powerhouses of Heavenly Emperor Realm, and they are enough to protect themselves in the heavenly world.

Xiao Yun is now looking forward to that clone in the wizarding world, which is the fastest way for him to advance to the level of Heavenly Venerate.


Kingdom of Kenya.

After Xiao Yun received the Interspatial Ring passed by the deity, he was overjoyed and quickly took out a peach to eat.

This is the lowest level of peach, and it can be eaten by mortals, but it can only increase lifespan and improve physical fitness.

After eating this peach, Xiao Yun could clearly feel that his own physique was getting stronger, and the life essence that was originally consumed by stimulating the seeds of life was also replenished, and it was still skyrocketing.

The skin of Xiao Yun's whole body has become crystal clear, snow-white and delicate, and with his handsome appearance, he is like a living women's clothing boss.

"He's handsome again, sigh!" Xiao Yun sighed, and immediately sensed the surge in his lifespan. He felt that it would not be a problem for him to live for at least a hundred thousand years now. This peach is really awesome.

In addition, the Spirit Power in the peach was also refined by Xiao Yun, cultivation "Chaos Immortal Body", Ascension body.

So, soon after, Xiao Yun's Mental Energy also showed explosive growth.

"The next step is to build a spiritual rune and a witchcraft model. With my current Mental Energy, I should be able to reach the ninth-level wizard Realm within ten years, and then to condense the godhead."

"However, I have to collect witchcraft models from other departments."

Xiao Yun felt his huge Mental Energy, his confidence multiplied, his body vacated, and he left the Kingdom of Kenya.

He felt that after a few more years, he would be able to sweep this mortal world, and it would not be easy to collect witchcraft models by then.

And now, he needs to find his own BYD. After a month of separation, his BYD also needs to be maintained, otherwise the performance of the car will decline.

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